

this blog is meant for my little precious

update for 11m

(2007-09-07 00:47:18) 下一個

very soon, my little precious will be 11m, time really fly.

she getting more and more naughty. during dinner time just now, i passed her a spoonful of food. she took a small bite and passed it back to me. i told her there were still food on it, but she held out her hand and put into my hand, insisting me to take it. but sometimes she finishes the food, and when i ask for the spoon, she purposely hide it behind her head and laugh.

our latest game is "搖屁股". this is a very effective game to stop her fuss. when i tell her "搖屁股" and offer both of my hands, she will take them and stand up, then i will gently pull her hands to shake her body (only the body is moving, not the head). and i will say "搖屁股,搖屁股,小屁股,搖屁股". she loves this game. she even shake her head to show how happy and enjoy she is. sometimes when i am tired of it, she will pulling my hand and shake them to indicate she still want to 搖屁股.

but my lg isn't really approve for this silly game. so, after 搖屁股, i will hold her hands and pull it high up and say "up", put them down and say "down". we also do "open" and "close". but so far she shows no sign of interest for these words.

when she is fussy, i will ask "小牛呢?你的小牛在哪裏?小牛 is her staffed toy. she will stop her fuss and start looking for 小牛. once she finds it, i will ask her to kiss 小牛, but that only happens when i am (or 小牛) is very lucky.

another silly game of her is to knock her head on the wall. i didn't teach her this. she was playing on my bed and trying to stand by holding to the wall. i warned her to be careful and not to knock her head. i saw a naughty smile on her face right after my warning, and to my surprise, she started to knock her head on the wall!! she knows that will be painful, so she did it slowly and gently, but i still could hear the knocking sound. she actually laughed when she heard those knocking sound. i know my words will give negative effect so i simply watched her quietly, didn't even dare to show any sign of interest to further encourage her.

she finally knows how to play with her toy "Roll-a-Rounds: Swirlin' Surprise Gumballs". i bought this when she was 6m, she was so clueless how to deal with it. she was actually frighten to the sound produced by the toy. i put the toy a side and thinking to donate it. but, the other day, cc was standing in front of it (holding to a storage box) and started to show some interests. i showed her how to push the level to get the balls out. she was facinated by the ball and sound. then slowly i taught her that she is supposed to put the ball back. this is not easy, because all the while she doesn't understand the concept of letting go objects that are holding by her hands. but once she understand she still can get the ball back by pusing the blue level, she starts to see the fun of it. when she able to get a ball to roll out, she will kick one of her leg to show her excitement.  because i was at her side, clapping my hands like crazy to encourage her to play with the toy, she expect the same attention when she is with that toy. sometimes when she was playing it with her dada, she will clap her hands to indicate her dada should do the same.

however, i still fail to make her to sort her blocks. it's one of the earliest toys she has. every time i demostrate how to sort and place the blocks into the small storage box, she simply grab over the box and start emptying it. she simply cannot see any blocks inside the box and always empty it.

she was having stranger anxiety few months back. it slowly developed to selective stranger anxiety where she hated elderly women. now she talks to any stranger she bumps into. she always "ah"  to start the conversation. she usually able to charm them but sometimes she fails too. we were at the library and waiting at a queue. she started to "ah" to the three young ladies beside us. they showed no interests or response to her at all. i was watching her to see how would she take rejection. she kept "ah"ing them for few times, then she finally figure out they will not response, she simply switched her attention and started to charm the librarian. she never waste her change to talk to any stranger who trap in the elevator with us, man or woman, old or young. and if any of them responds her "ah", she could go on and on. but that doesn't mean she is ready for physical contact. there is this elderly korean lady who always like to touch her. she is always excited when she meets cc. that day, she used both of her hands and grab cc's legs and started to shake them. i wanted to stop her but i hold myself and wanted to see how would cc react. cc looked up and i could see a big question mark written on her face. the elderly lady was still having fun with cc's chubby legs and showed no sign of stopping. cc started to make noise to protect, cc even tried to kick aside those hands. luckily the elderly woman finally got the message and stopped. i can be assured cc knows how to protect herself.

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