12m 2w update
(2007-10-21 20:58:27)
terrible for these two weeks. rejects food she used to eat. rejects soy milk. takes only sweet corn and cereals.
sleeps longer hour but wake up few times.
recognised things like: whale, yellow fish, scrubber, sponge, yogurt, teddy bear, rectangle, lotion, diaper, 杯,毛巾,浴廉,門鎖,水侯頭,罐子,牆壁.
able to follow simple instructions like: shake hands, sayang (this is a malay word means love. when i ask her to sayang mama, she will use her palm gently touches and rub my chest, 把手舉高高 (lift up her hands when i dress her).
sign language: put her hands ontop of her head to signal pain (because she always knock her head)
enjoys: hide and seek things to entertain me and herself. gently knocking her head to the wall.
progress: better schedule for her poo poo. able to hold herself from thumb sucking during day time (but i have to remind her all the time).
still cannot: walk independently, talk, sleep on her own.