
Anssi 要走了

(2019-12-03 02:07:51) 下一個

上個星期四,很無意的發現Anssi麵容嚴肅,就想起來給他發Skye. Skye是我常用的,但不是他用的。太多回憶,不知道從何說起了。

我很撒嬌似的要他抱抱,因為要報考AWS. 結果他告訴我他已經正式通知公司離職了。太沒想到了!我一時不知從何說起,裝作震驚的問他到哪裏。他還是很耐心的解釋了。說主要是為了事業的發展,還說有25%的工資提高。我還能說什麽呢,隻好祝福他。我還是撒嬌,要他給我買禮物。

周五我還是不能自已,趕緊跟他打招呼,聊聊啊。說這說那,說他的後背,和傷。 他說Hannu對他不公平啊。


昨天周一,我想跟他要禮物。腦子裏都是要跟他求證我們的下一步親密關係。要他跟我中午去給需要救助的孩子們買禮物,他拒絕了。我慌了,跑出去給孩子們買了禮物, 也給他帶了一個。回來的路上碰到了Sakari, 他看到了我的慌張和抑鬱。


"Ah this is going to be so awkward... okay, I appreciate you are being nice and friendly, and that is really appreciated, but I think this is a bit too personal and I don't think our thoughts on that are going the same direction. I may be wrong and you are just trying to be super friendly but I just feel this is the case. I cannot accept this gift because it would make me feel guilty for both accepting that and you would be expecting something in return. I am really sorry but I think this is going to be more disappointment for you if I don't speak up now. I hope I have not created false expectations based on my actions, at least that has not been the intent. I don't know how to make this less awkward but could you possibly gift it to someone else or return it? I am really really sorry."






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