[大眾貼圖] 農民工話題,對於,習慣了,城市生活的你我而言,它,隻是茶餘飯後的一段子,或者,無關痛癢的話題。可是,咱們往上數三代人、往上數四代人,有幾個人,能夠把祖輩的身份,跟農村、跟農民,徹底脫離了關係?在我們,這一個農業大國,無論是,10億農民的龐大數字,還是農耕文明的,悠久曆史,都不容人們,忽視農民工,這一個,特殊群體的存在和發展。
Theme: True concrete floor: Temporary starting work person's from farm village meal of money and one time two original(nine figures s)
Each other of the life of the city becomes accustomed about temporary starting work person's from farm village where the general public pastes figure topic etc. , and is one step or a topic that is not painful and not itchy that relaxes slowly it because it says at one o'clock. However, have we do count including the person of the fourth generation, include some the people on by the person of the third generation on, and parted from the relation ..farmer.. thoroughly and the farm village in ancestor's position?This piece, and a special crowd body exists ..large country of this agriculture.. nevertheless and develops by us the negligence of those from the farm village who temporary start work not related, the civilization one billion farmers' huge figures and farming still, and permitting neither the eternal history nor entire people.
There are those who temporary start work from China and 200 million farm villages, and it dreams they, from farm villages, toward the city for money, and an image and an ancestor each other live like that.
Delivering: Thousand dragons 1.2/01/2007 billion (1,014 reads)[ accumulate78735 tothe Beijing standard time to apportion thousand dragonsto send intimate conversation]
Subject: Solid racket: The agricultural labourer's 2 Yuan wraps meal(9 attempt s)
[Populace paste chart] the agricultural labourer topic, regarding was used to it city life your me to say, it only was the spare time piece or irrelevants discusses the capital. But we upward several three, do four generations, how many people have to be able ancestry's status with the countryside, the farmer thoroughly to be separated from do the department? In our this large agricultural nation, regardless of is 1 billion farmers' huge numerals or the agriculture ploughs the civilized the glorious history, all being tolerant of other people do not neglect agricultural labourer this special community the existence and the development.
China has 200 million agricultural labourers, they move towards the city from the countryside, for the money or the dream, likes your my ancestry such.
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With eats two Yuan wraps meal farmers labor skilled worker with us in a cafeteria, on their body the simple soil breath let be used to it the quick rhythm city life person to feel steadfast.
[大衆が図を貼ります] 農村からの臨時就労者の話題、…について、慣れて、都市の生活のお互いは言って、それ、ただゆっくりくつろぐ一時の1段、あるいは、痛くもかゆくもない話題。しかし、私達は上へ3世代の人は、上へ4世代の人を數えることを數えて、何人かの人がいて、祖先の身分ことができますを、農村と、と農民、徹底的に関係を離れましたか?私達で、この農業の大國、なのに関わらず、10億農民の巨大な數字、まだ農耕が文明的で、悠久の歴史、すべて人々を許さないで、農村からの臨時就労者を軽視して、この個、特殊な群體の存在と発展。