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油鹽醬醋茶 世界你我他。。。

Will you die for love?

(2004-12-26 13:24:25) 下一個
Ask yourself this question...

People believe, in women there are over 50% of the population would do "whatever" for those they are in love with vs. men of a much lower percentage!!! Do you believe it?

Will you be in this majority of women or men? Love is such a sacred word over the years, I am full of respect to it. Just wonder how people from different country, culture interpret it differently? How the meaning of love has evolved over the thousand of years... I heard in Greek there are 3 words for the English word "love", referring to different degree / way of love.

-Love as from the christian God and the Son: without conditions
-Love as of bodily love
-Love as of friends anf families...

Can you tell the difference?
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BWW 回複 悄悄話 回複luckygirl的評論:

Your story is touching. I admire what you did, or anyone having your guts (I happened to know a few people like you in life). I agree your point of giving happiness and enjoy each others companion.

The sad truth is that to give once life for love is easier, because it is a momentary decision, whereas to make you happy every day is a life long mission...

Actually in my question, I implied that IF one can die for love, he can sacrifice for love everyday. I was wrong.

Just my two cents: NO ONE can make you happy, if you have not chosen to be a happy person.

Happy or not, It is who you choose to be. Love won't make you happy forever, tho maybe momentarily...
BWW 回複 悄悄話 Thanks, Lin!

The song is so beautiful, AND the pictures... It touched a tender part of my heart, went deeply into my soul...

BTW, the day you published the song is a special day for me: my 2nd son's birthday. :-)

林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 When I saw the title: Will you die for love?,it reminds me of the song Hero:
luckygirl 回複 悄悄話 Such "stupid" question was probably posed by a heartless/selfish man who does not know how to love others.

My true story here, many years ago,an ex bf asked me such type question, I never gave him yes/no answer because I was not sure about my love for him.

One day he was surrounded by 3 hooligans in the street, I was with him, trying to use my body protect him when they cracked him over the head... The result was: one hooligan was arrested by me until the police arrived.(Never know how much strength/braveness I had used, he must have got scared by me),and the wounded ex was taken to the hospital...
Several months later, I seperated from the ex. He could not understand and asked: "Why don't you think that you do love me? since you can die for me..."

My answer: "I don't need a man who is preparing to die for me, I do need a man who can make me happy every day... but we can't for each other"

BWW, the true love is to give happiness, not to sacrifice one's life, given that you are in a very peaceful circumstance.
Olivia 回複 悄悄話 Of course you can tell the difference among "love"s. If you can't tell, u don't know what love is.

I believe that a big percentage of mothers would have no problem to die for loving their children; I assume that the percentage of lovers who would die for their men would be much lower. Will one die for friendship? I think that it depends. very hard to imagine in our daily lives. One's personality and life value system will contribute to some prompt situations.
