首先,我讚成“愛孩子先推自己”的基本觀點,而且絕對身體力行,算得上這方麵的進步女中年。從幾個月大教孩子玩滑梯蕩秋千開始,我都是本著“set a good example”的原則,自己先上啊。這些年陪玩棒球,網球,足球,籃球,排球,滑冰,鋼琴,什麽不會個三招兩式。如今兒子要打架子鼓,需要個彈吉他的配角,我小時候學小提琴的,這把年紀了重新報班學吉他;女兒演音樂劇“霧都孤兒”,我上班掙學費,下班了陪練扮倫敦的街頭賣花女高唱“誰來買我又紅又香的玫瑰,一分錢兩朵!”我容易嗎我?
例1:我老板是個有一百多項專利的牛人,白男,伶牙俐齒。上月和他在公司年會上喝酒閑聊,他說他小時候是個數學和科學的prodigy,有一次學校請來一位科學家講演,問學生們 “什麽是核力”,其他啥都不懂的孩子們紛紛踴躍舉手“Me me me!” 他這個公認的神童卻想“這問題很深奧啊,我得想想”。老板跟我和在場的幾個公司fellow級別的說這個,是說當年自己很酷的喔。所以說數學不一定就不酷,關鍵是你得是prodigy,而不是苦哈哈題海戰術犧牲了所有社交時間練出來的那種。當然數學神童很少見,一般數學好的就難免被妖魔化了。有部電影裏高中小白男告訴心儀的女孩說“我剛加入了Maths Club”想impress她,金發女孩搔首弄姿道:“Oh my god that’s social suicide!”老公家裏三姐弟都是典型的數學好的小中,都是紐約史岱文生高中及MIT出身,大姐MIT 5年拿了EE,CS 3個碩士學士學位,二姐西屋天才獎得主,老公最差,進了MIT後微積分課程也全免,因為高中AP課place out了。他難免有時顯擺說“我當年在maths club的時候。。。”每次一說我立刻做搔首弄姿狀:”Oh my god that’s social suicide!”其實小中數學好也是自信的資本之一,但是不能隻有這個。
例2:不久前參加一個業界women’s networking酒會,我以為有飯吃,到那兒卻隻有wine and cheese,和一幫穿著晚禮服的白女高管panel members在台上大談健身,不禁索然無味。正想站起來離開,下一位panel member開口了。這是唯一的一位亞女,她一開口就說“這些fitness talk不是我們亞裔的茶。我從不健身,我每周都按摩。。。”全場大笑,我又坐下了。她講她如何40年前來美國讀大學,幾月後跟白男戀愛了,英語不好,看情書都查字典,雙方父母堅決反對。她作為一個marketing專業畢業的,70年代加入那家百年老店很少見女人的技術公司,被要求做engineer(亞裔嘛),又如何爬corporate ladder。她要求她的兩個兒子跟俄國老師學鋼琴,不吸毒,不早戀。。。坎坷充滿文化衝突的經曆卻風趣幽默,全場掌聲連連,比給前麵的白女高管們的熱烈多了。Panel discussion完了,白女們紛紛圍著她,告訴她她多麽酷,她的講話多麽有意思。看我等她,她走過來跟我用中文打招呼,又約我去吃中餐。下樓找到酒店的中餐館,她又說不地道,不如我們打車去Chinatown。當時已晚上9點,我看她興致勃勃的樣子,60歲的人了,不禁笑誇:“You are wild!” 她講的40年前的她,讓我多少看到了20年前的我自己。而白女們認為她酷,則完全因為她stand out。
I haven't seen any Chinese women who don't learn English but push kids to learn in US. Maybe in China, but it simply does not work here. I am pretty sure soundofsilence's English is excellent, although I wouldn't conclude someone's English is excellent simply from his/her PhD degree - too many Chinese PhD's confine themselves in the Chinese community outside work, and their English sucks and understanding of American social life remains limited.
Yes, self-improving is no doubt important and should be lifelong. What I mean by "be yourself" is not to pursue to be perceived as "cool" by others deliberately, even to an extent that you lose your self identity.
florence0012015-03-14 10:32:06回複悄悄話
老中小中怎麽酷? my answer is 不玩體育,不玩好體育酷不了
florence0012015-03-14 10:28:26回複悄悄話
we can change , self-improving is making a change. the lady in your article tried hard to learn English in order to communicate with her american husband , she was making a change. have you seen some chinese women not learning English but pushing their kids learning chinese?
we can not "be yourself " all the time, we have to try to be better ourselves. we can make our kids be proud.
by the way, 靜音是位博士,I bet her English is excellent .
aprilpinkrose2015-03-14 09:16:55回複悄悄話
回複 'florence001' 的評論 : Your definition of coolness is interesting:) Agreed. I was just commenting on a few things talked about in the original article. To me, "be yourself" is far more important than "be cool".
florence0012015-03-13 23:10:40回複悄悄話
you talk about "cool" , my understanding of "cool" is standing out, not necessaryily outstanding, not following others , has personal style, unconventional, a little bit provocative. it is more like fashion.
lady sound of silence talked about be a decent mother, self-improving rather than pushing the kids . your ladies did not talking about the same thing.
agree with you Match band is not a cool thing at all.
as well as play pinpong ball.
I haven't seen any Chinese women who don't learn English but push kids to learn in US. Maybe in China, but it simply does not work here. I am pretty sure soundofsilence's English is excellent, although I wouldn't conclude someone's English is excellent simply from his/her PhD degree - too many Chinese PhD's confine themselves in the Chinese community outside work, and their English sucks and understanding of American social life remains limited.
Yes, self-improving is no doubt important and should be lifelong. What I mean by "be yourself" is not to pursue to be perceived as "cool" by others deliberately, even to an extent that you lose your self identity.
we can not "be yourself " all the time, we have to try to be better ourselves. we can make our kids be proud.
by the way, 靜音是位博士,I bet her English is excellent .
lady sound of silence talked about be a decent mother, self-improving rather than pushing the kids . your ladies did not talking about the same thing.
agree with you Match band is not a cool thing at all.
as well as play pinpong ball.