
  • 博客訪問:

Backfire of CFS! (CFS --> 慢性疲勞綜合症)

(2009-09-02 08:04:48) 下一個
Being optimistic for over 3 months, I have been suffering from a serious backfire of CFS for over a month. Heart palpitation, shortness of breath are my primary symptoms. I had to constantly cancel my working schedule in order to get rest. Terrible!

I have been thinking what triggered this backfire and why it took so long to recover (I am still not recovered yet). Lacking oxygen is what I suffer the most when I had shortness of breath: I do not have strength to inhale air. I realized that this symptom happens after I overuse my energy. Back to April I had significant improvement after I changed my diet but why now, having being in better situation in every aspects (mental, financial), I still have such an attack from this monstrous disease?
I blaimed soy products, iodine overdoes, but today my "final" complain went to TALKING! Since I got better after I changed my diet, I increased working hours (I work as a teacher) and I realized that might be a problem! Because every time after 2 or 3 classes I literaly felt exhausted (More miserably I would started to suffer from shortness of breath for couple of days, sometime even longer). Talking is especially hard for me because when we (human) talk, we only breath out. We can only breath in during those intervals of sentences or words. So talking requires certain amount of stored oxygen inside our bodies to use. And my body is so weak sometime that I could not accomplish such a regular task which a normal person can do it without conscious intention.
I have already thrown away the inhalers that doctors gave me long time ago. They didn't help. I believe the only thing that can help me is talking less, doing more cadio exercise. Of course, it takes time. A lot of time. But I have no choice.
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雲易 回複 悄悄話 謝謝知凡的建議。以前也試過,效果不很明顯。這次就在努力一把看看吧。
知凡 回複 悄悄話 多保重, 雲易! 有沒有試過吃中藥? 我媽做過醫生, 她自己練習道家氣功, 對中醫的氣息性調養肯定多過西醫的物質性治療...你的虛症依我看或許你讀讀中醫的一些書, 比如《黃帝內經》, 再找個修養好的中醫醫生幫你看看,調養氣息,不知是否有幫助。。。凝神定氣等等許多中醫及道家養生的智慧你試試看。。。或者瑜伽也可以, 入定, 調養精氣神。。。都可幫助調節生命內宇宙的“虛”。。。