女兒會開車了(旁邊要有人,過完生日就可以正式拿駕照了),給別人上課了,銀行有自己賬戶了,買東西用自己的錢也知道要挑sale 仔細算了,是不是也該把她當大人了呢?
她試著調製的 mixed drink準備在她的生日party也serve : mixed lemon juice with ice soda,我們在外麵大人喝的加了一點 vodka ,她喝的裏麵沒有酒。這是我們原來的照片,回頭補上她的。
Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana
她平時在 Olive Garden 點這個,挺喜歡,就是嫌它稍辣一點,這次買的是微辣的sausage。網上找的方子。
3/4 lb Italian sausage (喜歡 mild sausage),2 large russet baking potatoes, sliced in half, 1 large onion, chopped,2 garlic cloves, minced,2 cups kale ,2 (8 ounce) cans chicken broth,水加滿到中大鍋3/5地方,她說多做一點,可以給左邊替我們旅遊時幫忙看她烏龜的鄰居和右邊她的American grandpa,grandma(女兒小時候經常呆在他們家,非常寵愛她,女兒說她要找時間和他們再多見見麵,他們都快90了), 3/4 cupheavy whipping cream ,我讓她減了一點。
- Chop or slice uncooked sausage into small pieces.
- Brown sausage in your soup pot.
- Add chicken broth and water to pot and stir.
- Place onions, potatoes, and garlic in the pot.
- Cook on medium heat until potatoes are done.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- Simmer for another 10 minutes.
- Turn to low heat.
- Add kale and cream.
- Heat through and serve.
我說可以了,她非要再加一個不是意大利的藍莓pie, 說是明天當早飯,現在藍莓sale, $9.99 5 磅,就隨她去玩吧。她買的現成凍皮,用的這個Pillsbury網上配方。她放多了藍莓,樣子有點不上台麵,不過味道很好,很酥,裏麵的甜度也正好,檸檬和藍莓的味道也搭,不誇張地說這是我吃過的最好吃的藍莓pie,比外麵買的好,不知是因為藍莓新鮮還是方子好,我晚上就吃了好幾塊,害人啊。:)
用料: 1box Pillsbury™ refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box ,
5 cups fresh blueberries or 5 cups Cascadian Farm™ organic frozen blueberries, thawed,1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar
,2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca
,1 tablespoon lemon juice ,1 tablespoon milk
Heat oven to 400°F. Make pie crusts as directed on box for Two-Crust Pie using 9-inch glass pie plate.
In large bowl, mix blueberries, 1/2 cup of the sugar, the tapioca and lemon juice. Spoon into crust-lined pan. Top with second crust; seal edge and flute. Cut slits in several places in top crust. Brush top crust with milk; sprinkle with remaining 1 tablespoon sugar.
Place foil or cookie sheet on oven rack below middle rack to catch any spills. Place pie on middle oven rack. Bake 40 to 45 minutes or until crust is golden brown and filling is bubbly. After 30 minutes of baking, cover crust edge with foil to prevent excessive browning, if necessary. Cool at least 2 hours before serving. Serve warm or cold.
她說下次再做在Vegas 那裏吃的點心,我說好,我們一起弄。
