
this blog is meant for my little precious

17m 2w update

(2008-03-21 21:39:00) 下一個
molar teething is torturing her and me. she could cry half an hour before sleep because of the pain. brought her to the PD because she has running nose, and thick mucus. i thought she is having  cold but PD said that is teething cold. PD doesn't agree about offering tylenol for teething pain unless cc is not taking any food for whole day and need a dosage of pain reliever for dinner, or cry out loud in the middle of the night. but me and lg do have sore throat. i think cc has teething and a minor cold at the same time.
she could slide down very well now, and she enjoys it very much. but she sometimes forget to hold on the bar and seems so dangerous.
terrible two symptons disappeared and she is a sweet angel again.
love the book "goodnight moon" and i greet other things goodnight after finishing that book. she seems very surprised for that idea.
says "truck" and knows what is it refering to.
likes to point to certain object in the house (eg shampoo and shirt) and says whose is it belongs to.
likes to find big words in the megazine, and make me read out the alphabets for her.
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