樂和園 Le He Yuan


\'牛\'片圖解 (圖)

(2008-06-20 12:44:05) 下一個
Beef Names

今天老公發過來這張 ”牛”片, 意義深遠.

我是應當好好學習 , 雖然牛身上的肉統稱為牛肉, 但每部分都有不同的名稱, 和不同的食用功效.

這些年在國外 , 逐漸喜歡吃牛肉, 尤其是要在老公和兒子的熏陶下. 他二位可是食肉為生, 尤其是對牛肉情有獨鍾!

老公自稱是做牛排和 ROAST BEEF 專家. 每次看他買牛肉時,總是有點心疼,二十多塊一磅的牛肉啊!我常說,咱買便宜點的不行啊?哪那行!一碼是一碼,這比坐在餐館裏吃牛肉要便宜多了!多享受啊!他總是這樣講.這不,”牛”片發過來了,還有啥說的,開始學習吧.

Beef Rib Cuts
Meat from the rib section tends to be tender and well marbled with the fat that makes steaks and roasts juicy and flavorful. Rib steaks and roasts are sometimes called "prime rib" even when the meat isn't good enough to be graded "prime" by the USDA. It's best not to marinate rib cuts.

肋骨部分牛肉很嫩 , 有大理石花紋般瘦肉與肥肉相間的油脂 , 易於做牛排 , 油脂易於烘烤出水多和美味的上等牛排。 既使當牛肉不是足夠好而被 USDA 分級的“初期”,肋骨燒烤的牛排稱為“牛排”。 這種牛肉最好不用鹵汁浸泡。

Beef Round Cuts

The round is a kind term for the rear end of the carcass. Those muscles are well exercised, so round cuts tends to be a bit tougher and leaner than cuts from the loin. Round cuts do well if they're cooked with moist heat, and many of them can also be roasted, as long as they're not overcooked.

這部分被稱為牛屁股墩肉. 這部位因牛活動多, 所以肉比較粗糙, 不象牛腰部位肉那麽嫩. 如果溫度和濕度掌握分寸合適, 味道會很好. 這部分可以用來做烤肉, 但烘烤時間不能太長.

Beef Loin Cuts

The loin yields the most tender and expensive cuts of beef--but not the most flavorful. The choicest portion is the tenderloin, which is exquisitely tender and lean. The top loin and sirloin aren't as tender, but they're a bit more flavorful. Cuts from the loin require very little work to taste great. Indeed, steak lovers consider it almost a sacrilege to marinate them, or to cook them beyond medium rare.

這部分牛肉最嫩, 也最貴, 但味道並不是最好. 這部分最上乘的部位是tenderloin, 相當嫩,也相當細. 另外兩部分牛肉top loin 和 sirloin 並不是最嫩, 味道卻是最鮮美. 所有來自LOIN 部位的牛肉, 都很容易COOK, 喜愛牛排的人, 可以采用鹵汁浸泡的方法, 或者燒製牛排的程度選為RARE DONE, MEDIUM DONE.

Breast & Flank Cuts (part of Brisket, Plate, Flank)

The breast and flank yield an assortment of cuts, including the flank steak, skirt steak, hanger steak, brisket, and short ribs.

肚皮肉產生了幾種分類, 包括FLANK, BRISKET, SKIRT牛肉.

beef shank

This isn't a tender cut, but it's rich in flavor and great for making soups. Substitutes: veal shank OR stew beef (for beef bourguignonne) OR short ribs

牛毽子肉比較老, 但味道豐厚, 最適應做各種牛肉湯. 做燉子肉和鹵子肉都很不錯.

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