4everdude2008-04-08 04:41:49回複悄悄話
回複bruce888的評論: 我看你又在胡扯了。 美國主流媒體報喜也報憂。比如有關奧地利人 Heinrich Harrer納粹黨徒的身份。
Associated Press
Monday, January 9, 2006; Page B06
Heinrich Harrer, 93, an Austrian mountaineer and former Nazi who became a friend and tutor of the young Dalai Lama, died Jan. 7 at a hospital in Friesach, Austria. No cause of death was disclosed.
sanwu2008-04-03 10:34:08回複悄悄話
Thank you so much for your reply. I'll use your first two photos (or one) in a music piece which shows people's power,and I'll give the reference.
ma0122008-04-01 14:24:22回複悄悄話
Your most beautiful paragraph is:
Better read the English version to see for yourself:
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's appeal to Chinese people
Press Release[Friday, March 28, 2008 14:41]
An Appeal to the Chinese People from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Today, I extend heartfelt greetings to my Chinese brothers and sisters round the world, particularly to those in the People's Republic of China. In the light of the recent developments in Tibet, I would like to share with you my thoughts concerning relations between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples, and to make a personal appeal to you all.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of life in the recent tragic events in Tibet. I am aware that some Chinese have also died. I feel for the victims and their families and pray for them. The recent unrest has clearly demonstrated the gravity of the situation in Tibet and the urgent need to seek a peaceful and mutually beneficial solution through dialogue. Even at this juncture I have expressed my willingness to the Chinese authorities to work together to bring about peace and stability.
Chinese brothers and sisters, I assure you I have no desire to seek Tibet's separation. Nor do I have any wish to drive a wedge between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples. On the contrary my commitment has always been to find a genuine solution to the problem of Tibet that ensures the long-term interests of both Chinese and Tibetans. My primary concern, as I have repeated time and again, is to ensure the survival of the Tibetan people's distinctive culture, language and identity. As a simple monk who strives to live his daily life according to Buddhist precepts, I assure you of the sincerity of my motivation.
I have appealed to the leadership of the PRC to clearly understand my position and work to resolve these problems by "seeking truth from facts." I urge the Chinese leadership to exercise wisdom and to initiate a meaningful dialogue with the Tibetan people. I also appeal to them to make sincere efforts to contribute to the stability and harmony of the PRC and avoid creating rifts between the nationalities. The state media's portrayal of the recent events in Tibet, using deceit and distorted images, could sow the seeds of racial tension with unpredictable long-term consequences. This is of grave concern to me. Similarly, despite my repeated support for the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese authorities, with the intention of creating rift between the Chinese people and myself, assert that I am trying to sabotage the games. I am encouraged, however, that several Chinese intellectuals and scholars have also expressed their strong concern about the Chinese leadership's actions and the potential for adverse long-term consequences, particularly on relations among different nationalities.
Since ancient times, Tibetan and Chinese peoples have lived as neighbors. In the two thousand year-old recorded history of our peoples, we have at times developed friendly relations, even entering into matrimonial alliances, while at other times we fought each other. However, since Buddhism flourished in China first before it arrived in Tibet from India, we Tibetans have historically accorded the Chinese people the respect and affection due to elder Dharma brothers and sisters. This is something well known to members of the Chinese community living outside China, some of whom have attended my Buddhist lectures, as well as pilgrims from mainland China, whom I have had the privilege to meet. I take heart from these meetings and feel they may contribute to a better understanding between our two peoples.
The twentieth century witnessed enormous changes in many parts of the world and Tibet, too, was caught up in this turbulence. Soon after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the People's Liberation Army entered Tibet finally resulting in the 17-Point Agreement concluded between China and Tibet in May 1951. When I was in Beijing in 1954-55, attending the National People's Congress, I had the opportunity to meet and develop a personal friendship with many senior leaders, including Chairman Mao himself. In fact, Chairman Mao gave me advice on numerous issues, as well as personal assurances with regard to the future of Tibet. Encouraged by these assurances, and inspired by the dedication of many of China's revolutionary leaders of the time, I returned to Tibet full of confidence and optimism. Some Tibetan members of the Communist Party also had such a hope. After my return to Lhasa, I made every possible effort to seek genuine autonomy for Tibet within the family of the People's Republic of China (PRC). I believed that this would best serve the long-term interests of both the Tibetan and Chinese peoples.
Unfortunately, tensions, which began to escalate in Tibet from around 1956, eventually led to the peaceful uprising of March 10, 1959, in Lhasa and my eventual escape into exile. Although many positive developments have taken place in Tibet under the PRC's rule, these developments, as the previous Panchen Lama pointed out in January 1989, were overshadowed by immense suffering and extensive destruction. Tibetans were compelled to live in a state of constant fear, while the Chinese government remained suspicious of them. However, instead of cultivating enmity towards the Chinese leaders responsible for the ruthless suppression of the Tibetan people, I prayed for them to become friends, which I expressed in the following lines in a prayer I composed in 1960, a year after I arrived in India: "May they attain the wisdom eye discerning right and wrong, And may they abide in the glory of friendship and love." Many Tibetans, school children among them, recite these lines in their daily prayers.
In 1974, following serious discussions with my Kashag (cabinet), as well as the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the then Assembly of the Tibetan People's Deputies, we decided to find a Middle Way that would seek not to separate Tibet from China, but would facilitate the peaceful development of Tibet. Although we had no contact at the time with the PRC - which was in the midst of the Cultural Revolution - we had already recognized that sooner or later, we would have to resolve the question of Tibet through negotiations. We also acknowledged that, at least with regard to modernization and economic development, it would greatly benefit Tibet if it remained within the PRC. Although Tibet has a rich and ancient cultural heritage, it is materially undeveloped.
Situated on the roof of the world, Tibet is the source of many of Asia's major rivers, therefore, protection of the environment on the Tibetan plateau is of supreme importance. Since our utmost concern is to safeguard Tibetan Buddhist culture - rooted as it is in the values of universal compassion - as well as the Tibetan language and the unique Tibetan identity, we have worked whole-heartedly towards achieving meaningful self-rule for all Tibetans. The PRC's constitution provides the right for nationalities such as the Tibetans to do this.
In 1979, the then Chinese paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping assured my personal emissary that "except for the independence of Tibet, all other questions can be negotiated." Since we had already formulated our approach to seeking a solution to the Tibetan issue within the constitution of the PRC, we found ourselves well placed to respond to this new opportunity. My representatives met many times with officials of the PRC. Since renewing our contacts in 2002, we have had six rounds of talks. However, on the fundamental issue, there has been no concrete result at all. Nevertheless, as I have declared many times, I remain firmly committed to the Middle Way approach and reiterate here my willingness to continue to pursue the process of dialogue.
This year the Chinese people are proudly and eagerly awaiting the opening of the Olympic Games. I have, from the start, supported Beijing's being awarded the opportunity to host the Games. My position remains unchanged. China has the world's largest population, a long history and an extremely rich civilization. Today, due to her impressive economic progress, she is emerging as a great power. This is certainly to be welcomed. But China also needs to earn the respect and esteem of the global community through the establishment of an open and harmonious society based on the principles of transparency, freedom, and the rule of law. For example, to this day victims of the Tiananmen Square tragedy that adversely affected the lives of so many Chinese citizens have received neither just redress nor any official response. Similarly, when thousands of ordinary Chinese in rural areas suffer injustice at the hands of exploitative and corrupt local officials, their legitimate complaints are either ignored or met with aggression. I express these concerns both as a fellow human being and as someone who is prepared to consider himself a member of the large family that is the People's Republic of China. In this respect, I appreciate and support President Hu Jintao's policy of creating a "harmonious society", but this can only arise on the basis of mutual trust and an atmosphere of freedom, including freedom of speech and the rule of law. I strongly believe that if these values are embraced, many important problems relating to minority nationalities can be resolved, such as the issue of Tibet, as well as Eastern Turkistan, and Inner Mongolia, where the native people now constitute only 20% of a total population of 24 million.
I had hoped President Hu Jintao's recent statement that the stability and safety of Tibet concerns the stability and safety of the country might herald the dawning of a new era for the resolution of the problem of Tibet. It is unfortunate that despite my sincere efforts not to separate Tibet from China, the leaders of the PRC continue to accuse me of being a "separatist". Similarly, when Tibetans in Lhasa and many other areas spontaneously protested to express their deep-rooted resentment, the Chinese authorities immediately accused me of having orchestrated their demonstrations. I have called for a thorough investigation by a respected body to look into this allegation.
Chinese brothers and sisters - wherever you may be - with deep concern I appeal to you to help dispel the misunderstandings between our two communities. Moreover, I appeal to you to help us find a peaceful, lasting solution to the problem of Tibet through dialogue in the spirit of understanding and accommodation.
With my prayers,
Dalai Lama
March 28, 2008
Note: translated from the Tibetan original
北方憨哥在北美2008-04-01 07:31:23回複悄悄話
1, 請你不要斷章取義,我的原話是“支持理性的討論問題,任何事情都是要以理服人的。至於有些人壓根就不懂道理,不講道理,也是沒辦法的事情”。這句話有什麽錯誤嗎?這裏說的不懂道理,不講道理,並非指“我的道理”,我一個普通百姓,能有什麽道理?我也有許多時候不懂道理,你也不讚成有人說粗話吧。而“"if you don't agree with me, then you 不懂道理".”這句話,是你說的。
2, 這句話是也是你說的:“the gcd government忽略了 1.5billion - 1 - n people (these n people is the top level party officials; this 1 people is 北方憨哥 you :)) for 60 years.”。我知道你說的60年是什麽,但是你還是把這60年和“北方憨哥”聯係在了一起。謝謝你對我的高看,我也沒有你說的那麽老,什麽CD也不可能忽略我60年。你真是太抬舉我了,像50肅反56反右和文革中造反派抬舉我們家人一樣。
地平線2008-04-01 05:38:19回複悄悄話
No need to set up a special 專欄節目 and discuss why “美國發動伊拉克戰爭的真正目的”because most of Americans already know it is for the control of oil and most of Americans also know why other countries like Russian and China are so against it. But, this is not your original question. If you like to hear anti-war comments, go and keep listening to NPR, you will hear lots of anti-war comments from American themselves.
The business purpose of most American media is based on business, the money, not for a party or a government. For them, Credit = Money. That is a huge difference from our center media.
guys, read the blogger's disclaimer above, a good one.
jwayne_12008-04-01 00:27:16回複悄悄話
回複北方憨哥在北美的評論: oh..., now i see where this was coming from, when i said 60 years, i meant from 1949 to now :))) again, i didn't know your age and there was no age discrimination.
one suggestion for you: refrain from discriminating your own race by using the word "yellow". also it is funny: my hatred? who did i curse and hate? in addition, religion is as bad as or even worse than patriotism. if one knows one speak, if one doesn't know, one needs to study more.
jwayne_12008-04-01 00:11:04回複悄悄話
回複北方憨哥在北美的評論: "以理服人", very good point, but not many of the people below understand it. "至於有些人壓根就不懂道理,不講道理", i am sorry that this statement is kind of saying "if you don't agree with me, then you 不懂道理".
of course if we are talking about this in a coffee shop, i will notice your age and be more polite. but how would i know your age online? anyway, now i know, sorry. also, other people's rude comments have nothing to do with you. i have been a little mean to you. but, your comments are not exactly like gentleman, either :) don't you agree?
yinyangguaiqi2008-03-31 23:46:21回複悄悄話
I guess you are just one of the faked westernized yellows who try hard to separate yourself from your past. You are full of hatred while trying to imitate western people's religion. But you forget that true western religion doesn't believe the hatred. You have lost primitive good nature as an human being because of the hatred.
jwayne_12008-03-31 22:16:11回複悄悄話
回複abita的評論: because you are a youth, i reply you one last time. try not to be an a-q (by the way, do you even know who a-q was?). you might wanna consider seeing a psychiatrist for possible illnesses such as depression, personality separation, etc. i see symptoms ...
jwayne_12008-03-31 21:55:14回複悄悄話
回複lovemycountry82的評論: i am very glad that you are not living under the hitler government or bin laden organization. because if so, you would be doing really bad things. please think things through carefully before letting the 最原始神經 explode. it is not healthy.
jwayne_12008-03-31 21:52:57回複悄悄話
CNN或者西方媒體忽略了這"一"點, maybe you are correct. however, the gcd government忽略了 1.5billion - 1 - n people (these n people is the top level party officials; this 1 people is 北方憨哥 you :)) for 60 years.
anyone trying to utilize patriotism and / or religion is evil.
thrawn2008-03-31 19:28:45回複悄悄話
good analysis, just enough emotions to fit the logic. Also looking forward to east and west style mixed clothings for PRC leaders.
m382008-03-31 19:05:06回複悄悄話
the way china goverment handle is similar to what happened at 6/4/89. they withdraw all police from street and let students taking over. then they claimed protests were mob. rebellion and goverment had no choice but send tank to restore the law and order. saddly lots people believe.
Associated Press
Monday, January 9, 2006; Page B06
Heinrich Harrer, 93, an Austrian mountaineer and former Nazi who became a friend and tutor of the young Dalai Lama, died Jan. 7 at a hospital in Friesach, Austria. No cause of death was disclosed.
此前,關於哈勒可能有納粹背景的爭論不時引起人們的關注,但一直缺乏文獻性的依據,哈勒本人也堅決否認自己與納粹有任何幹係。然而,《明星》的文章說,今天在柏林的聯邦檔案館裏,找到了哈勒的原始檔案。該檔案共80頁,其中記錄:海因裏希·哈勒生於1912 年7 月6 日,1938年5 月4 日加入納粹黨,黨員號碼為6307081 。同時注明:黨衛軍3 8 部隊,番號為73896 。檔案中有一份哈勒手寫的簡曆,記載著他1938 年4月1日起在黨衛軍工作,並早在1933 年10 月就效力於當時在奧地利還處於非法地位的“衝鋒隊”——希特勒的第二個恐怖組織。在這份簡曆的上方還貼了一張他衣服翻領上帶有納粹標誌的證件照。
哈勒的《在西藏的七年》被翻譯成40多種文字,據稱“已有5000 萬人讀過此書”。哈勒本人也因寫作此書而獲得了“人權衛士”的名聲。特別是好萊塢最近投巨資將該書拍攝成電影,更使哈勒在西方世界受到“英雄”般的讚美。今天,在哈勒的真實曆史公布之後,人們也許應該冷靜地思考一下,像哈勒這樣一個編造終生謊言、欺騙世界達半個多世紀之久的人,其言論會有多少可值信賴的內容。既然哈勒會編造彌天大謊隱瞞自己的曆史,人們又怎麽能夠相信他會對西藏的情況作出客觀的描述和公正的評價呢?哈勒曾是一名納粹黨徒,而且是受到過希特勒親自接見的“納粹高層集團的寵兒”,其思想在多大程度上受納粹思想支配尚需進一步研究,但是,這個納粹黨“昔日的忠實信徒”,在納粹戰敗後的第二年即 1946年,就逃到了拉薩並成為達賴的“老師”,人們不禁要問:哈勒的納粹經曆和背景是否會對他調教當時隻有11 歲的達賴產生某些影響呢?
基於同樣的“政治掛帥”原則,不難理解美國主流傳媒為什麽在諸如達賴喇嘛長年接受中央情報局津貼、達賴喇嘛親兄直接參與謀殺不丹國王凶案、下令在東京地下鐵道釋放致命毒氣的日本“魔教”教主麻原彰晃與達賴喇嘛的密切關係等等有損 “英雄形象”的事件上堅持保持沉默,對美國讀者實施事實新聞封鎖。
此前,關於哈勒可能有納粹背景的爭論不時引起人們的關注,但一直缺乏文獻性的依據,哈勒本人也堅決否認自己與納粹有任何幹係。然而,《明星》的文章說,今天在柏林的聯邦檔案館裏,找到了哈勒的原始檔案。該檔案共80頁,其中記錄:海因裏希·哈勒生於1912 年7 月6 日,1938年5 月4 日加入納粹黨,黨員號碼為6307081 。同時注明:黨衛軍3 8 部隊,番號為73896 。檔案中有一份哈勒手寫的簡曆,記載著他1938 年4月1日起在黨衛軍工作,並早在1933 年10 月就效力於當時在奧地利還處於非法地位的“衝鋒隊”——希特勒的第二個恐怖組織。在這份簡曆的上方還貼了一張他衣服翻領上帶有納粹標誌的證件照。
哈勒的《在西藏的七年》被翻譯成40多種文字,據稱“已有5000 萬人讀過此書”。哈勒本人也因寫作此書而獲得了“人權衛士”的名聲。特別是好萊塢最近投巨資將該書拍攝成電影,更使哈勒在西方世界受到“英雄”般的讚美。今天,在哈勒的真實曆史公布之後,人們也許應該冷靜地思考一下,像哈勒這樣一個編造終生謊言、欺騙世界達半個多世紀之久的人,其言論會有多少可值信賴的內容。既然哈勒會編造彌天大謊隱瞞自己的曆史,人們又怎麽能夠相信他會對西藏的情況作出客觀的描述和公正的評價呢?哈勒曾是一名納粹黨徒,而且是受到過希特勒親自接見的“納粹高層集團的寵兒”,其思想在多大程度上受納粹思想支配尚需進一步研究,但是,這個納粹黨“昔日的忠實信徒”,在納粹戰敗後的第二年即 1946年,就逃到了拉薩並成為達賴的“老師”,人們不禁要問:哈勒的納粹經曆和背景是否會對他調教當時隻有11 歲的達賴產生某些影響呢?
基於同樣的“政治掛帥”原則,不難理解美國主流傳媒為什麽在諸如達賴喇嘛長年接受中央情報局津貼、達賴喇嘛親兄直接參與謀殺不丹國王凶案、下令在東京地下鐵道釋放致命毒氣的日本“魔教”教主麻原彰晃與達賴喇嘛的密切關係等等有損 “英雄形象”的事件上堅持保持沉默,對美國讀者實施事實新聞封鎖。
對不起,憨哥。俺此貼有“盜用”和誤導之嫌。全文是copy and paste的。電話會議之間看到一文,直接複製在此。甚至沒細讀。本想在前麵說明,一忙動作快了點兒,就出去了。現在甚至忘了從哪兒看到的。
Can I use your first two photos in a website (non-commercial one)? Please reply. Thank you very much!
you are wasting ur LIFE, not just time.
2. use your logic, i also 太抬舉了 1.5 billion chinese. so please don't feel flattered :)
3. i don't know why i waste time discussing with you. no more. bye now.
Better read the English version to see for yourself:
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's appeal to Chinese people
Press Release[Friday, March 28, 2008 14:41]
An Appeal to the Chinese People from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Today, I extend heartfelt greetings to my Chinese brothers and sisters round the world, particularly to those in the People's Republic of China. In the light of the recent developments in Tibet, I would like to share with you my thoughts concerning relations between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples, and to make a personal appeal to you all.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of life in the recent tragic events in Tibet. I am aware that some Chinese have also died. I feel for the victims and their families and pray for them. The recent unrest has clearly demonstrated the gravity of the situation in Tibet and the urgent need to seek a peaceful and mutually beneficial solution through dialogue. Even at this juncture I have expressed my willingness to the Chinese authorities to work together to bring about peace and stability.
Chinese brothers and sisters, I assure you I have no desire to seek Tibet's separation. Nor do I have any wish to drive a wedge between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples. On the contrary my commitment has always been to find a genuine solution to the problem of Tibet that ensures the long-term interests of both Chinese and Tibetans. My primary concern, as I have repeated time and again, is to ensure the survival of the Tibetan people's distinctive culture, language and identity. As a simple monk who strives to live his daily life according to Buddhist precepts, I assure you of the sincerity of my motivation.
I have appealed to the leadership of the PRC to clearly understand my position and work to resolve these problems by "seeking truth from facts." I urge the Chinese leadership to exercise wisdom and to initiate a meaningful dialogue with the Tibetan people. I also appeal to them to make sincere efforts to contribute to the stability and harmony of the PRC and avoid creating rifts between the nationalities. The state media's portrayal of the recent events in Tibet, using deceit and distorted images, could sow the seeds of racial tension with unpredictable long-term consequences. This is of grave concern to me. Similarly, despite my repeated support for the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese authorities, with the intention of creating rift between the Chinese people and myself, assert that I am trying to sabotage the games. I am encouraged, however, that several Chinese intellectuals and scholars have also expressed their strong concern about the Chinese leadership's actions and the potential for adverse long-term consequences, particularly on relations among different nationalities.
Since ancient times, Tibetan and Chinese peoples have lived as neighbors. In the two thousand year-old recorded history of our peoples, we have at times developed friendly relations, even entering into matrimonial alliances, while at other times we fought each other. However, since Buddhism flourished in China first before it arrived in Tibet from India, we Tibetans have historically accorded the Chinese people the respect and affection due to elder Dharma brothers and sisters. This is something well known to members of the Chinese community living outside China, some of whom have attended my Buddhist lectures, as well as pilgrims from mainland China, whom I have had the privilege to meet. I take heart from these meetings and feel they may contribute to a better understanding between our two peoples.
The twentieth century witnessed enormous changes in many parts of the world and Tibet, too, was caught up in this turbulence. Soon after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the People's Liberation Army entered Tibet finally resulting in the 17-Point Agreement concluded between China and Tibet in May 1951. When I was in Beijing in 1954-55, attending the National People's Congress, I had the opportunity to meet and develop a personal friendship with many senior leaders, including Chairman Mao himself. In fact, Chairman Mao gave me advice on numerous issues, as well as personal assurances with regard to the future of Tibet. Encouraged by these assurances, and inspired by the dedication of many of China's revolutionary leaders of the time, I returned to Tibet full of confidence and optimism. Some Tibetan members of the Communist Party also had such a hope. After my return to Lhasa, I made every possible effort to seek genuine autonomy for Tibet within the family of the People's Republic of China (PRC). I believed that this would best serve the long-term interests of both the Tibetan and Chinese peoples.
Unfortunately, tensions, which began to escalate in Tibet from around 1956, eventually led to the peaceful uprising of March 10, 1959, in Lhasa and my eventual escape into exile. Although many positive developments have taken place in Tibet under the PRC's rule, these developments, as the previous Panchen Lama pointed out in January 1989, were overshadowed by immense suffering and extensive destruction. Tibetans were compelled to live in a state of constant fear, while the Chinese government remained suspicious of them. However, instead of cultivating enmity towards the Chinese leaders responsible for the ruthless suppression of the Tibetan people, I prayed for them to become friends, which I expressed in the following lines in a prayer I composed in 1960, a year after I arrived in India: "May they attain the wisdom eye discerning right and wrong, And may they abide in the glory of friendship and love." Many Tibetans, school children among them, recite these lines in their daily prayers.
In 1974, following serious discussions with my Kashag (cabinet), as well as the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the then Assembly of the Tibetan People's Deputies, we decided to find a Middle Way that would seek not to separate Tibet from China, but would facilitate the peaceful development of Tibet. Although we had no contact at the time with the PRC - which was in the midst of the Cultural Revolution - we had already recognized that sooner or later, we would have to resolve the question of Tibet through negotiations. We also acknowledged that, at least with regard to modernization and economic development, it would greatly benefit Tibet if it remained within the PRC. Although Tibet has a rich and ancient cultural heritage, it is materially undeveloped.
Situated on the roof of the world, Tibet is the source of many of Asia's major rivers, therefore, protection of the environment on the Tibetan plateau is of supreme importance. Since our utmost concern is to safeguard Tibetan Buddhist culture - rooted as it is in the values of universal compassion - as well as the Tibetan language and the unique Tibetan identity, we have worked whole-heartedly towards achieving meaningful self-rule for all Tibetans. The PRC's constitution provides the right for nationalities such as the Tibetans to do this.
In 1979, the then Chinese paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping assured my personal emissary that "except for the independence of Tibet, all other questions can be negotiated." Since we had already formulated our approach to seeking a solution to the Tibetan issue within the constitution of the PRC, we found ourselves well placed to respond to this new opportunity. My representatives met many times with officials of the PRC. Since renewing our contacts in 2002, we have had six rounds of talks. However, on the fundamental issue, there has been no concrete result at all. Nevertheless, as I have declared many times, I remain firmly committed to the Middle Way approach and reiterate here my willingness to continue to pursue the process of dialogue.
This year the Chinese people are proudly and eagerly awaiting the opening of the Olympic Games. I have, from the start, supported Beijing's being awarded the opportunity to host the Games. My position remains unchanged. China has the world's largest population, a long history and an extremely rich civilization. Today, due to her impressive economic progress, she is emerging as a great power. This is certainly to be welcomed. But China also needs to earn the respect and esteem of the global community through the establishment of an open and harmonious society based on the principles of transparency, freedom, and the rule of law. For example, to this day victims of the Tiananmen Square tragedy that adversely affected the lives of so many Chinese citizens have received neither just redress nor any official response. Similarly, when thousands of ordinary Chinese in rural areas suffer injustice at the hands of exploitative and corrupt local officials, their legitimate complaints are either ignored or met with aggression. I express these concerns both as a fellow human being and as someone who is prepared to consider himself a member of the large family that is the People's Republic of China. In this respect, I appreciate and support President Hu Jintao's policy of creating a "harmonious society", but this can only arise on the basis of mutual trust and an atmosphere of freedom, including freedom of speech and the rule of law. I strongly believe that if these values are embraced, many important problems relating to minority nationalities can be resolved, such as the issue of Tibet, as well as Eastern Turkistan, and Inner Mongolia, where the native people now constitute only 20% of a total population of 24 million.
I had hoped President Hu Jintao's recent statement that the stability and safety of Tibet concerns the stability and safety of the country might herald the dawning of a new era for the resolution of the problem of Tibet. It is unfortunate that despite my sincere efforts not to separate Tibet from China, the leaders of the PRC continue to accuse me of being a "separatist". Similarly, when Tibetans in Lhasa and many other areas spontaneously protested to express their deep-rooted resentment, the Chinese authorities immediately accused me of having orchestrated their demonstrations. I have called for a thorough investigation by a respected body to look into this allegation.
Chinese brothers and sisters - wherever you may be - with deep concern I appeal to you to help dispel the misunderstandings between our two communities. Moreover, I appeal to you to help us find a peaceful, lasting solution to the problem of Tibet through dialogue in the spirit of understanding and accommodation.
With my prayers,
Dalai Lama
March 28, 2008
Note: translated from the Tibetan original
1, 請你不要斷章取義,我的原話是“支持理性的討論問題,任何事情都是要以理服人的。至於有些人壓根就不懂道理,不講道理,也是沒辦法的事情”。這句話有什麽錯誤嗎?這裏說的不懂道理,不講道理,並非指“我的道理”,我一個普通百姓,能有什麽道理?我也有許多時候不懂道理,你也不讚成有人說粗話吧。而“"if you don't agree with me, then you 不懂道理".”這句話,是你說的。
2, 這句話是也是你說的:“the gcd government忽略了 1.5billion - 1 - n people (these n people is the top level party officials; this 1 people is 北方憨哥 you :)) for 60 years.”。我知道你說的60年是什麽,但是你還是把這60年和“北方憨哥”聯係在了一起。謝謝你對我的高看,我也沒有你說的那麽老,什麽CD也不可能忽略我60年。你真是太抬舉我了,像50肅反56反右和文革中造反派抬舉我們家人一樣。
3, 我並非什麽紳士,靠自己能力在國外打拚養家糊口一普通人就是,在自己的博客上隨便寫點東西打發“寂寞夜生活”而已,這點權力我還是應該有的吧?但是,你老人家到處撒播我是“禦用文人”,那麽我就不“紳士”一回,敢問,你又是被誰雇傭的“打手”?在我這裏拚命的回帖?我從來沒有標榜自己多紳士,我也就是凡夫俗人也,我一樣有血有肉有感情!您倒是夠紳士的!如果我這樣的俗人被你這樣的紳士還認為是紳士的話,那紳士就不能稱之為紳士了:)
4, 還是要謝謝你的比較理性的評論,順帶說一句,你在其他帖子裏提的什麽問題,我就不回答了,我這樣的凡夫俗人,很難和您這樣的高雅紳士溝通,還請你諒解。說歸說,逗歸逗,真的謝謝你的評論和關注,該說你就盡管說吧,該評你盡管評,該拍你盡管拍,北美是言論自由的社會,講事實擺道理,最好不要牽涉對個人攻擊,不要太CNN就好,謝謝。
5, 一並謝謝所有來過的、評過的朋友們,謝謝你們!上班去了,今兒個還要跑點遠路呢,北美生活,累啊!:::)))
在20世紀,整個世界發生了一係列的巨變,西藏也未能例外。1949年中華人民共和國成立之後,人民解放軍就進入西藏,最終於1951年5月簽訂了 “十七條協議”,尤其是我在1954、55年間參加全國人大會議期間,認識了以毛主席為首的大多數中央領導人,並成為朋友,特別是在很多問題上得到毛主席的許多教導,並就西藏的未來得到他本人的許多承諾。由於受到這些承諾的鼓舞,加上受當時大部分中國革命領導人的決心和激情的影響,我滿懷期望和信心地返回了西藏。一些藏族的共產黨領導人也抱有相同的期望。返回拉薩後,我竭盡全力地為雪域西藏在中華人民共和國大家庭中實現名副其實的民族區域自治而進行了努力。我堅信這是實現藏漢兩個民族長遠共同利益的最好途徑。
No need to set up a special 專欄節目 and discuss why “美國發動伊拉克戰爭的真正目的”because most of Americans already know it is for the control of oil and most of Americans also know why other countries like Russian and China are so against it. But, this is not your original question. If you like to hear anti-war comments, go and keep listening to NPR, you will hear lots of anti-war comments from American themselves.
The business purpose of most American media is based on business, the money, not for a party or a government. For them, Credit = Money. That is a huge difference from our center media.
你的文化很好,智商很高...你說的"且不說西方人偏低的智商,沒想到中國人裏麵也有一群自願和他們看齊的" 這足夠證明你不但智商高而且對社會貢獻也大,一定拿了什麽獎把,當然若貝爾這些獎你看不起,因為這些隻有低智商的人才拿,中國人尤其是你,都高等,這幾十年來都不願意拿.我知道你會馬上跳出來評論若貝爾隻發給西方國家,對中國帶有歧視,,.....
從“美國新聞媒體在和美國政府利益有衝突的時候對著幹了?”到 "個別一兩個特例就能讓你這麽興奮". 從根本沒有到有....你的言論很有才華,都能辯論,可以把死的說活了.幾秒翻新一下,幾秒可以從沒有到有......
你再看看我以前的回複,,我拿中國跟美國升國旗比較,我說洗腦的是行為規範...你在看橄欖球時全部人都唱?是自願的還是一定要?或是他們發自內心的還是強行? 在美國唱國歌時候占站來手放左肩是對國家的尊重,而可以不用唱國歌...中國呢,你不唱國歌行嗎?
好一個變色龍的達賴喇嘛! 有奶便是娘!!!十足偽善!!!
guys, read the blogger's disclaimer above, a good one.
one suggestion for you: refrain from discriminating your own race by using the word "yellow". also it is funny: my hatred? who did i curse and hate? in addition, religion is as bad as or even worse than patriotism. if one knows one speak, if one doesn't know, one needs to study more.
of course if we are talking about this in a coffee shop, i will notice your age and be more polite. but how would i know your age online? anyway, now i know, sorry. also, other people's rude comments have nothing to do with you. i have been a little mean to you. but, your comments are not exactly like gentleman, either :) don't you agree?
I guess you are just one of the faked westernized yellows who try hard to separate yourself from your past. You are full of hatred while trying to imitate western people's religion. But you forget that true western religion doesn't believe the hatred. You have lost primitive good nature as an human being because of the hatred.
sigh ... 北方憨哥's fans have been fast degrading :( freedom of speech or different opinion is one thing, pooping from mouth in public is another ...
anyone trying to utilize patriotism and / or religion is evil.
但是現在他們‘文明’了,我們怎麽告訴他們其實他們並不怎麽文明? 有很多辦法,根本的是你要把老百姓的生活搞上去。
也不知道誰愚。這裏恐怕沒有幾個喜歡共產黨的,但是把“馬”和列主意毛澤東思想放在一起說,恐怕被中共愚了是另有其人。如文中所說,逢中必反是病態的行為,而相信歐美報道從不騙人的就是無知了。在西藏這次事件中,歐美和中國政府的處理方式都令人反感, 藏獨人士更顯醜陋。
United, all chinese around the whold!
Support you again.
Hope all your artiles can aslo be translated into English.
We are proud of you.
20 年老僑的心願。
, 還是有Exception., i.e.,
, 還是有Exception., i.e., http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=200803&