
this blog is meant for my little precious

18m update

(2008-04-07 20:56:43) 下一個
time really flies. my little precious is 18m today.she has been sick for the past few days. stomach flu. poor her and poor us because we got the virus from her.

many teeth now. will count them later on.

sleeping and eating has been badly affected. although she knows there is no milk from mama, she still insist to suck on both the nipples before taking the cow milk.

learning has been affected too. but she did learn something lately.

talking: - B is her favourite. she likes and could say words starts with B, eg, book, blue, black, ball and bug (although she wants to say pink). she is trying to say brown.

- she could say 月亮 pretty good now.

- piss (please). she knows this is the magic word to say when she wants mama or baba to do her a favour. but she could not pronounce it right (yet).

- sit down. after so many days of saying "up", she finally says "sit down" when she does sit down.

- duck. she used to like to say "鴨子" but now she prefer to say it in english and she really means it. however, when i point to the word "quack", she still says "duck".

- no, no. the words are actually from a book. she suprisingly says the words when i read to that page.

- i am trying to introduce the idea of different emotions to her, hoping she knows how to express them when she feels so.

although she doesn't know she should "smile" when she is happy and she should get her hands crossed with angry face when she is "angry", but she does know how to "smile" and "angry" when i ask her to show me.

likes to have her hair tied up
- she hates to have her combed but she likes to have them tied up. she could ask me to remove the hair band on her head then replace with other colours of hair bands. after 3 seconds, she could come and ask to change to other colour of hair bands. this hair bands changing game could go on for tens of minutes.

likes to say a rule then happily breaks it
- she knows very well she is not supposed to suck her fingers. she gladly says "不要" then merrily places her thumb into her mouth.

still have no idea about "臭臭" and "香香". i enjoy the following conversation very much and always repeat them.
誰的口水“臭臭”?  她就說:寶寶!!
誰的口水“香香”?  她就說:媽媽!! 
誰的沒沒(屁)“臭臭”? 當然她也是說:寶寶!!
誰的沒沒“香香”?  幸好還是:媽媽!! 

very proud of herself
- me and the daddy always praise her for doing something right. now she praises her constantly instead of waiting for others to do so. she claps her hands and praises herself (with baby language) after
she helps to put her dirty diaper into trash can, and,
she helps to put her dirty clothing into laundry basket, and,
she puts her books back to the box.

super active in the park
- i used to encourage her to be more active and she is very active now. she could climb up the slide and slide down (now she prefers on her tummy again) for many times, showing no signs of tired or pain (now she has bruised knees and shins).
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