BWW Blog

油鹽醬醋茶 世界你我他。。。

The first principle in Life

(2005-02-18 13:52:13) 下一個
I believe:

you're a loving, caring and considerate person... whoever you're, unless "proved" otherwise...

I could be stupid, I know I was from time to time; so you have the priviledge to be stupid, ...

I was weak from time to time, so that you have the priviledge to be weak, from time to time,...

I was heartless from time to time, so that you have the priviledge to be heartless, from time to time...

BUT, how difficult it is to face someone dearly, so close to heart, so cold, stupid, weak, heartless!!!

The cross is heavy, the yok is heavy... "Forgive them father, for what they do, they do not know!"
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