i buy toys for cc even before she was borned. among the first few toys i bought, this Fisher-Price Soother Flutterby Dreams does attract her attention but fails to help her to sleep. this toy is still attached to her crib, cc still play with it when she wakes up in the morning.
this Mirror is a very good toy, cc plays with it everyday for the past 12m and even until today. there are toys attached to the mirror which are very good teether. there is a picture frame at the side of the mirror but cc uses it as a storage bag. highly recommend this toy to all young baby.
this Brilliant Basics Baby's First Blocks also last for many months. cc uses it as teether in the beginning. i use this set to teach her shapes. she could recognises some of them and trying to put them into bucket thru sorter.
Baby Eistein Link Set has been able to attract cc's attention from day 1. she first use it to practice using her fingers, then shaking, tasting and biting. i have to put them aside after i found out biting marks on them.

Roll-a-Rounds Swirlin' Surprise Gumballs was not very popular at first but after cc understands the concept of it, she finds it very entertaining. the balls come with the toy are also her favourite toy.
this Boon Bath Goods set is very durable, cc likes to bite them but they are still ok. the most important thing is they do not absorb water, hence, reducing mold and mildew. cc loves to play with the balls and she likes to stick the appliques to the bath tub wall.

Tubby Tug Boat comes with many toys and they could keep her occupy during bath time. the only problem is she likes to put one end of the fishing pole into her mouth while she moves around, and that could be very dangerous. i have to put it aside but while under supervision, she likes to use it to get the fish (her daddy always show her the way to do it). of course she always fail, she then use free hand to hook the fish to the pole. with this bath toy set, she learns how to nest cups, and she could recognise most of them.
Stack & Roll Cups is very useful when i want to teach cc how to stach and nest cups. the best part is two cups could make a ball. i always put small object into the ball and shake/roll the ball to make noise. cc always peek thru the hole to find out what is inside the ball and keep on demanding me to open/close the ball. with this toy set, cc learns how to roll balls.
i subsribe cc to a program by Scholastic. with this program, cc receives cloth book every month. among her cloth books, cc loves this Discovery Farm. cc recognises all the animals in the book and some of the animal could be detached and attached back to the book which double the fun of reading.
these colourful cars attract cc's attention instantly. she knows how to push the car forward but still could not figure how to pull back for zooming. she let me do the pull back zooming while she goes to catch the cars.
Parents Magazine Bee Bop Band Play & Learn Drum & Instruments are colourful toys but cc only likes some of them. but i am sure she will enjoy more when she gets older.
Parents Busy Zoo is a very entertaining and colourful toy. cc likes it very much. with this toy cc learns some names of the animals.
cc hated LeapFrog Learn & Groove Musical Table for the first few months because she could not remove any of the musical instruments and put them into her mouth. now she likes to play with it to make music and watch me clap and dance. she also purposely press the piano keys and make the toy says the name of the colours and hear me repeat them. cc likes to push it and walk around the house. overall, this is a good toy but not suitable for young baby who couldn't stand well.

i also get cc a set of Wooden Farm Puzzle. she could not put them back to the original place but she likes to pick them up and send them to her mouth. i bought them from Target store and i could not find the picture from the internet. the picture below is from another brand and just for illustration.
i buy toys from internet (Amazon, Target and Toysrus) and Target store. Amazon sometimes offer free shipping but some of the toys are unbelievably expensive. Target.com and Toyrus are cheap but shipping fees always make me think twice. Target store is best for toys.
try not to buy toys that is too sophisticated. if the toy does most of the thing, baby will have less chance to learn.
it's not practical to expect any toy to keep baby/kid busy for long time. parents should always involve in playing. that not only makes it more fun but also helps baby/kid to learn faster.
when baby could cruise around, household objects will be even more attractive than toys. allow baby to play with those household objects safely could reduce a lot of crying and safe money.
when buying toy set, try to offer one toy a time. i normally hide them and offer a new toy during diaper changing time. that could keep cc quiet and still during the whole diaper change process.
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