
【知音】 千古知音最難覓。。。。

(2008-11-08 18:59:18) 下一個


朗誦: 知音 朗誦者:寒江雪

山青青水碧碧, 高山流水韻依依, 一聲聲如泣如訴如悲啼, 歎的是人生難得一知己 ,千古知音最難覓 ,山青青水碧碧, 高山流水韻依依,一聲聲如頌如歌如讚禮 ,讚的是將軍拔劍南天起 ,我願做長風繞戰旗

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閱讀 ()評論 (17)
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 謝謝教授!!俺還得繼續努力攀高峰啊:))) 抽空一定攻關!!!!
Prof.M 回複 悄悄話 The image display code is missing in the last section of the previous comment. Here it is:

<div style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(http://...); width:...px; height:...px"></div>
Prof.M 回複 悄悄話 Hmmmm......not bad. But in order to get a higher score, you need to do more.

I've developed a solution for you to override the default blog template format in the specific post, so that you can change the template font color to coordinate with the post style at your will.

Here we go, understand it, try it then target to A+:

****First let's find an answer for your confusion yesterday:

You said you did copy the source code before but the link was broken, however, when you follow the step Mengmeng mentioned, which LOOKS like the same way you ever tried, it works. The secret is, this time we use notepad instead of MS Frontpage, and we do the direct copy to WXC editor without touching anything. If my guess is right, what you did before was: you pasted the code into Frontpage, oops....it was in an ugly single line, no problem, just choose "reformat code", aha, nice neat multiline code format! then what?... preview... ouch, all things were broken! THAT'S A BUG OF FRONTPAGE! IT INSERTED "%20" AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH LINK STRING WHICH MADE THE LINK INVALID!

****To fix it, just replace all "%20 to " and '%20 to ', do it now and this is the first step because we have to use Frontpage this time to do the further improvement.

****After fixing the %20 issues, insert the following CSS stylesheet code at the beginning of your post, details in:

the stylesheet can also be applied to any post, just change the relative color code, you can customize those title and comment colors to match the post style. In this example, i use 0xffffff for everything, but you are totally free to change part of them and make cooler styles. So if you found the similar color problems in other posts, you should know how to do the makeover by yourself instead of asking me again.

Because of a bug of WXC editor, your style part will LOST everytime when you enter the edit mode, so be sure to keep the original copy and paste it back. I recommend you to do all modification in the Frontpage and paste the ENTIRE code section into WXC editor EVERYTIME, submit it immediately before you switch back and force between preview/code mode in WXC editor.

****Last issue is the image shrinking problems, DON'T USE image tag or input/image tag in WXC blog because it will be shrinked to 450px automatically.

****To fix it, search .jpg in the code, and replace all image display code to the following format:

So, try the above solutions by yourself. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. Your score will be improved significantly when you finish everything by your own hand. Keep going!
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 回複Prof.M的評論:


Prof.M 回複 悄悄話 Do you THINK what she said was prior to her ACTION? DO it step by step! Don't ASSUME anything based on your IMAGINATION :) DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 回複~夢夢~的評論: 替俺謝謝教授啦!!俺知道怎麽copy,但所有的鏈接都是那裏的,這裏不能用,都要換掉,覺得工作量太大。。。。

~夢夢~ 回複 悄悄話 哈!那個感人的大製作早就在華聞欣賞過了~~ 還一直奇怪你怎麽沒搬過來呢,看了下代碼,本來想幫你做了的,不過教授說要訓練你的獨立動手能力,所以隻讓我講解方法,不準代勞,嘿嘿~~

step 1: 在華聞帖上單擊右鍵,選"View Source",頁麵的源代碼將會顯示在Notepad中

step 2: 在Notepad中查找“帖子源代碼部分開始”這個字串,從該處開始選中源代碼,一直選到“帖子源代碼部分結束”這個標識前為止。

step 3: 把選中的源代碼複製到博克帖中,Done!


我怎麽覺得那些名家朗誦就缺了點兒什麽呢?啊,對了,就是你說的“感情瞬間抒發”的味兒~~ 聽上去有點兒“機械的感覺”,缺乏立體感,也可能是音質的問題吧,所以聽了倆就切過來了,她們的聲音和你在某些方麵有點兒像,但是柔性的成分更多,所以聽上去反而比你的更單薄些,還是更喜歡你這略帶點兒“生猛”嘀音色^o^^o^ 還有這種帶點兒缺憾的真實抒懷,更容易產生共鳴~~~
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,謝謝夢夢這麽認真點評!我隻是把最後三句重念了一遍。也知道前麵那段“將軍拔劍南天起”太突兀和下麵的“長風繞戰旗”有點不協調,就是懶得改了:(((( 因為那和重錄差不多,朗誦有時就是一時的感受,念的次數多了,就會有機械的感覺... 唱歌朗誦對於我們來說其實都是一種感情瞬間抒發的過程,練習太多了,就沒感受啦! 所以我經常都是即興的朗誦,就像你們唱歌一樣:))))所以老是有毛病,有遺憾。。。想在下一個朗誦中糾正,但下一個又有下一個的毛病:(((( 然後就自己原諒自己啦:)))))



(你需要把下麵這個URL裏的“ dd*hw ”裏的 “ * ”去掉,才能看,剛剛發現文學城block 這個網站!!!)




(這個也一樣,你需要把下麵這個URL裏的“ dd*hw ”裏的 “ * ”去掉,才能看,剛剛發現文學城block 這個網站!!!)



~夢夢~ 回複 悄悄話 耶!這次感覺好多了,覺得你最後一句那個“長風”處的吐字特別有餘音繚繞的意境,超讚!你再聽聽第一段末尾的“長風繞戰旗”,好像有點兒氣短,現在覺得“我願作長風”應該是舒展式的感覺,這樣和前麵的豪氣有一種緩衝,不要有太突兀的對比,“繞戰旗”則帶點餘韻綿長的回味,反正覺得你最後一句的處理特別棒!生猛海鮮眨眼間轉型成功~~哈,朗誦我一竅不通,在這瞎叨叨呢~~抱抱江江,好久沒出來了, 跑你這兒透口氣,晚安好夢,呼呼去啦~~
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 夢夢,俺把最後一段又重錄了一下,是不是好一點點。實在不行就得重新錄一遍了,有點懶啦,嘿嘿:)))) 再謝~~~~

寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 回複~夢夢~的評論: 嘻嘻!夢夢從哪裏飄過來了!!請茶啦:)))

俺沒看過這個電影,故事不熟,謝謝指點哈:))) 我一會兒重念一下!!

謝謝哈! 周末愉快!!!!
~夢夢~ 回複 悄悄話 瓦,江江這首。。。哈,剛好路過聽到。前麵挺好的,最後一段好像太太太。。。剛猛了耶^o^,這首是小鳳仙送蔡鍔的,用那麽激昂的語調顯得挺不和諧的,我覺得“將軍拔劍南天起”和“我願做長風繞戰旗”應該有一種語調上的對比,前一句體現豪氣,後一句則是一種餘音嫋嫋的在婉轉中慢慢舒展的感覺,要體現一個“韻”的回味,可以加點綿長的效果。再琢磨琢磨吧,我也是憑感覺瞎指導,繼續幹活去了~~~
寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 謝謝韻依依送的美貼!也謝謝Londonfarmer的範誦:))))

寒江雪~ 回複 悄悄話 怎麽聽著自己念的有點別扭呢??!!

