
this blog is meant for my little precious

19m 2w

(2008-05-23 23:09:40) 下一個
cc is doing very well lately. she is happy and playful everyday.

her nap time have been pushed to after lunch and her night time sleep is very good, not waking up in the middle of the night.

no teether or any illness, but she has bruises on her legs, from climbing, i guess.

she is eating lesser nowadays, and her bowel movement is getting lesser as well, but luckily no constipation.

she still show no further signs of potty training readiness. she doesn't mind about dirty diaper and never complained about a leak diaper which wet her clothing. but she has been really nice during diaper changing time. she actually lie down on the bed voluntary for diaper change, i am amased to this change of her.

she likes to copy the action of older kids in the playgroud, even though some of them are dangerous. it seems peer pressure is very powerful to her.

however, she is also very independence and could enjoy playing without me at her side. i always think that is normal until other moms told me how brave and independent cc is. but she still could not understand the concept of "bully" when she is being bullied. a girl pulled her hair and cc was not even making a sound to it, not to mention about protest or fight back.

she has been very polite and never start a fight or anything like that. if she is interested to a toy and after the failure of the first attempt to get the toy from someone, she simply moves on and targets on another toy. i never sees her cries or fusses for a toy from someone's hand. but today, with my help, she requested a toy from the librarian by saying "please". all of us are very pleased with her, i am sure she is too.

she has been seeing a girl (6m older than her) and enjoy her company. she enjoys hands holding while walking down the street with that girl.

she starts to pick her own clothing, she would tell me she doesn't want to wear certain clothing when i am about to get it out of the drawer. she shows preferance to certain clothing, esp those with big embroidery or picture of flowers or fruits.
she learns english much faster then chinese. i am sure she understand both of the languages but she only says english after i taught her the english words. i am in the process of teaching her colours in chinese, she picks them up very fast too.

she is talking none stop, always address herself as "baobao", i should start teaching her the words like "i, me, you, her, we, etc". she is making short sentences or sentences in halves.

she enjoys singing "hokie bokie", although she only sings "oh...." with her body moving, legs stomping, or sometimes body turning around (even with a hand high up, like doing ballet).

she starts to grasp the idea of "happy" but i still need to make sure whether she really knows about it. she is also very alert whenever she hears anyone crying, i always relates crying to sadness, but she still show not sign of understanding the concept.

she starts hitting me and her daddy again when she is anger, she knows that action is not good. she agrees to stroke us afterwards but it seems that is how she releases her frustration. i need to find book about this issue for her to read.
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