
名詞解釋(Output Actuators)

(2006-12-19 19:58:43) 下一個
* EFI main relay - The EFI main relay activates power to the fuel pump relay (circuit opening relay). It is activated by the ignition swithch and supplies battery power to the ECU and the EFI system when the switch is in the Start or Run position.

* Fuel injectors - The ECU opens the fuel injectors individually. On most modern engines, the system is called SFI (Sequential Fuel Injection), in which the injectors are fired sequentially according to the firing order of the cylinders. The ECU also controls the time the injector is open, called the "pulse width." The pulse width of the injector (measured in milliseconds) determines the amount of fuel delivered.

* Igniter - The igniter triggers the ignition coil and determines proper spark advance based on inputs from the ECU.

* Idle Air Control (IAC) valve - The IAC valve controls the amount of air to bypass the throttle plate when the throttle valve is closed or at idle positon. The IAC valve opening and the resulting airflow is controlled by the ECU.

* EVAP vacuum switching valve (VSV) - The EVAP vacuum switching valve is a solenoid valve, operated by the ECU to purge the fuel vapor canister and route fuel vapor to the intake manifold for combustion.

* Vapor Pressure Sensor vacuum switching valve (VSV) - The Vapor Pressure Sensor vacuum swithching valve is operated by the ECU during the OBD-II evaporative emission monitor and during an emission test of the evaporative system.
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