By Cristina Rosetti
The Hitler Dalai Lama Nazi Scrapbook of pictures
The person to the left above and draped in Swastikas is called: The Dalai Lama. He is the self-proclaimed political and religious leader of
(which will be shown clearly to be anything but peaceful) was given the Nobel Peace Prize and the Congressional Gold Medal by George W. Bush. He claims that he is a man of peace, but is he? Or is the Dalai Lama like his predecessor, Jim Jones who also was venerated as a "holy man" and "man of peace" until he poisoned all of his devotees in French Guyana. Recent exposes by respected German magazines and Salon and other media, have revealed a very different person than the Dalai Lama pretends to be.
Who and What is the Dalai Lama? A holy man or wholly a fraud with Nazi connections?
Respected journals show a person who pretends to be a man of peace but has taken millions of dollars to raise an army to attack the Chinese in order to re-impose dictatorial rule over
Heinrich Harrer Dalai Lama Adolph Hitler
SS Nazi Officer Good Friend of Heinrich Harrer,
Death Squad Leader who in turn is a good friend of
Top Dalai Lama Adviser Dalai Lama
What do these men have in common with each other?
Answer: They are all Nazis or Nazi supporters and
mutually good friends of the Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama Dr. Bruno Beger Heinrich Himmler
Nazi SS Officer Head of SS and Head of Hitler's Gestapo
Convicted War Criminal Good Friend of Heinrich Harrer, a top
Top Dalai Lama Adviser advisor to the Dalai Lama
Augustine Pinochet. Also known as the Shoko Asahara.
"Butcher of
fugitive Nazi war criminals and also a good praised by the Dalai Lama after
friend of Dalai Lama and avoided being tried giving over a million dollars to
for mass murder with the aid and abetting from Dalai Lama. Also an admirer of
Dalai Lama Adolph Hitler. Convicted of
mass murder by placing
poison Sarin gas in the
Miguel Serrano: Head of the Nazi Party for
Who is this man Heinrich Harrer as seen in the photo (below) and above with the Dalai Lama and further below in a photo with adolph Hitler?
The Horror of Harrer
If you have seen the movie, Seven Years in
Sturmabteilung (Storm Troopers or SA or Brown Shirts). The SA was
Harrer helped Hitler take over
What was the job of the Dalai Lama's good friend ,Heinrich Harrer's SA and SS? The pictures below tell the story:
Above is a photo of Heinrich Heinrich Harrer with the Heinrich Harrer's SA thugs
Harrer's SA thugs or Storm Dalai Lama long after the enforcing a boycott of
Troopers forcing Jews to clean Holocaust and after the Jewish owned businesses
the sidewalks of
where Heinrich Harrer lived SA thugs die-hard Nazi
Hitler supporter to the very end
You don't have to tell people how atrocious Heinrich Harrer's Nazi SS was if they are (the few survivors) from Oradour, France or Lidice Czechoslavakia or many thousands of towns and cities in Russia, White Russia, Poland, the Ukraine, the Balkans and Baltic Republics--they know about the massacres of men, women, children and infants by Harrer's SS thugs. The pictures below give at best only a very tiny glimpse of the incredible horrors inflicted by the Dala Lama's Nazi SS friends or their comrades on the world. In 1933, at age 21, Harrer joined
Heinrich Harrer's SS
After Harrer's SA was dissolved by Hitler, Heinrich Harrer joined Hitler's SS elite organization of killers. Harrer became an officer in this murderous organization Below are pictures of some of the duties expected of officers of the SS, such as the Dalai Lama's life-long friend, Heinrich Harrer. The murders of civilians below was another item left out of Brad Pitt's movie on Harrer. Harrer graduated from the
Below: After the Dalai Lama's good friend, Heinrich Harrer joined Hitler's Death Squad or SS, he had his picture taken with his friend, Adolph Hitler. Hitler then sent SS officer Harrer with other SS officers on a mission to
In the above July 1938 photo, on the immediate left side of Adolph Hitler is Hitler's personal friend, and the Dalai Lama's personal friend, Heinrich Harrer. Heinrich Harrer is the SS Nazi Death Squad Leader who lived with his friend The Dalai Lama for years and was mentor to the Dali Lama. Heinrich Harrer was a personal friend of Hitler who had been a member of a violent racist/terrorist pro-Hitler organization (Brown-Shirts) working to aid Hitler's take-over of
Source: Der Spiegel, No. 45, 3 Nov 1997, p. 146
See 1994 picture below also with SS Death Squad Leader, Heinrich Harrer with the Dalai Lama.
On the mission for Hitler to bring
First, there were the executions of men, women and children by Dalai Lama friend,Heinrich Harrer's comrades in the SS. (See photos on the left and right). The photo on the left shows the Dalai Lama's top governmental advisors' comrades forcing civilians to dig their own graves before shooting them in the back. The photo on the right shows the Dalai Lama's friend's depraved comrades using mothers with their small children, for target practice with their rifles. Middle photo is another picture of the Dalai Lama laughing with SS Death Squad Leader, Heinrich Harrer. It was not at all unusual for Harrer's Nazi SS to laugh, dance and play musical instruments while they were raping, shooting or bayoneting men, women and children and infants. This was the SS of the Dalai Lama's good friend whom he still promotes and who along with convicted Nazi mass murderer, Bruno Beger, were made top advisors to the Dalai Lama's government in exile.
The next step in the process by the Heinrich Harrer's SS was to deport to Death Camps, those not shot by Heinrich Harrer's organization. Either by forced death march or by cramming people into cattle cars. See photos below on left and right. In the center nostalgically recalling memories together of the good ol' days are Heinrich Harrer and the Dalai Lama. Members of Heinrich Harrer's SS considered their massacres a "spiritual mission". Is this the kind of "spiriituality" that Harrer learned from the Dalai Lama or did the Dalai Lama learn his "spirituality" from Harrer?
After marching or transporting by cattle car to the Death Camps by Heinrich Harrer's SS, those who were still alive were sorted out for either immediate death, inhuman medical experiments, brothel duty or slave labor and then torture and death. The SS officer who did the choosing was Dr. Josef Mengele (aka Angel of Death) as seen in the picture on the left deciding who lives and who dies.
Those in the photo on the far right were chosen by Mengele to be immediately gassed by members of Heinrich Harrer's organization, the SS. In the middle photo can be seen, (sitted at his War Crimes Trial) Dalai Lama advisor, Dr. Bruno Beger, who also performed inhuman medical experiments on inmates at Auschwitz and then gassed them all.
The photo on the left shows clearly abused and starved boys to be used for medical experiments. The photo on the right shows a typical aftermath of the Dalai Lama's good friend,Dr. Bruno's "patients" after he performed his medical experiments upon them, using the "ocean of knowledge" (as Bruno called it) that he had learned from the Dalai Lama, to create an "ocean of dead bodies". Bruno Beger performed medical experiments on 100's of unwilling inmates and all of whom ended up like those in the photo on the right above. For the other literally millions of inmates at Death Camps brought there by the Dalai Lama's other friend, Heinrich Harrer's SS, the result was also the same for them--death by gassing, starvation or torture. The photo in the middle is a picture of the Dalai Lama embraced by mass murderer Bruno Beger with the Dalai Lama congratulating mass murderer, Dr. Bruno Beger on a job well done!
Picture above in the middle, is the Frontpage of Bruno Beger’s book: “Meine Begegnungen mit dem Ozean des Wissens“ („My meetings with the Ocean of Knowledge”) – Königstein 1986.Evidently, the "ocean of knowledge" that Beger received from the Dalai Lama didn't help his hapless patients who were all murdered with Beger's complicity. "Ocean of knowledge" indeed.
Check out the fairly recent picture below with the Dalai Lama standing next to his Nazi friends and members of terrorist organizations, who are his top advisors: SS Death Squadron Leader Heinrich Harrer and convicted Nazi war criminal, Bruno Beger.
Years after the Death Camps were liberated and Bruno Beger was convicted of mass murder and Nazi War Crimes, how did the Dalai Lama react to Bruno Beger and his other Nazi SS friend, Heinrich Harrer? You make Nazis and Nazi killers, top advisers in your government in exile. You then have your picture taken with them (as in the picture immediately below) and post it on your website for the world to see that you don't discriminate against Nazi Death Squad Leaders and convicted Nazi War Criminals. See first the 1994 picture below.
Above Photo - A 1994 photo from the Dalai Lama's own website. In the middle is The Dalai Lama. On the Dalai Lama's immediate right is former Nazi SS Death Squad Leader, Heinrich Harrer. On the Dalai Lama's immediate left is friend of the Dalai Lama, Nazi SS Death Squad Leader and convicted Nazi War Criminal, Dr. Bruno Beger who was convicted of mass murder at Auschwitz Nazi Death Camp in
The Dalai Lama purports to be a "man of peace". However, has he ever criticized let alone condemn the violence of Al Qaeda? Has the Dalai Lama ever repudiated the crimes of his close Nazi friends or of the
One on the most consistent behaviors on the part of this "omniscient holy man" is that he is almost always wrong about everything when it comes to criticizing those who do great wrongs but who can help the Lama with money or fame. For example, the Dalai Lama will endlessly criticize the Chinese--who won't do what he wants. However, the Lama will never criticize George Bush, who gave him an award and lots of fame. The Lama actually says that George Bush is an "honest" man and that Bush's war of lies and profits resulting in war in
Photo above is a Tibetan slave in leg-irons, under the "enlightened" rule of the Dalai Lama before he was forced out of power in
While the Dalai Lama purports to be a "spiritual leader", he seems to be drawn to having close friendships with Nazis, former Nazis, mass murderers, convicted terrorists and refuses to repudiate their actions and appears only to want to have more prominent photo ops with his Nazi and terrorist friends, especially those who have a lot cash to throw at the Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama has implied that the Chinese taking over
Dalai Lama says and look at his actions, one must wonder just what kind of ruler the Dalai Lama would be.
Remember: "The Lesser of two Evils is still Evil!"
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