四海之內, 皆兄弟姐妹也!

大肚能容,容人間恩怨親仇, 個中藏有幾許;開口便笑, 笑世上悲歡離合,此處己無 些煩。 --笑佛。
TyHongAu (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

加拿大Lovesick Lake (慯情湖)的故事 The Legend of Lovesick Lake

(2007-01-15 09:12:07) 下一個



加拿大多倫多市向北大約200公裏有一個渡假的地方叫做 Lovesick Lake (慯情湖),是一個自然環境保護區。那裏風景美麗,湖水清澈。秋天樹葉轉變多彩的顏色,反眏在湖水中。遊人都贊嘆這大自然美景,流連忘返。


近公路旁一間餐館叫 Lovesick Lake Restaurant 餐館的菜單後麵印有一個簡畧的故事:

大約二百多年前,這裏是印第安 Kawarthas 族人的聚居地。酋長有一個年輕美麗的女兒,她愛上了同族的一個碩健英俊的男子。在一個月明的節日睌上,兩人有機會相處。女的向対方表達愛意,但遭到男的拒絕,因為他已愛上別人。之後那姑娘羞愧傷心,出走到這湖附近,幽幽而終!

因為這件事人們便叫這湖為 "Lovesick Lake".


The Legend of Lovesick Lake

The most interesting lake in the Kawarthas in terms of its name, Lovesick lake area is the most picturesque and romantic spot. The story depicts a young Indian woman named Polly Cow, daughter of “Handsome Jack” Cow, who was the good looking, charismatic Indian Chief of the early 1800’s. “Handsome Jack” Cow was one of the most powerful chiefs in the Kawarthas. Polly inherited her father’s physical beauty and was reported to have been the most beautiful Indian maiden of all. She fell in love with an Indian brave, who rejected her love. Heartbroken, she fled to a deserted island on the lake and nearly died of lovesickness. No one knows what became of this beautiful Indian maiden, therefore after many centuries, the lake was named “Lovesick”.

(背景音樂:The Music Box by Frank Mills 加國鋼琴師)






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