
this blog is meant for my little precious

(ZT) Teaching Your Child to Listen

(2007-11-11 09:13:16) 下一個

Teaching Your Child to Listen

1.Get your child’s attention.

• Get close. Make eye contact.

• Children are more likely to listen when you are close by.

2. Tell your child what to DO

(instead of what NOT to do).

• Change “don’t” to “do.”

• Say: “Please walk instead of running.” 

Instead of: "Don’t run.”

3. Be clear and specific.

• Say: “Put your toys in this basket.” 

Instead of: “Be good and clean up.”

• Say: “Put on your jacket and bring your backpack.”

Instead of: “Get ready to go.”

4.Use fewer words.

• Kids tune out when adults ramble on.

• Keep it simple!

“Wash hands before dinner.”

“Homework first, then TV.”

5.Don’t back yourself into a corner.

• Try “when” instead of “if.” 

• Say: “When you finish your lunch, you can go outside.”

• Instead of: “If you don’t finish your lunch, you can’t go outside.”

6.Use a normal tone of voice.

• The louder you get, the less effective you are.

• When adults yell, children know you’re out of control.

They stop listening.

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