
Bart Ehrman 新約的改動添加 (老貼重發)

(2007-07-30 13:31:53) 下一個
Bart Ehrman 新約的改動添加

Bart Ehrman從15歲開始成為born-again JDT. 虔誠到什麽地步呢? 他抓住一切機會傳教, 他把家人, 朋友都轉化為重生的JDT. 在他的同學們都去上University of Kansas時, 他選擇了學習聖經, 他進入了the Moody Bible Institute學習. 這家聖經學院在Chicago, 禁止學生看電影, 打牌,跳舞, 和異性有身體接觸. 用他自己的話說:"Bible was our middle name!".

在隨後的12年裏, 他在Moody, at Wheaton College (another Christian institution in Illinois) and finally at Princeton Theological Seminary.學習. 最後在普林斯頓神學院學習. 他發現自己的語言天賦, 為了學習早期基督教文獻, 他學習了公元前後地中海地區(也就是基督教發源地)的多種語言, 包括希臘語(寫新約用的語言), 科普特語(一種古埃及語言), 希伯萊語(書寫舊約的語言), 敘利亞語….

他對聖經和早期基督教曆史的學習卻導致了他失去了他的信仰, 因為他的發現讓他無法再相信聖經. 他也發現, 耶酥的複活根本沒有曆史證據. 這一發現是對他信仰的最後一擊. 他成為疑神論者, 他的學習沒有加強他的信仰,卻讓他成為世界知名的聖經學者和早期基督教曆史專家. 並多有著作.

下麵是摘自華盛頓時報對他的采訪, 在他的新書: Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why 發表之後.

For the next 12 years, he studied at Moody, at Wheaton College (another Christian institution in Illinois) and finally at Princeton Theological Seminary. He found he had a gift for languages. His specialty was the ancient texts that tried to explain what actually happened to Jesus Christ, and how the world's largest religion grew into being after his execution.

What he found there began to frighten him.

The Bible simply wasn't error-free. The mistakes grew exponentially as he traced translations through the centuries. There are some 5,700 ancient Greek manus that are the basis of the modern versions of the New Testament, and scholars have uncovered more than 200,000 differences in those texts.
聖經根本不是無誤的. 錯誤呈指數增長,當他沿著曆史的印記追蹤下來. 現代版本新約是基於大約5700個古希臘文手卷, 學者們從這些文字中發現了多於200,000二十萬處不同.
"Put it this way: There are more variances among our manus than there are words in the New Testament," Ehrman summarizes.
可以這麽說: 不同新約手卷中的不同點比新約的用詞還多!

Most of these are inconsequential errors in grammar or metaphor. But others are profound. The last 12 verses of the Gospel of Mark appear to have been added to the text years later -- and these are the only verses in that book that show Christ reappearing after his death.
多數這種錯誤是沒有嚴重後果的語法或隱喻錯誤. 但有些是有深遠後果的. 馬可福音的最後12條是很多年後加入的. 而這些是馬可中僅有的關於基督死後顯現的.

Another critical passage is in 1 John, which explicitly sets out the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). It is a cornerstone of Christian theology, and this is the only place where it is spelled out in the entire Bible -- but it appears to have been added to the text centuries later, by an unknown scribe.

另外一個關鍵的段落是約翰1 (John 1), 其中特別提出了神聖的三位一體(父, 子, 靈). 這是基督教神學觀的基石, 而且是整本聖經中唯一說到這一點的地方. 但是, 這段是幾個世紀後, 一個不知名的抄寫員加入的.

還有很多, 比如耶酥和通奸女人等....

有興趣可以看他的 best seller Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why

公共圖書館可以借到. 他文風幽默, 讀之不倦. 這本書把聖經文本(textual critisim)這一學院的嚴肅研究介紹給大眾, 非常發人深醒.
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