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Littlesister 回複 悄悄話 回複戈壁小花的評論:
戈壁小花 回複 悄悄話 複,LITTLESISTER
littlesister 回複 悄悄話 回複戈壁小花的評論:
littlesister 回複 悄悄話 回複戈壁小花的評論:
小花,真棒,偶小時去5家渠差點回不來,辛苦有人看到偶順著渠沿溜下去,及時把偶"打撈"上來,否則今天就沒有LITTLESISTER 拉,偶成了明富其實的汗鴨子, 怕水啊。。555,直到現在也隻限於"狗刨"和"悶水"
littlesister 回複 悄悄話 回複77的評論:
當我的粉子,求之不得呢, 哈哈。
再俗一把說說;偶同學是西藏本地人,去他家,平房,上WC 就在房子背麵,他教給我們,腳下顛2快石頭,免的。。。。哎,往事不堪回首啊。。
戈壁小花 回複 悄悄話 複77,
77 回複 悄悄話 回複TS-ICE的評論: You didn't answer one important question: how you wrote...

Sorry, I forgot to anwer one of you questions, I was excited about other things. The question is when I write is it based on my memory, note or pictures I took.
My answer to this question: It is a combination of allthese techniques. I make simple notes when I travel. Usually I only write down a few words with the date, time, place. Then when I am writing, I will use the information embeded in digital photos (date, time and picture) to correlate with information in my notes. Did I answer your question?

77 回複 悄悄話 回複戈壁小花的評論:回複77,你要不要去阿裏呀,現在我的表弟就在阿裏軍分區當了一個什麽領導,聽他說現在的條件好多了具體好到什麽程度沒有問:):)反正每次見他回來探親身體健壯了,膚色黑裏透紅,,,,要說你羨慕我不知道你從哪個角度看,在你讀“十萬個為什麽的時候”,我們那也沒有那麽多的課外書給我們讀,隻有在大自然裏瘋玩,爬到象你拍到的那個沙山上往下滑,玩膩了大家跳到大渠裏遊泳(是灌溉用的水),真是童年不知愁滋味,我7歲就會遊泳了,,,,


TS-ICE 回複 悄悄話 回複77的評論:Which college you are at? American College?
I would like to have the firl who is good at writing read my blog and let me know her comments. .......... Why don't you invite her to come to WXC and read it .......... Is that a reasonal plan?

Hi 77, I'm not disappearing....but just wake up from a week-long day dreaming of Xinjiang. Now I have to work on my own writing....
Sorry, I cannot tell which college we were.....just in case your school mates look down at 'you' ;-)
But, I'll contact my friends (2 ladies & 1 gentleman, all good at writing and living in Xinjiang). But I'm not sure who and when will come to your blog...
You didn't answer one important question: how you wrote...
戈壁小花 回複 悄悄話 回複77,你要不要去阿裏呀,現在我的表弟就在阿裏軍分區當了一個什麽領導,聽他說現在的條件好多了具體好到什麽程度沒有問:):)反正每次見他回來探親身體健壯了,膚色黑裏透紅,,,,要說你羨慕我不知道你從哪個角度看,在你讀“十萬個為什麽的時候”,我們那也沒有那麽多的課外書給我們讀,隻有在大自然裏瘋玩,爬到象你拍到的那個沙山上往下滑,玩膩了大家跳到大渠裏遊泳(是灌溉用的水),真是童年不知愁滋味,我7歲就會遊泳了,,,,
八樓的葉子 回複 悄悄話 繼續添亂-----77,你還都去過哪?不隻把照片,應該把路線也畫出來或者寫出來給大家做個參考嘛!
77 回複 悄悄話 回複Littlesister的評論: 偶94年去過一次西藏,真是遙遠的事情了,還去了阿裏軍分區, 那真是鳥不拉S(原諒偶)的地方,眼看著偶的手指甲一天天的往下陷,呆了18天,那真是度日入年啊。就吃了3次蔬菜,那可真金貴,是飛機運上來的。偶說過打死也不去西藏的話,不過這幾年又開始打主意了。。。


77 回複 悄悄話 回複戈壁小花的評論:
戈壁小花 回複 悄悄話 俺也來湊下熱鬧---支持8樓葉子,西藏,西藏,,,,俺是第一個藏幫頭,俺的爺爺,爺爺是西藏人,俺們姊妹的身份證添的都是藏族,但是俺從來沒去過西藏(恐高),不過剛和老爸商量好了如果今年回國一定代他老人家去西藏看看。先從你這裏討點貨,可以嗎?先要想你匯報一下現在每打開電腦你拍的大氣,神秘的疆景都會在我的主頁上過一遍的,你不介意吧,,,,,
Littlesister 回複 悄悄話 那我就等著看77眼裏的西藏了。
偶94年去過一次西藏,真是遙遠的事情了,還去了阿裏軍分區, 那真是鳥不拉S(原諒偶)的地方,眼看著偶的手指甲一天天的往下陷,呆了18天,那真是度日入年啊。就吃了3次蔬菜,那可真金貴,是飛機運上來的。偶說過打死也不去西藏的話,不過這幾年又開始打主意了。。。
77 回複 悄悄話 回複八樓的葉子的評論:



八樓的葉子 回複 悄悄話 回複77的評論:
回複八樓的葉子的評論: 希望有辛能看到你更多的照片。比如說,你去過川藏,也介紹介紹?^_^

我的小姑奶奶,你都逼了我一個月了,真是坐著抽煙不腰疼。先讓我把這口氣喘均勻了再說下一步好不好?你們新疆老鄉還沒有走,萬一又來了一幫西藏老鄉逼我,我就別上班了 :-)。------------------哦,您老人家的意思就是說我們這群新疆老鄉給你添亂了?不好意思,那我就繼續添了!!! ; )
77 回複 悄悄話 回複TS-ICE的評論:
Which college you are at? American College?
There are three girls plus you from Xinjiang in one department! You must have an enrichment program to recuit people from Xinjiang. I would like to have the firl who is good at writing read my blog and let me know her comments. I do not mind if she is very critical as long as I have the final call. That is what I want. Why don't you invite her to come to WXC and read it as everyone else and let me know what her thoughts are. Is that a reasonal plan? Thanks.

TS-ICE 回複 悄悄話 回複77的評論:What kind of person is your friend? What kind of help can he provide?

Hey, this is my second complain today! It is she NOT he!
There were three girls from Xinjiang in our dept. at the college.
One was good at writing, one at sports, and one at singing.
The potential writer is in Xinjiang, Urumuqi, who can check accurance, at least, maybe more. You have to get prepared because her comments can be tough ;-).
77 回複 悄悄話 回複TS-ICE的評論:So you want us to leave?
But could you answer me a few simple questions:
1. Did you write based on pictures, or notes, or form memory?
2. Are you going to make more changes, good cheating ;-)?
3. Any plan to form a book?

Finally, I withdraw my suggestion to change the title.
I think you can have another 20 chapters: T S N B X (count.). And if one day, you want to write a book about Xinjiang. I've a good friend who may be able to help (in writing).

1) Yes, I want you to leave (for a vacation back in Xinjiang):-) . You guys now become part of my life. I will be disappointed if I come to my blog and do not see any messages from you guys.

2) It is hard to say whether I will make more changes, everytime I read my own articles I feel like I can make it better by changing a few things. I can't help it. This is first time I "publish" such a long travelogue. I am sure you already figured it out that I am not a professional writer. You have to take it :-). I think this indicates that I am still on the learning curve and have the potential to become a better writer. I can do a better job only if I can identify the weakness in the work which has beendone in the past.
3) Regarding publishing a book ..... I hope someday I will be able to do it. I think this series is at the publication quality (both photos and articles). I truely belief that this series will be one of the best chapters in my future book. People do not have to agree with me but nowhere in the world is more beautiful than Xinjiang at least in my eyes. In fact, I spent a lot of time polishing my writings with the thinking in my mind that someday I will publish it. I hope that day will not be too far away.
I like your idea of keeping the current title and add more chapters to it after I get a chance to visit Sothern Xinjiang in the future.
Thank you for offering me help with publishing a book. As I said I keep all possibilities open and woudl be like to know more what you have proposed. What kind of person is your friend? What kind of help can he provide?
Thanks for your comments.
TS-ICE 回複 悄悄話 回複77的評論:
So you want us to leave?
But could you answer me a few simple questions:
1. Did you write based on pictures, or notes, or form memory?
2. Are you going to make more changes, good cheating ;-)?
3. Any plan to form a book?

Finally, I withdraw my suggestion to change the title.
I think you can have another 20 chapters: T S N B X (count.). And if one day, you want to write a book about Xinjiang. I've a good friend who may be able to help (in writing).
77 回複 悄悄話 回複北醫的評論: 看把你美的!與什麽老朋友重逢?相間恨晚了哪些新朋友?也給咱介紹介紹.

77 回複 悄悄話 回複八樓的葉子的評論: 希望有辛能看到你更多的照片。比如說,你去過川藏,也介紹介紹?^_^

我的小姑奶奶,你都逼了我一個月了,真是坐著抽煙不腰疼。先讓我把這口氣喘均勻了再說下一步好不好?你們新疆老鄉還沒有走,萬一又來了一幫西藏老鄉逼我,我就別上班了 :-)。
八樓的葉子 回複 悄悄話 希望有辛能看到你更多的照片。比如說,你去過川藏,也介紹介紹?^_^
北醫 回複 悄悄話 看把你美的!與什麽老朋友重逢?相間恨晚了哪些新朋友?也給咱介紹介紹.
77 回複 悄悄話 回複TS-ICE的評論:

Please feel free to download anyone you would like to have. The discussions and feedback you gave me worth a whole lot more than some electronic copies of my pictures. The pictures posted here are pictures for people to enjoy especially for people from Xinjiang.
I am glad that you like them.
TS-ICE 回複 悄悄話 sorry, I've to download some of your pictures on my desjtop so I can see them all the time. I don't know if I can really 'buy' them. But maybe I can 'pay' you back with some XinJiang stuff.....
八樓的葉子 回複 悄悄話 ^_^ 信嗎?
八樓的葉子 回複 悄悄話 和Littlesister 相反,你已經進入我的黑名單了。
77 回複 悄悄話 好呀,反正也有十幾萬次點擊了。要出什麽洋相也不怕多幾個人看。:))
Littlesister 回複 悄悄話 狂支持,支持到底。偶把你的BLOG 推薦給幾個朋友中嗎?