

(2007-05-08 15:06:42) 下一個

創世紀 37:25
這裏的他們是雅各的兒子們,事情應該發生在公元前 18 世紀的時候,對吧?
以實瑪利人馱貨的駱駝是哪裏來的?會幫人馱貨的駱駝在公元前 10 世紀末才出現啊!
以實瑪利人的商業意識絕對超前啊!聖經裏所說的香料、乳香和沒藥大約在公元前 800 年前後才成為商品 ……
答:至少鄉下人進城應該舉創世紀12:16的例子,這是聖經首次提到駱駝。“法老因她而厚待亞伯蘭,亞伯蘭就得了羊群,牛群,公驢,男仆,女仆,母驢,駱駝。”那會兒以實瑪利人的祖先以實瑪利還沒出生呢。在美國亞利桑納最近對駱駝骨頭的考古發現中,大概可以追溯到一萬年以前。不過倒是應該查查駱駝在埃及的曆史,因為亞伯蘭得到的駱駝是從埃及來,以實瑪利人是帶駱駝去埃及。http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/camel.htm 按照這篇文章所說,駱駝和埃及金字塔倒是讓人想起了電影《Mummy》.法老的假胡子要用到香料labdanum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labdanum
26:1 在亞伯拉罕的日子,那地有一次饑荒。這時又有饑荒,以撒就往基拉耳去,到非利士人的王亞比米勒那裏。
以撒又得坐時空飛船了: 非利士人到那地方比以撒晚了 1000 年 ……
Some object to the Genesis references to Philistine residence in Canaan, arguing that the Philistines did not settle there until the 12th century B.C.E. But this objection does not rest on a solid basis. The New Bible Dictionary edited by J. Douglas (1985, p. 933) observes: “Since the Philistines are not named in extra-biblical inions until the 12th century BC, and the archaeological remains associated with them do not appear before this time, many commentators reject references to them in the patriarchal period as anachronistic.” However, in showing why such a position is not sound, mention is made of the evidence of a major expansion of Aegean trade reaching back to about the 20th century B.C.E. It is pointed out that a particular group’s not being prominent enough to be mentioned in the inions of other nations does not prove that the group did not exist. The conclusion reached in that New Bible Dictionary is: “There is no reason why small groups of Philistines could not have been among the early Aegean traders, not prominent enough to be noticed by the larger states.”

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