
this blog is meant for my little precious

12m update

(2007-10-09 21:48:54) 下一個

baby learned a lot during this 12th month.


still taking breastmilk but clearly much lesser. sometimes when i offer my breast, she only takes a glance and ignore me, showing no interest at all. my milk supply has dropped sharply. it doesn't take too long for her to wean herself.

haven't offered food could cause allergy like egg white and seafood. start to take fruit better.


much better, from 8pm to 5am, take some milk, sometimes sleep back, sometimes don't. another nap before lunch.


recognise things like- 鴨子,襪子,label, baby pluto, zebra, pokemon, balloon, captain, octopus, cheese, metal plate, circle, 小狗,小牛,樹膠圈,頭發,耳朵,肚臍眼,手,腳,鴿子,樹葉,月亮,綿羊,馬,豬尾巴,小雞,球,車,蛋黃,燈,衣架子。

able to follow simple instructions like-拍拍手,high five, 跳跳跳,搖屁股 (with me holding her hands and shake her body), 打屁股,byebye,hi (wave hand), remove diaper (when i place her in the bath tub), 吃飽飽(pat her stomach or front),把手舉高高(raise her hands high up) or 把captain舉高高 (raise captain high up), 寶寶幾歲?(show her index finger high up)

few simple skills- walk few steps (sometimes with my requests, sometimes she does it voluntarily), empty her closet, play stacking cups (but doesn't seems to enjoy it when i am not playing with her), roll ball back to me, try to build block (but very clumsy and always fail), hand out unwanted food to my palm or cup and not throwing onto the floor. having better control over her fingers and able to put blocks into the sorting box (but couldn't differentiate the shapes).

things she finds funny and enjoys - when i read to her, when i say chinese kid's poem, when i sing silly songs, pretend she will give me things but always turn away and laugh, laugh and sceam and crawl away when i pretend to tickle and chase her, empty cups and wet tray so that she could play with the water, play hide and seek (her toys or books), peek-a-boo (hand out a piece of cloth and indicate i show cover my or her face with it)

things she hates-mommy disappears, strangers to touch her, mommy refuses to read for her 

still fail to recognise her eyes, nose and mouth. still cannot talk (although sometimes mimic me), still have no routine for poopoo.

bad habit- still put anything and everything into her mouth, still need to rock her to sleep, thumb sucking.

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