A-guy had a point: involving in the community. it is important to let others not to alien us.
but do not forget our own identity, please.
沒錯,你在中國人眼裏是American Chinese,不過在美國人眼裏還是Chinese,(就算人家沒當麵說,不表示他心裏不這樣想)。
認識第四代ABC呢,他自己都說還是被洋人classified as Asian,一說話,好吧,原來是ABC.如果你不是ABC,我想別人更不會認為你是Amercian.
Identity是改不了的,不管是誰發明的ABC這個詞,這都說明了一個人的identity,一個人有identity confusion 是很可憐的,他自己還不知道。
You said "As a racial group, we are proud of being a Chinese."
You also said "Without China, I am still myself..."
--I am confused. Where is your pride coming from?
"Strong China or weak China does not make any difference for our family, our kids and our quality of life in America."
-- Does the term "Chinese Exclusion Act" ring a bell? China used to be weak, and Chinese Americans used to be treated like crap.
One minor mistake, Mr.C made that comment when he was talking about economic issues, not political ones. Specifically,he complained about how products made in China are everywhere in the US market, and how difficult it is for US products to lower their prices. He basically accused China for the bad economy that US is currently going through, and that's why some Americans actually agreed with what he said.
您太自私了點吧? 就因為自己在美國, 想倚仗美國過好日子, 就連起碼的良心都不顧的幫美國?
They call us Chinese as a racial group, just like hispanic, black, etc. My neighbor also calls himself a Scotish. Another one is Swedish. It is quite normal. But the common point is we are Americans first, no matter which racial group we are in.
But I don't know who creates the word ABC. If it was created by our Chinese ourselves, it is a big regret. We are discriminating ourselves.
Be a human being first, and we were created equally by God. Then we are Americans, and proudly Chinese Americans.
Only if we act ourselves as Americans can the rest treat us as Americans. We enjoy every right. And more importantly, we need to assume our responsibility as an American citizen.
John Kennedy said - don't ask what America can do for you. Ask what you can do for America.
America is our home now. Our kids, our families will live here for long long time. Our assets (houses etc.) are all here. We defend America because we defend our family, our kids and our assets. Strong China or weak China does not make any difference for our family, our kids and our quality of life in America.
America is our home. Always defend our homes, our families and our kids.
Pay more attention to those topics such as same-sex marriage, Proposition 98, 99 etc. in the Primary Election Tuesday. They are more important to our living. We value family. We value the right of home owner. We value our assets.
Support the marriage of a man and a woman. Support Proposition 98. It will be very beneficial to our kids and future generations. It is much more important than the topic of China, or the torch or the games.
Bottom line - As a racial group, we are proud of being a Chinese. As a land and/or government, China has no impact on our career, our assets, and any of our own interest here. Strong China or not does not make any sense to us.
China is China. I don't see how my success in local community and business is connected to China. Without China, I am still myself, and I am still have my career success and community respect. They see me as a person with responsibility and credibility. They never see me as from China or any other countries.
Torch is just a torch. Torch is never a "Holy Fire". It's the truth. Don't take it so serious or emotional.
We are lucky. We have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of pursuing our own happiness. I can vote for presidential candidates, governor candidates, and propositions to our own interest.
Let us live well in such a beautiful country, and cherrish all we have owned here. If you don't own something yet, earn it. Americans like heroes who earn everything instead of dreaming of everything.
i donnot want to say that Miss Stone is right, she is incorrect in her behavior. And i think also that we should let other voice appear even they are not correct. just neglect them because they are worthless
There are so many westerns who have hollywood pretty faces like Sharon, but actually they have so very shallow and cold-bloody hearts!! On one hand, they blame others for the violation of human rights, On the other hand, they are killing inocent people in common prudence with wearing the coat of demacracy and freedom. How shame they are!!
SS is a Hollywood C-list actress with IQ equal to Zero. I never think she is a good actress from day one. Now we all know she is not even a decent human being.