樂和園 Le He Yuan


我也來貢獻一把: 找到了一個更好的錄音軟件.

(2008-12-10 18:30:14) 下一個

再讀新概念英語第二冊: Lesson 8 The best and the worst
Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.
Nearly everybody enters for "the nicest garden competition" each year.
Joe wins every time.
Bill Firth’s garden is larger than Joe's. Bill is working harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables.
But Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.
I like gardens too. But I do not like hard work.
Every year I enter for the garden competition too and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town.

我讀的新概念英語第二冊前幾課, 用的是AUDACITY, 能用, 就是對錄音效果不滿易, 正琢磨周末去買個好的MICROPHONE.

今天在網上找錄音軟件, 看到FREE HI-Q RECORDER (SOUND RECORDER), 下載, 試了試, 簡易, 方便, 效果更好(對我而言). 有興趣的可以試試.

這不, 用這個錄音軟件又錄了遍新概念英語第二冊: Lesson 8, 聽聽是不是比昨天讀的好!!??

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