峰火台春秋—HPI, mgr

  • 博客訪問:


(2007-02-08 21:30:33) 下一個


主題: 真實報道中國先進戰機


. 俄國人已經給了中國76架su27,其中26被台風或其它事故毀掉。所以中國人民解放軍擁有50架su27,中國已經訂了大約一百架su30. 隨著協議的進行,中國將生產200架su27和300架su30MKK. 這就意味著到2005年中國將擁有150架俄式先進戰機
現在中國有兩個飛機生產廠, 西安和沈陽。其中每個工廠每年生產能力為15架。這個對生產J-6西安已經選擇建造側衛,而沈陽(應該是成都,原文如此。-HPI注)選擇J-10, 這意味著中國將生產更多的側衛。 J10估計2005年生產出來, 人民解放軍已經訂了300架J10.

如果沈飛每年組裝15架飛機,中國到2010年將擁150架 su27和su30MMK(共300先進戰機)

80 Mig29
40 幻影 2000
50到70 Su30MKI
至少 120LCA

這將給印度700架非常現代化的空戰裝置。這將使其成為繼美俄後的第三大空軍。在2010年之前印度每年有生產40架戰機的能力,包括 Mig29 su30,和幻影2000 LCA 升級MIG 21。並且到2005後能力將增加到每年60架的水平。

其間,巴基斯坦在大約三四年後可以得到FC-1(現在它還不能飛),同樣的時間印度空軍正發展第五代戰機,而巴基斯坦隻能有70-80%生產第四代的戰機(FC-1)的能力,並已經訂了150架FC-1, 估計15-20年將生產300架FC1。

中國方麵將在10-20裏將保持生產J10。當J12出來的時候,印度空軍已經裝備了 Pak Fa和JSF,所以中國的600龐大艦隊(在2020年)第四代已經過時,中國人民解放軍再次被拋在後麵。夥計們,開心吧。


This analysis stretches to 201Russia has sent china 76 su-27 of which 26 were either destroyed in a storm or crashed. This leaves the PLAAF with 50 S-27. China has ordered about a hundred Su-30. Along with this deal, china has options to produce 200 Su-27 and 300 Su-30MKK. This means that by 2005, China would have 150 Flankers of Russian Built
Now for the confusing part - China has 2 aircraft producers, Jingiang and Shenyang. Each of them have a per year production capacity of 15 Aircraft a year. The rest of its capacity is for J-6 fighters. Out of this, Jingiang has been selected to build the Flanker, and Shenyang has been selected for the J-10. This means that it wont produce any flankers. THe J-10 is estimated to come out in 2005. The PLAAF has placed orders for 300 J-10. This means that shenyang producing 15 aircraft a year up till 2010, China would have 150 indigenously assembled Flankers, Su-27 and Su-30MKK for a total of 300 Flankers.
Shenyang, if production of the J-10 commenced in 2005 would have 60 J-10 by 2010.
China would have a total of 360 4th generation fighter jets India on the other have would have
80 MiG-29
40 Mirage 2000
50+70 Su-30MKI
Atleast 120 LCA
120ish MiG-21-93 - equivalent to pakistan's FC-1 aircraft. upgraded to 4th generation standard.
120 Upgraded MiG-27 so that it has all weather capability and aa capability. Upgraded to 4th generation standard.
100 Upgraded Jaguars - Upgraded to 4th gen standard. Upgrade include all weather capability, increased AA capability, with israel python and derby aam and israeli countermeasures.

This gives india 700 quite modern aircraft. This would probably the 3rd most powerful airforce in the world after USA and Russia. By 2010, the PAK FA should go into mass production. HAl has a capacity of about 40 Fighter aircraft a year. It includes the MiG-29/Su-30 production facility and the presetly inactive Mirage 2000/LCA production facility. Presently it is upgrading its MiG-21 production facility. it should come online before 2005 and should increase production capacity to 60 Fighters a year.
Meanwhile, Pakistan would get the FC-1 into service about 3-4 years after the LCA(estimate because it hasn't flown yet). ie, around the same time as the PAK FA. So, when the IAF is modernizing its Airforce with a 5th generation fighter, pakistan would be modernizing theirs with a 4th generation fighter with 70-80 percent capability of the F-16 fighter. Pakistani airforce has placed orders for 150ish FC-1 but, total production numbers China on the other hand would probably keep building its flankers and J-10s till about the late 10's, early 20's when the J-12 would come online. Meanwhile the IAF and other regional airforces would rearm quickly with the PAK FA and the JSF, and china's vast fleet of about 600(in 2020isg) 4th generation fighters would become obsolete, and the PLAAF once again behind the power curve. So guys, be optimistic.

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