
有夢想的人快樂。* * * * 不要小看 老鼠,無論是大老鼠還是小老鼠,都為我們的健康做出了很大的貢獻!


(2007-04-10 19:22:01) 下一個
發達國家很多人都學習緊急救護措施,比如 心肺複蘇。心肺複蘇(cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR)是一項簡單實用的醫療急救措施,人人都可以學會。當最親近的人發生意外時,你的第一救護至關重要。還有什麽更能體現“時間” 的價值呢?

When performed quickly enough, CPR can save lives in such emergencies as loss of consciousness, heart attacks or heart "arrests," electric shock, drowning, excessive bleeding, drug overdose, and other conditions in which there is no breathing or no pulse. The purpose of CPR is to bring oxygen to the victim's lungs and to keep blood circulating so oxygen gets to every part of the body. When a person is deprived of oxygen, permanent brain damage can begin in as little as four minutes and death can follow only minutes later.
如果操作及時,CPR可以挽救很多曆經緊急情況的生命,例如意識喪失,心肌梗塞、心跳驟停,電擊傷,溺水,失血過多,藥物過量(中毒),以及其他一些喪失呼吸或者脈搏的情況。 CPR的目的是將氧氣輸送到患者的肺中並維持血液循環,使氧氣得以被輸送到全身的各個部分。如果身體失去氧氣供應,4分鍾之內即可出現永久性腦損傷,再幾分鍾之後即可導致死亡
There are three physical symptoms that indicate a need for CPR to be performed immediately and for emergency medical support to be called: unconsciousness, not breathing, and no pulse detected.

When you approach a motionless person, check for responsiveness.
—— Hey, Are you OK?
—— Call 911!
If unresponsive, send a bystander to call ‘911’.
Use the head-tilt chain-lift method to open the airway. Look, listen or feel for sign of normal breathing for up to 10 seconds. If breathing is absent, pinch the victim’s nose and give two slow breathes, each should last one and a half to two seconds, and make the victim’s chest rise. Once your breathes go in, check for signs of circulation, such as breathing, coughing, or movements for up to 10 seconds. If there are no signs of circulation, begin CPR.
This is the combination of chest compression and rescue breath. To get chest compression, put your hands on the lower end of sternum between the nipples.
An optional method is to slide your finger along the rib to the point where the ribs meet at the base of the sternum. Place the heel of your hand above your fingers, place your other hand on top of the first hand.
—— one, two, three… thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
Your arms are straight and shoulders directly over your hands. Depress the chest one and a half to two inches and allow the chest to return to its normal position. Give 15 compressions at the rate of 100 compressions per minute.
—— one, two, three… thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
After 15 chest compressions, give two slow rescue breath. Repeat the cycle of CPR, giving 15 chest compressions and 2 rescue breathes for one minute.
—— one, two, three… thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
After 1 minute, recheck the victim for signs of circulation. If there are still no signs of circulation, continue CPR beginning with chest compressions.
—— one, two…
當發現有人昏倒時,...... 應該不需要翻譯吧?我需要你們的反饋 :)

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Dalaoshu 回複 悄悄話 瞧你說的,是 口香 吧? :)

我還真的聽說過一個美國醫生在野外CPR 救了一個老太太,結果這個老太太返過頭來告這個一生,說他弄折了他的一根肋骨!



對於醫生,有一個“Good Samaritan law”,說的是見義勇為的醫生在搶救病患的時候(一般是在野外之類的,並且免費)如果犯有過錯導致傷害,但是遵守了醫療常規,那麽這個醫生可以免受責任。

對於非專業人士,一般不提倡主動提供醫療救助,除非有過急救訓練。所以,CPR 以及“Heimlich”救助的大多都是自己最親近的人。

DueProcess 回複 悄悄話 唉,俺有口臭耶,本來還有救的人,被俺CPR熏死了咋辦呢?大老鼠給俺指點一二啊!
Dalaoshu 回複 悄悄話 Iam glad that this helps. i will post more.
Any suggestions on what to post here?
林韻 回複 悄悄話 it is a big help to me, i have no idea about CPR.
now i know what to do under emergencies as loss of consciousness, heart attacks or heart "arrests," etc.
thank u so much for sharing this kind of knowledge with us