
Report Card 3/12/2010

(2010-03-12 17:44:46) 下一個


Tony welcomes new tasks and seeks new opportunities for learning, particularly when it involves small group activities. Ha has demonstrated a positive attitude towards learning and demonstrates a genuine concern for learning. Tony communicates effectively and contributes information to class discussions. He has shown an improvement in time management and organizational skills. Tony's writing has improved. He is now writing with detail. Encourage him to develop standards of neatness in regard to handwriting. Tony's positive and consisten efforts toward school and learning activities have resulted in a truly seccessful marking period.

————怎麽聽起來很不過癮麽、、、、reading都是4,writing居然出現了一個2.。。。總之覺得虛榮心沒得到很大的滿足。。。。。。。reading level倒是不錯,從Nov. 的I一躍成了M,當然2黑同學肯定認為這全是他的功勞,所以也不必強化這一優點。。。

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
wjmama 回複 悄悄話 正常的,以前老師帶的學生少吧,進入小學以後每次家長會隻有15分鍾能說什麽呀?如能碰到好的老師會發現孩子的優點並加以鼓勵的是運氣啦,握爪握爪
黑黑黑黑 回複 悄悄話 回複wjmama的評論:

我總覺得這個一年級的老師缺乏發現8黑同學閃光之處的慧眼:PP 具體表現在:以前上Pre-K時,每次2黑開完家長會回來,總是用新奇的眼神把8黑打量個不停,認為他兒子以後肯定是個了不起的大人物;K的家長會後就比較務實了,認為兒子也就是個一般人兒;再等這一年級的回來後,簡直就跟鬥敗的公雞沒啥區別了,嘎嘎。

wjmama 回複 悄悄話 writing is the most difficult part. Same here