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(2009-09-17 22:35:02) 下一個

Sultan Kösen - 8'1" (246 cm)

The 2010 edition of Guinness Book of World Records lists Sultan Kosenas the tallest living man as well as having the largest hands (10.8inches) (27.5 centimeters) and largest feet (14.4 inches) (36.5centimeters).

According to Guinness, he is the tallest living human reaching anaverage height of 8'1" (2,46.5 m) when measured by GWR in Ankara,Turkey, in February 2009. He takes over the title from China's BaoXishun, who stands 'just' 2.36 metres (seven feet 8.95 inches).

Kosen was unable to complete his schooling because of his extremeheight, but works occasionally as a farmer to support his family. Kosenhas three brothers and a sister, who are all normal-sized, but his rateof growth surged from the age of 10 because of a tumour which causedtoo much growth hormone to be released from his pituitary gland. Thetumour was successfully removed in surgery and he finally stoppedgrowing last year (2008). He uses walking sticks and tires quickly ifhe is standing. Another pretender to the tallest title, UkrainianLeonid Stadnyk, who claims to be 10.5 centimetres taller than Kosen,fails to qualify for the record because he refused to be measured byGuinness World Records officials. Guinness editor-in-chief CraigGlenday travelled to Turkey to personally validate Kosen's height understrict guidelines, measuring him three times in one day because bodiesexpand and shrink throughout the day.

Image added 26-08-2009

Imageadded 26-08-2009: Sultan Kosen has been confirmed at 8'1". To me itjust seems that they used the shortest barber they could find to makeSultan look 8'1", but maybe he is the real deal.

Image added 26-08-2009

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Image added 16-09-2009.
The New Tallest Man In The World Visits London For The First TimeLONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 16: The worlds new tallest man Sultan Kosen26, of Turkey poses with his brother Hasan Kosen in front of TowerBridge to celebrate the launch of the 2010 Guinness Book of Records, onSeptember 16, 2009 in London, England. Sultan Kosen stands at 8ft 1inand also holds the record for the largest hands and largest feet at27.5cm and 36.5cm respectively.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

Image added 16-09-2009.

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Image added 17-09-2009.

Image added 17-09-2009.

Image added 17-09-2009.

Image added 17-09-2009.

Image added 17-09-2009.

Video added 17-09-2009.

World's tallest man over 8ft high

World's tallest man visits London

The world's tallest man - whoalso has the largest hands and feet - has been named by Guinness WorldRecords for the launch of its 2010 book.

At 8ft 1in (2.47m), Sultan Kosen, from Turkey, is about 4in (10cm) taller than previous title-holder Bao Xishun.

The 27-year-old's hands measure 10.8in (27.5cm) and his feet 14.3in (36.5cm).

MrKosen, whose height is due to the medical condition pituitarygigantism, said he hoped his new-found fame would bring him love forthe first time.

"The first thing I want to do is have a car that I can fit in, but more than that I want to get married," he said.

"Upuntil now it's been really difficult to find a girlfriend. I've neverhad one, they were usually scared of me. I'm hoping now I will findone."

He went on: "Hopefully now that I'm famous I'll be able to meet lots of girls. I'd like to get married."

I can't go shopping like normal people, I have to have things made specially and sometimes they aren't always as fashionable
Sultan Kosen

One of the difficulties of being so tall is getting clothes whichfit and Mr Kosen wore a specially-made suit to meet journalists, whichwas one of the first outfits he has owned that is the right size.

He also had to have a three-metre-long bed made.

MrKosen said: "The most difficult things are, for example, that I can'tfit into a normal car. When I get into a car, it's a really tight fit.

"I can't go shopping like normal people, I have to have things made specially and sometimes they aren't always as fashionable.

"The other thing is that ceilings are low and I have to bend down through doorways."

Comparison of tallest men

But his height does have its upsides.

He said: "The goodthing about being so tall is that I can see people from a longdistance. The other thing is at home they use my height to change thelight bulbs and hang the curtains, things like that."

Mr Kosen is the first person in more than a decade to be more than 8ft in height, a spokesman for Guinness World Records said.

He grew normally until he was 10, but then a tumour caused him to develop a medical condition called pituitary gigantism.

The tumour was removed last year and his growth stopped.

His visit to the UK is the first time he has travelled outside Turkey, and he will go on to visit the US and Germany.

Earlierthis year, Zhao Liang from China thought he might be a contender forthe world record after he was treated for an injury in hospital.

Staff there measured the former basketball player at 2.46m (just under 8ft 1in) in height.

UkrainianLeonid Stadnyk was briefly awarded the title in 2007, but it wasreturned to Bao Xishun when Mr Stadnyk declined to be measured undernew guidelines, which required him to be independently measured byGuinness World Records adjudicators.

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