
[悉尼內西區羽毛球隊通知] 好消息!

(2007-01-31 00:09:10) 下一個
Dear All,

As discussed before, as a group of Badminton fans we joined GBAS as a
affiliated club. And yesterday our first order of 25 tubes Aeroplane
shuttlecocks are on the way.

It is great to have all you guys to take part into this game and enjoy it.
Also it is grateful that we can appriciate each other for the efforts we
contribute to make our games better. I would like to invite all of you
regular players to sign on the membership for GBAS and enjoy its affordable
shuttlecocks and rackets.

We currently have 5 people signed on, and for people who hasn't signed the membership, please, we need your more active participation. Otherwise it is unfair for people who joined. You can buy shuttles via us, but you will have to slightly higher price for the shuttles.

Here are my first order:
Membership for 5 ppl: $30
Aeroplane Green Label: 10 tubes @ $15.5 ea = $155
Aeroplane Blue Label: 15 tubes @ 13.50 ea = $202.50
total: $387.50 + $7 postage and $3 for money order, thus, $397.50

Next session, please bring some extra money to cover your share of the
shuttles and membership fee. Each regular player will pay at least 1 tube,
and Angie or I will bring the shared shuttles to the court when we have a
training session. You can also buy some shuttles for your own.

Happy badminton!
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