

(2007-08-02 14:20:29) 下一個


boy meets girl; they fall in love; boy takes girl home to meet dad; girl’s husband (oops!) takes offense; husband follows wife and brings 50,000 close friends to set things right; boy’s brother pays huge price; extended intermission.


特洛伊木馬是木馬屠城記裡記載著的那隻希臘軍隊用來攻破特洛伊城的大木馬。而木馬屠城記則是古希臘詩人 - 荷馬,在其兩部著作伊利亞特與奧德賽裡所記載的特洛伊戰爭的一部份。木馬屠城記一直被後人視為神話故事,直至十九世紀時,業餘考古學者蘇利曼才證實木馬屠城記真有此事。



特洛伊木馬是木馬屠城記裏記載著的那隻希臘軍隊用來攻破特洛伊城的大木馬。而木馬屠城記則是古希臘詩人 - 荷馬,在其兩部著作伊利亞特與奧德賽裏所記載的特洛伊戰爭的一部份。木馬屠城記一直被後人視為神話故事,直至十九世紀時,業餘考古學者蘇利曼才證實木馬屠城記真有此事。


斯巴達國王美內勞斯因為其太太海倫被帕裏斯所帶走,因此向希臘各城邦求助,共同出兵特洛伊。但特洛伊因為有亞馬遜女戰士和黎明女神兒子梅農的幫忙,與維納斯暗中協助,所以能抵抗希臘聯軍。但因為雅典娜得不到金蘋果,所以不願放過特洛伊,而且指示奧德修斯向希臘聯軍獻上木馬屠城之計。 有一天,希臘聯軍突然撤退,並留下一隻木馬,特洛伊人將其當作戰利品帶回城內。在當天晚上,當特洛伊士兵為勝利而慶祝時,藏匿在木馬中的希臘兵悄悄打開城門,將城外的軍隊迎進,在一夜間消滅特洛伊城,城內男丁悉數被殺。



Synopsis of Scenes

Part I: The Capture of Troy

Act I

Site of the abandoned Greek camp on the plains of Troy

After ten years of siege by the Greeks, the Trojans rejoice at the prospect of peace. They marvel at the gigantic wooden horse the Greeks left behind as an offering to Pallas Athena.

King Priam’s daughter Cassandra, a prophetess, looks for the significance behind the Greeks’ disappearance. In a moment of revelation, she saw her brother Hector’s ghost on the ramparts and has tried unsuccessfully to warn her father and Chorebus, her fiancé, of further calamities. When Chorebus begs her to join the celebrations, she urges him to flee the city, because she foresees death for both of them.

The Trojans offer thanks to the gods with the sacred objects of Troy. A somber note is introduced when Andromache, Hector’s widow, brings her son Astyanax to King Priam and Queen Hecuba. Aeneas arrives and reports that the priest Laocoon, suspecting the wooded horse to be some kind of trick, threw his spear at it and urged the crowd to set fire to it, whereupon two sea serpents devoured him and his two sons. Aeneas proposes they make amends to Athena by bringing the horse into the city as a holy object. As the Trojan march sounds in the distance and the horse is hauled closer, Cassandra realizes it bears disaster.

Act II

First Tableau: A room in Aeneas’s Palace

Aeneas is visited by the ghost of Hector, who tells him to escape, since his destiny is to found an empire that someday will rule the world. As the ghost disappears, Aeneas’ friend Panthus rushes in to report on the Greek soldiers who emerged from the horse and are devastating Troy. Aeneas hasten to lead the defense forces.

Second Tableau: Interior of Priam’s palace

Trojan women pray for deliverance from the invaders. Cassandra foretells that Aeaneas and some of the Trojans will escape to Italy to build a new Troy. Chorebus is dead, and Cassandra prepares for her own death, asking the women whether they will submit to rape and enslavement. Some are afraid of death; driving these away, the others make a vow to die free. Greek soldiers, entering in search of Trojan treasure, are aghost at the sight of the women’s mass suicide. Aeneas and his men escape with the treasures of Troy.

Part II: The Trojans at Carthage

A vast hall in the palace of Dido at Carthage
Dido, Queen of Carthage, greets her subjects who hail her with an anthem. She reminds them that in only seven years, since they had to flee from Tyre, they have built a flourishing new kingdom. Her sister, Anna, assures Dido, who is a widow, that one day she will be able to love again.

When Iopas, the court poet, announces visitors who have narrowly escaped ship-wreck in a recent strom, Dido welcomes them. They are the remnants of the Trojan army, asking a few days' hospitality en route to Italy and offering Dido what is left of their treasure.

When word reaches Dido that the Numidian ruler, Iarbas, is about to attack Carthage because she refused his offer of marriage. Aeneas steps from among the sailors' ranks, identifies himself, and offers to fight alongside the Carthaginians. Dido accepts, and Aeneas rallies his forces to repel the invader, entrusting his son, Ascanius, to the queen's care.

Act IV
First Tableau: Royal Hunt and Strom
Aeneas has returned victorious to Carthage. During a hunting party, a storm breaks, and Dido and Aeneas seek shelter in a cave. They discover their passions for each other.

Second Tableau: Dido's gardens by the sea; sunset
Several months have passed and evening has fallen in Dido's palace. Anna askes Narbal, the queen's adviser, why he seems worried, now that the Numidians have been defeated. He repies that since Dido fell in love with Aeneas, she has been neglecting her duties, and that Aeneas' destiny is to go on to Italy -- no good can come of the romance. Narbal is afraid that in extending hospitality to the strangers, Carthage has invited its own doom.

Dido enters with Aeneas and her court. She provides entertainment for him. She asks him to tell her more about Troy’s last days. When he says that Andromache, Hector’s widow, at length succumbed to love and married Pyrrhus, one of the enemy, Dido sees a parallel to her own situation. She and Aeneas rhapsodize about their love, but they are interrupted when the god Mercury reminds Aeneas of his duty and destination – Italy.

Act V

First Tableau: The seashore, covered with Trojan tents; Trojan ships are visible in the harbor; night

In the Trojan camp with their ships moored near at hand, Hylas, a young sailor, expresses his longing for home in a ballad and falls asleep. Panthus tells other Trojan soldiers their delay is burdensome; daily omens and apparitions remind them of the gods’ and the dead Hector’s impatience with their failure to move on. Determined to leave the next day, they retire to their tents as two sentries pass, making way for Aeneas, who struggles to banish misgivings and do what he must. As he resoves to see Dido one more time, the ghosts of Priam, Hector, Chorebus, and Cassandra appear, pressing their demands. Forced to give up Dido, Aeneas wakens the Trojans and tells them to set sail befor sunrise. Dido finds him planning to depart, however, and rages at his desertion. Though he protests that he loves her, she curses him. As she rages, the distraught Aeneas boards his vessel.

Second Tableau: A room in Dido’s palace; dawn

As dawn breaks, the queen asks her sister to go to Aeneas. She will try to persuade him to stay a few more days, but the Trojan ships are sighted already on their way out to sea. Dido laments that she did not foresee Aeneas’ treachery and burn his fleet. Instead, she will burn his gifts and trophies; she orders a pyre built.

Third Tableau (Ritual for the Dead): Dido’s gardens by the sea; a huge pyre, with steps ascending on each side

A pyre has been set up, with relics of Aeneas. Priests pray for the peace of Dido’s heart, while Anna and Narbal curse Aeneas’ venture to Italy. Dido predicts that her fate will be remembered, along with Aeneas’ infamy; a future Carthaginian general, Hannibal, will avenge her against Italy one day. Seizing Aeneas’ sword, she stabs herself. With her dying breath, Dido tells the shocked bystanders that fate is against Carthage; it will be destroyed, and Rome will rule eternal. Turning their backs on a vision of the Roman Capitol, the survivors pronounce undying hatred on Aeneas and his descendants.




















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