在家閑置的時間寫了這個卡拉OK共享軟件,基本的User Interface都做好了,不知哪位網友有興趣試用?這個是播放時:

http://www.ualr.edu/xxye/program/kara0911.zipKaraLala(卡拉拉拉) trial version release 1.0
Download link: http://www.ualr.edu/xxye/program/kara0911.zip
This program is to simulate karaoke machine. Your computer needs to have a sound card. For best results, you should connect your computer to a TV. You may optionally use a microphone connected to the computer to sing along. After download and unzip (extract files to local folder) you should have the following:
Make sure you have the latest java JRE installed from java.sun.com. KaraLala10.jar is the program. You can double click it to run. You can also run the program in command window and see output messages by going to the folder and type the following:
java -jar KaraLala10.jar
Initially the program will download additional files from internet and exit. Click "Yes" to run the setup. You should see some mp3 files in audio1 folder and jpg files in photo1 folder. Please wait a few minutes to check if you have all *.mp3 files in audio1 directory and photo1 directory (with several *.jpg files) created. Restart the program after initial setup by double click karalala10.jar again. You can add more audio and photo files later. The lyric file (with extension .lrc) must have the same file name as the audio file (with extension .mp3) for the program to find them.
Click mouse anywhere on screen to see list of audio files. Double click an item in the list to play it. You can select multiple items using mouse and control keys. Click "play" icon to play all the selected items. You can change the selection when a song is playing. It will automatically play the next item in your selection.
The trial version has the basic user interface. The song control functions like separated sound / microphone volume control, vocal cut, pitch shift etc. are not done yet. If you have suggestions, please contact me at DingZhuang@gmail.com
把README.txt的內容也發到上麵,歡迎有興趣的朋友和我聯係。如果你的程序運行成功,可以試試點擊圖上任一個位置,再點擊 PhotoDir,打開你的一個 Folder,如果裏麵有很多圖片(*.jpg),這些將可以作為背景:
