2006 (28)
2007 (129)
2008 (69)
2013 (3)
2025 (1)
Sorry, 五維 Mei Mei, yesterday I was too busy to discuss with you. I think your consideration is reasonable. Jia Lan is a character who can become either good or bad. A good novel probably will always have some potential links here and there, so that audience can use their imaginations while reading.
Was writing to you and lost my sofa #1 :-)
It's out!
It will be the longest ten min. I have experienced.
to be honest,I am a naughty girl.....
Came out!
by data analysis...lol
Jia jia 好,陪我說賈蘭。我其實也還想說呢。Miao姐姐作了李紈不服寶玉的鋪墊. 其實讓賈蘭接受鍛煉是不必非貶寶玉不可的. 還有,賈家樹倒猢猻散之後,為何李紈與王夫人等再無往來? 誰都知道,賈蘭隻有三腳貓的功夫,自顧不暇,怎能在戰場上立功呢? 哪個當媽的舍得唯一的兒子去送死呢? 安排賈蘭在後方是黛玉的主意,不是李紈的. 這裏的奧妙我還不明白. 需要看以後的章節了.
二十九回中多處提到眾人對賈蘭的關切,都是情不自禁的.看來大家是真心把他當自己人. 我也注意到了"看著"一處,很有同感. 讓我們一起期待新的故事吧.仗打完了,水溶回來了,寶刀易手了,黛玉生了,大約也是到了交待賈蘭的時候了. 其實在這個人人都為前途擔憂的時候,誰是壞人都不奇怪,賈蘭也一樣.
I guess this coming chapter will answer many questions.
"Should be in another 10 min."
oh,dear! how do you know that? jiajia!!
Great. Some of your previous sentences sound like a naughty boy...lol.
Should be in another 10 min. Hold on. Then you could go to sleep soundly :-)
I am also MM
It is time for Miao meimei post the next chapter?
I am so sleepy.....
I also support Miao Mei Mei publish the story into a well-packaged book!
Yeah, it's a sister ID. Let me ask, are you a MM?
We think you are speaking with reasons :-) Our multi-dimensional thoughts and discussions allow everyone to think more and have more fun. Please go ahead!
Agree. Actually, there is only one line between an angel and a devil. In general, a person may choose any road when there is a fork in front of him.
We say Jia Lan should be good, from Miao Mei Mei's previous chapters, meaning that we are guessing Miao Mei Mei's intention.
I would like to add one more evidence:
In "二十九、聞訊", "這時就見朱英匆匆跑進來,見了紫鵑劈頭就問:“見賈蘭了麽?”" and "朱英拍了下腦門子道:“壞了,這個孩子,..."
Please also pay attention to Zhu Ying's selection of word "孩子". If Zhu Ying suspects Jia Lan, or already knows that Jia Lan is bad, I guess he would not have chose the word.
Also, "朱英匆匆跑進來""問""紫鵑". If Zhu Ying is monitoring Jia Lan, he won't have to rush to Zi Juan to ask, even forgetting that he should not let Dai Yu hear about it.
So, from Miao Mei Mei's previous chapters, it seems that, again, Jia Lan should be good.
However, there is one place that may or may not deserve attention. In this chapter, "讓朱英看著賈蘭去", Shui Rong said. Miao Mei Mei didn't use the word ZHAO KAN; she used "看著", which is a word with two possible explanations.
So, let's see. I would say, Jia Lan's good:bad = 9.9:0.1. But still, there is 0.1 there...lol.
I'd like to contribute, either to "buy the copyrights" which I am not sure because I don't know what Miao thinks, or just support Miao, her beautiful works deserve to be published.
last year an investment group BOUGHT Toysrus, Babysrus, Kidsrus?
Not "brought", my fingers were flying without asking brain.
About !*****出書*****! and回複sissidream的評論:
I had planned to initiate this topic during miao Mei Mei's spring break. Since it is already brought up here, we just start from here. miao MM, have you contacted with any publishers? at least I think you should go for it. It is more enjoyable for readers to keep a book than to browse.
Another way depends on our readers. Recall last year an investment group bought Toysrus, Babysrus, Kidsrus? We interested readers can organize to buy Miao's copyrights (we can ask her to make the ending beautiful, haha!) and then seek publishers.
Any thoughts, JM(XD)?
I had planned to initiate this topic during miao Mei Mei's spring break. Since it is already brought up here, we just start from here. miao MM, have you contacted with any publishers? at least I think you should go for it. It is more enjoyable for readers to keep a book than to browse.
Another way depends on our readers. Recall last year an investment group brought Toysrus, Babysrus, Kidsrus? We interested readers can organize to buy Miao's copyrights (we can ask her to make the ending beautiful, haha!) and then seek publishers.
Any thoughts, JM(XD)?
這裏我為賈蘭平反是因為那兩個反例,jia jia 一個我一個.miao姐姐行文謹慎,不會出現明顯破綻。而且要證明命題不成立,隻需一個反例就夠了。
Miao, I am so thrilled to hear "四十回可能打不住了". 你就寫下去吧!我們這麽愛你這文章。
還有,能不能出書, 好讓我放在床頭天天複習,天天高興?
You are most welcome.
Another way, we just found recently, to "解相思之苦", is to join in discussions...lol. It really works. Try it :-)
your 2am :-)
miao 不知後麵能把探春也演一演, 俺也喜歡這姑娘。
Same habit!
agree too!
lol. I 100% agree and support datuzi Mei Mei's wonderful proposal!!!, using my both hands and both feet! :-)
Miao Mei Mei, that will be an innovation!
This is like, we go to Miao Mei Mei's theatre to watch the play; and she watches us from the balcony :-) (somehow feel like Xu Zhimo's Zai Bie Kang Qiao...lol)
"獎給jiajia meimei小紅花一朵"
Ah, I get a little red flower!!! Bow :-)
經版主同意,獎給jiajia meimei小紅花一朵。望再接再厲,正當“三好讀者”。 :)
Many many thanks :-) Thanks Miao Mei Mei's wonderful story; so that I and other sisters have the strong interests to read carefully and discuss. Thanks to sisters; so that I can feel so much fun participating in the discussions and continue.
Applaud! Miao Mei Mei has agreed to offer us more chapters!!! Thanks a bunch!
Please don't push yourself too hard. We understand you also have your everyday life, your career, your family with your husband and your kids. Now we have formed a "community of practice" with common interest and we enjoy very much reading and guessing and analyzing and discussing. Of course we always look forward to your new chapters. But while waiting, we are having fun too. To tell you the truth, this is the first time I don't feel that impatient. I typically don't like to follow chapters. Waiting always drive me crazy, especially for the story I love. This is the first time I feel that the waiting time is also beautiful.
In one word, we really appreciate your fantastic story and thank you very much!
同意!給jia jia 最佳獎。 :)
Thanks very much for your encouragements :-) It has been a great pleasure discussing with you. Moreover, along with our discussions, we are having more fun with the story :-)
我隻有看的工夫, 沒有插嘴的機會了.
感謝MIAO, 每次都能給我們這些粉絲帶來驚喜!
給jiajia07同學頒一個最佳讀者獎吧。 我服了她。
Your point is a very good one! Thank you! And I do have a lot of fun reading and discussing on this story! Thank you guys and many thanks to Miao too!
Agree with datuzi: I also wanted to say: "Excellent writer and reader!"
Jia Jia's point made me think more. I read the recent chapters again and I also found one thing which is against my own doubts about 賈蘭: he is improving with martial art very fast!
In the 29th chapter, 賈蘭道:“我跟師傅學了很多東西,如今我自己可以和三個王府護衛交手,隻贏不輸,和師傅徒手相搏,十回也能撂倒他三回,不信你問師傅。”
If he was a spy and under monitering, ZhuYing wouldn't have tought him much. So, I give up my suspicion toward 賈蘭。I think I missed some details about 賈蘭. I cared more for DaiYu and Shui Rong. I was not as careful as you guys. :) Now I believe he is a good guy and hope all is well with him.
Excellent writer and reader!
Many thanks for the discussions. I believe we all have a lot of fun from these discussions.
One reason I don't think Zhu Ying considers Jia Lan is a spy is as follows:
In Chapter "二十九、聞訊",
If Zhu Ying thinks Jia Lan as a spy, I think he will not act as above. (He didn't want to expose the situation to Dai Yu, since it might be dangerous for Dai Yu to know about all those. That's what everyone tries to hide from Dai Yu.) He will be much more prepared to block Jia Lan's actions. Also, he would not let Jia Lan flee away, since he would monitor Jia Lan's actions.
So in general, from the previous chapters, I kind of not thinking Jia Lan as a spy. Anyway, that's just my opinion. Welcome for more discussions. Maybe I miss something.
Dai Yu is pregnant at the beginning of August. The army started in early September ("隻因王爺不日就要出京" still can mean 20 days), when Dai Yu just had her 2nd-month period and Shui Rong's Mom asked her about it. Then Miao Mei Mei explained that "十月下旬到達西北王家莊" (it took a while for the whole army to move to the front), then it is almost 3-month pregancy. Then several days after the New Year's Day, it could be explained that Dai Yu had a little more than 5 months' of pregnancy. Then after another two months or more, 7.5-month pregnancy is fine.
Have you watched "Saving Priate Ryan?" It took bloody experiences to turn a normal person into a hero, such as the interpreter. 賈蘭 was a Shu Sheng in the beginning.
But again I could be wrong though...It is just not very persuasive to make "賈蘭is a spy".
Good point! agree.
我對賈蘭是好是壞不確定主要是由26回"暗箭"所述引起. 理由見下.既然心裏有了這個念頭,就會不停地向這個方向想. 其實賈蘭是好人是最正常不過的了. 很有可能是我胡思亂想了.
1)26 回中賈蘭砍傷了一個敵人(高手),並且沒有他受傷的描述.身為高手的朱英那時已經滿身是傷,另一王莊頭不曾受損是因有寶刀.賈蘭這個"三腳貓"為何不曾受傷呢? 一種解釋是敵人放了他一馬.
2)"就見賈蘭蹭進門來,一臉羞赧之色". 他的羞赧可以解釋為未能殺敵的不好意思,也可以理解為身處尷尬境地的難堪:他身為敵人同夥卻不想暴露身份.這時侯朱英並未揭穿他.
我想說得是,賈蘭是好是壞其實不是最重要的.隻是要謝謝miao 姐姐的這個精彩故事,讓我有無限回味的餘地.
In Chapter "二十五、繡鞍", "離京的時候太妃問過我,太妃說那個如果還在,就---我說那個,那個還有". "夫人不知,是因為在第二個月上來了些許月信,俗稱早見紅。" It seems that before Dai Yu and Shui Rong started, she is at least 2-month pregnant.
In the same chapter, "夫人腹中已有了三個月的身孕。" That happens just after they arrived at the front. So at that time it would be some time in September.
In Chapter "二十一、衷情", "隻因王爺不日就要出京,王府中忙的人仰馬翻。過完中秋..." So it seems that they started not much later than the Mid-Autumn Day.
In "二十七、朱紫", "算算黛玉已經是中期的五個多月的身子了". That is around the New Year - I guess it is about lunar calendar.
From Mid-Autumn's Day to the New Year's Day, there are about 4 months and a half. Even if we consider Dai Yu just entered the 2nd month before started, say end of August, she should entered at least the 6th month around the New Year's Day.
Then after two months when the baby was born, the baby should be at least 8 months. So the kid should be all fine.
There are two possibilities:
1) he is good: He is still alive: "讓朱英看著賈蘭去". He probably is badly wounded; and he gave the knife to Shui Rong.
2) he is bad: still possible. "讓朱英看著賈蘭去" may also explain as asking Zhu Ying to monitor him. However, unless there is a definite reason, it is difficult to see why Jia Lan went to kill Shui Rong, after Dai Yu refused his proposal as a messanger.
--True, at least for me. Miao must have shared the same feeling.
--I cannot see an issue with 賈蘭 so far. Let's wait for Miao meimei's development.
Agree with you two!
Especially about 1, 每個剛生過孩子的媽媽都希望老公孩子時刻在身邊吧。我所認識的媽媽們在美國的產房裏大都選擇rooming-in,老公雖然不是同床,卻也睡在旁邊的床上。想來王爺的寬宅大院條件隻會更好吧。這樣安排很溫馨.
至於賈蘭,我仍心存疑慮.如果他是好人,估計拚死保護王爺,自己卻已經不在了,因為黛玉給的刀到了王爺手上.如果他是壞人,王爺身上的血跡估計有他的"功勞". 不過賈蘭不是主要人物,隻要水溶黛玉和他們的孩子平安,我就放心了.
Agree with 1. Miao Mei Mei doesn't have to explicitly write how Shui Rong and other people make sure no bacteria will hurt Dai Yu and the new baby. But those things will be done for sure. There are very experienced people around.
Agree with 2 generally. Dai Yu formally buried about Bao Yu and their past. In the future, she will live for Shui Rong and the kind, and mostly importantly, for herself, as she said in Chapter 16, "如今我已經不再埋怨東風了,更不自嗟,活一天,我便活出我的樣子來..."
For 3, agree with datuzi, when Dai Yu recovers, she could ride the horse. Because anyway, Shui Rong specially bought for her. Meanwhile, it is half a person high. It will be several years before Wan Er could ride the horse :-)
For 4, datuzi Mei Mei is right, things will be different at another time. However, 海棠花 Mei Mei is also right, since Shui Rong loves Dai Yu so much, he would not like anything to remotely have the chance to hurt Dai Yu. So another Wan Er may or may not come :-)
For 5, agree with datuzi Mei Mei. Miao Mei Mei wants to emphasize how Shui Rong cherishes Dai Yu. The baby is the extension to their love and life. But the people are the most important. As Miao Mei Mei mentioned several times in the previous chapters, Shui Rong emphasized several times, he doesn't care whether the baby is a boy or a girl; all he wants is Dai Yu's health first. Also, his energy is completely exhausted from the battle (blood everywhere around him) and the worry about Dai Yu earlier. So at that moment, he was so released by Dai Yu's back. All he wants is to take a rest. And he needs a rest. He could enjoy the baby together with Dai Yu when they wake up.
Look forward to the next Chapter.
Many thanks again to Miao Mei Mei.
Nice prediction! Strongly agree with 1 and 2.
about 3, it could be 萬兒 belongs to "horse" zodiac animal.
about 4, "生萬兒,差些要了黛玉的命": the main reason is the danger and the worst war period, and 黛玉 had thought Shui Rong had died. She did not gather any strength to fight for her baby and intended to give up her life. If this had happened again when Shui Rong were around, life were peaceful and lovely, 黛玉won't do this.
about 5, "為甚麽水溶不看看孩子?" miao might emphasize Shui Rong's love for 黛玉. He did not spend much time during 黛玉's pregnancy, and almost wanted to kill himself if something had happened to 黛玉. So it could be the case that he wants to watch the baby when 黛玉 wakes up.
1. 將水溶安排和她娘倆躺在一起,可能為下章某些情節鋪墊,黛玉現在所有的心思都放在水溶和孩子身上,但當黛玉一睡醒來,看到她生命中最重要的兩個人都在自己身邊,那將是多麽令她欣慰,懸了那麽久的心最終放下。
2. 一直覺得黛玉心中仍有寶玉,雖然一切都已過去,但畢竟那是段刻骨銘心的初戀。現在寶玉走了,不論是出家或是死了,都是對他們俗世情緣作一終結。或許雙雙回歸仙界,再續前緣曾是他們共同所希望的。隻是姻緣天注定,寶玉可抛下寶釵離去,但黛玉卻不能,因為她在塵世還有牽掛,她還在為和尚的一句話而憂心,所以注定她走不了。所以我覺得經此一夢,黛玉跟寶玉的感情已正式成為過去。現在的她隻為他(水溶或是孩子)而活。
3. 看來黛玉的小馬是沒機會騎了,小馬將會變成她寶貝兒子的呢!
4. 生萬兒,差些要了黛玉的命,水溶還會讓她再經曆一次嗎?我怕菀兒沒戲了!
Thanks for the explanation.
Did Bao Yu die? hope not. I am expecting a talk between Shui Rong and Bao Yu, hehe, a little bit embarrassing.
"軟猥甲? wow, is this kind of what 黃蓉 wears in She Diao?"
Guess so. It first showed in Song dynasty. So in Qing dynasty it could appear too :-)
Good explanation...lol
I think this is the best chapter written so far. Well done。
軟猥甲? wow, is this kind of what 黃蓉 wears in She Diao?
miao 妹妹行文很精巧,恐怕40來回真可能結束了。
This chapter is really enjoyable. Many thanks to Miao Mei Mei!
datuzi Mei Mei, many thanks for thinking of me!
既想一口氣讀完姐姐所有章節,又怕姐姐結局地太快.唉,這種心情! 多麽蘭心慧智的姐姐呀!
Miao mei mei is THE professional writer.
Thanm you!
And I am laughing too!
miao mei mei ,就不要讓他們回去了, 就去那個萬城隱居吧, 啊?
You are welcome. And I really like this one, I can't keep from smiling:
不管他, 王子也好, 世子也好, 隻要是我們期待的林妹妹的仔就好!
sissidream is so generous! not like me, who was wild of joy and only wanted to compensate jiajia...
thank you!
and 不管他, 王子也好, 世子也好, 隻要是我們期待的林妹妹的仔就好!
有些失望,不是twins. 不過已經很滿足了.
賈蘭沒事吧? 寶玉看樣子是死了.
謝謝妹妹, 把新的post 出來, 辛苦了.
母子平安, 水溶歸來, 總算鬆了一口氣。為他們一家高興!
“世子” 好像是要皇帝封的吧? “先秦時,世子即指太子。古籍亦有“文王為世子”,是指諸侯的長子而言。魏晉以後,宗室封王者之子開始稱世子。清代親王的嫡長子奉特旨封為世子,是十四等封爵中的第二等”. 這是水溶長子,稱世子也是對的。