
this blog is meant for my little precious

14m update

(2007-12-06 23:53:15) 下一個
been doing fairly well for the past 2 weeks. the ulcer was gone by itself, didn't cause any problem.
eat: started to give her fresh orange and she loves it. could eat 1/4 or 1/3 per meal. stew oxtail with tomato, onion and carrots, she loves it too.
sleep: badly affected by her newly mastered walking skill. couldn't stop herself to walk around the apartment and refuse to settle down to sleep.
recognised things like: refrigerator, 眼睛, star, moon, orange, 餃子, 肩膀, 泡泡, 蓋子, 輪子, desitin, avacado, umbrella,
could build tower with two yogurt bottles. finally know how to build a ball using two stacking bowls but still doesn't know how to seperate them.
walk very well, even stand up by her own without holding to anything.
bends legs and moves body upward to "jump".
understand hot and cold.
show sign that she understands what is 拉臭臭
sign language: point to the side of her food tray to sign she is done with the meal and want it to be removed so that she could leave. open and close her palm to sign for "twinkle twinkle little star",
loves: to study safety belt, shadow game, put things back to original place, open and close the diaper velco, wipe clean using paper towel or wipes.
hates: mommy surf net and ignore her.
try to teach her: the concept of colours, big and small, how to do shadow by herself.
bad habit: grab my nose, pull my ears and hair to wake me from my sleep.
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