
These older women must train the younger women

(2009-04-16 16:04:54) 下一個
Your Life- An Example (By Katherine Kehler)

"These older women must train the younger women..." (Titus 2:3).
Stop! Please don't delete this devotion because you are young. There are younger women in your sphere of influence who need you. All of us are being watched by other people who copy our behaviour.I was reminded of that today. Years ago, when we began the Great Commission Prayer Crusade in Canada, I travelled with Vonette Bright, the co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International, to cities across Canada. She was the guest speaker at prayer rallies we had organized.She had modeled to many women the importance of praying for our government leaders and inspired us to begin a prayer movement in Canada. But today, I am reminded of what she taught me during the times we spent when we were alone -- in the car, airplane or hotel rooms.She prayed spontaneously. We would be having a conversation and suddenly I realized she was talking to God, not to me.One day, while driving, we passed a car accident. She immediately began to pray for the people involved. She prayed for their salvation, for their recovery and peace of mind. It kind of surprised me at first, but I liked it.When we were packing our clothes to head for the next city, she spontaneously thanked God for His provision. By now I was getting used to these "popcorn" prayers.I have often thought about that trip and how Vonette taught me by her example to "pray without ceasing."Today, a young woman told me how much she had learned from me...especially the way I prayed spontaneously about everything. 2 Timothy 2:2 really does work. "Teach these great truths to trustworthy men (and women) who will in turn, pass them on to others."
I thank God for Vonette Bright and how she has modeled a life of a Godly woman.Who has been a Godly model in your life? Why not take a moment to send her a note and thank her.Father, You have told us to teach younger women and we recognize that truths are more caught than taught. Make our lives pleasing to You, Lord, so we will be sparkling lights to those in our sphere of influence. Amen.
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