Tony’s Book!
The day before yesterday, nobody got bad strikes and nobody got good strikes. Then we sit on the carpet.
Dec 12, Tony 2008-
One day I went to the beach.
First I was go to my class, then I said to Mrs. Alvarez: “I need a new folder”. Then Mrs. Alvarez said: “Get out of here”. Yesterday.
Dec 2008 by Tony 12
I was eating sushi (cute name) for lunch, then I talk to sushi: “Hi sushi! I’m Einstein. I’m your friend and I’m eating you because you are food.”
The End.
2008 by Einstein Dec 13
你就不好上街去找一找那種繪畫日誌的小冊子?一麵是花花的,一麵是日誌,先把要寫的畫下來,圖紅上彩,然後再對畫加注釋,這樣孩子也有個營生趕,這枯燥無味的飛紙狗 日記,誰能堅持下來那