豬流感--swine flu,在墨西哥正以迅雷不及掩耳盜鈴之勢傳播,而且如野山火般蔓延到友好鄰邦美利堅了。
為什麽不叫pig flu呢?我琢磨了一番,古狗一通網絡,胡亂掰一掰。
swine--Any of various omnivorous(雜食的), even-toed ungulates (偶蹄)of the family Suidae(豬科), including pigs, hogs, and boars, having a stout(肥胖的) body with thick skin, a short neck, and a movable snout(鼻子).
The difference between a pig and a hog: In the United States, the term "pig" refers to a younger domesticated swine weighing less than 120 pounds (50 kilograms), and the term "hog" refers to older swine weighing more than 120 lbs. In Great Britain all domesticated swine are referred to as pigs.

因為swine總指豬科動物,pig隻是其中的一種,所以,豬流感,不僅僅是120磅以下的小豬會得,豬科動物都會傳染,因而就叫作swine flu,人類也難逃了。
cast pearls before swine=對牛彈琴
cast pearls before swine 來源於《聖經》( from the Biblical injunction not to "cast your pearls before swine.")珍珠,自然是價值連城,而豬往往被認為很愚蠢( Pearls, of course, are considered to be things of great value, and swine (pigs) are often considered to be lowly animals. )。在愚蠢的豬麵前扔價值連城的珍珠,簡直是
於是,cast pearls before swine用於表示:不要把有價值的東西,如言語、思想、勸告、智慧以及其他物質給那些根本不識貨或不欣賞的人。(Thus, the phrase translates as "Don't waste something valuable by giving it to someone who doesn't/can't appreciate it." This can apply to words/thoughts/wisdom as well as physical objects, and the expression is frequently used in a condescending fashion. )
請看例句(e.g.): 1、"I read that beautiful Shakespearean sonnet to her, but it was pearls before swine to such an illiterate person."
2、 Giving him advice is just casting pearls before swine. He doesn't listen.
3、To sing for them is to cast pearls before swine.
Have a nice weekend.