

Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?(ZT)

(2008-04-13 06:20:33) 下一個
Strategies of Attrition (II)
Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
Germany's "conversion" from Nazism to democracy was forced on it by the victors of WWII.

We left it up to the Germans to "deNazify" their country! Now Germany appears to be backsliding as the Nazi German spirit is beginning to stir again, getting ready to break free from imposed shackles with a fury, and come back with a vengeance from the abyss, threatening to wreak havoc upon the world.

This is documented within Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.

It appears mankind continues its march of folly and refuses to learn, and rejects the biblical principles of strong leadership as manifest in great British-Israelite heroes like Winston S. Churchill.

For the record, I've been throughout Germany four times and have had German roommates while serving as a volunteer in various kibbutzim in Israel, and have nothing against individual Germans and believe their country is very beautiful, and am definitely German-American, in large part.

I love the German people enough to help warn them to be very wary of any crisis that will tempt them to just blindly follow the leader about to emerge, who will be presented as Europe's savior from nuclear Islam, by none other than the pope and the Vatican's political puppets. Yes, beware the beast! The Bible exposes Europe will experience another wannabe divine emperor.

I believe that most Germans are merely naive or ordinary citizens (like this country), but that the powers that be behind the scenes, the real rulers of Germany, are intent on misleading and manipulating the German army and people again to form their final and Fourth Reich, just as Bible prophecy warns.

Growing evidence of this troubling trend was clearly manifest in the Balkans, where Germany led the assault against our faithful WWII allies, the Serbs, and raped and destroyed Yugoslavia and slaughtered the Orthodox, all as groundwork for their unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

How did Germany do this when the German constitution forbids it? The United States were useful idiots for Germany and the bloody Vatican under our shameful president, Bill Clinton, and helped to do their dirty work for them in lockstep with NATO (the same NATO/UN/EU forces about to be used and abused in the Middle East, wolves in sheep's clothing, "peacekeepers" with their evil eye on Jerusalem).

By foolishly aiding and abetting German hegemony throughout Europe, we are actually helping to create the Frankenstein Monster that will destroy us! Margaret Thatcher couldn't have been more right.

Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow?

exposes all is not quiet on the continent, although Germany puts up a front...for now.The EU is a German Ruse

Bill Cash, MP, questions "The German Question" [The European Journal, April 2007] "of what and where is Europe?" when "Germany has not even established her own national identity, which remains strikingly unstable even after reunification... let alone found a directing principle which can hold the ramshackle European Union together...".

Mr. Cash proceeds to warn: "Without radical change, the evolution of the EU would lead to a German Europe." He then proposes, challenging German ambitions: "The institutions and treaties reasoned under the terms of the Franco–German partnership need to be unravelled and renegotiated to support a simpler and freer association of nation states with national referendums on all existing treaties. A democratic answer to the German Question at last."

The Germans have created and tolerated the charade of the EU. They have never intended to share power with untermenschen nations but have planned to methodically impose Germany's will, however slowly but surely, upon the continent by stealth.

Even as the irascible Nazi-Muslims, the "Palestinians" - German agents of genocide against the Jews by proxy - patiently pursue their phased destruction of Israel (with collaboration from its purchased oligarchy), Germany will dispense of democracy as soon as it has served its purpose, outlived its exploitation, even as Adolf Hitler did once he consolidated power to himself. The world is in for a rude awakening: The EU is a German ruse.

What will enable Germany to reveal their true colors? To exercise complete dominance over Europe? To gain the consent of the continent to be placed under total German control? An unprecedented crisis of sorts.

Will Iran offer Germany this opportunity?

Will Germany find itself fulfilled in its mission from God to save Europe by restoring the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation"? Will the Vatican offer Germany this meaning and purpose and direction it presently lacks - at least publicly? Will the pope strongly promote Germany to rescue the world from Islam, by any means necessary, and get the masses eating out of his hand? Will The Atlantic Times address the German threat or leave it to others to lead?

The German question demands a German answer, and such an answer is destined to take the world by surprise. The United States as world leader is history. Providence has so decreed Germany rules. Will Germany get it right this time? Or will the German-Jesuits require humbling by Asian instruments? And will all mankind demand divine deliverance?

Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?
Europe to Take Out Iran for Jerusalem
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads its Wings

Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.

Rodney Atkinson, author of three books on the subject of Fascist Europe Rising (his most recent), led the charge, sounded the alarm, from a strictly secular point of view that interestingly matched what theologian Herbert W. Armstrong was warning about from a purely biblical perspective: the revival of the unholy Roman Empire is well underway and most remain oblivious to its inherent dangers.

Both the Bible and history serve as two witnesses that testify against the German-Jesuit dominated drive to control the European continent and then the world, enforcing a Pax Romana of sordid sorts.

Do you really think such a grand design would limit itself to Europa or restrain itself to remain a regional power?

Truth is stranger than fiction.Calls are increasing for the destruction of the European monster in the making, to abort the beast while it is still possible, due to legitimate concerns ranging from the fascist tendencies of the EU, its Nazi role model starkly laid out and exposed, and fears it will ultimately implode and impede Europe for years and drag the whole world down with it.

In Abolish The European Union, Robert Locke considers "The EU is a mortal threat to the civil liberties of those who live under it.... The EU is quite plausibly the nucleus of an aspiring soft-totalitarian world state; it is in fact far more likely to fulfill this role than the justly-despised UN. I apologize if this sounds alarmist, but history clearly teaches us to think ahead to the logical implications of things that are just beginning... there are signs that Europe is awakening to the monster in its midst."

Even Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship" -

"In a speech he delivered in Brussels Mr Vladimir Bukovsky called the EU a "monster" that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state."

Notice the reoccurring use of the word "monster" in reference to the rising beast in Europe. Germany is the head of the monster even though The Atlantic Times, among others, looks the other way and refuses to question: Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow? Even though Johannes Gross revealed his countrymen wear a mask. 'But the day may come when someone lifts the mask," he wrote. "... So long as we wear the mask, we remain hidden and continue to conceal the situation from ourselves.'"

Others fear the colossal failure of the European Union and its tragic consequences.

Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon laments "The EU wants to recreate the Roman Empire and ends up creating the second fall of Rome."

Christopher Booker and Richard North, co-authors of The Great Deception: Can the European Union Survive? believe the EU is destined to fail and would "leave a terrible devastation behind it, a wasteland from which it would take many years for the peoples of Europe to emerge" and conclude: "... the project Monnet had set on its way was a vast, ramshackle, self-deluding monster: partly suffocating in its own bureaucracy; partly a corrupt racket, providing endless opportunities for individuals and collectives to outwit and exploit their fellow men; partly a mighty engine for promoting the national interests of those countries who knew how to 'work the system'... The one thing above all the project could never be, because by definition it had never been intended to be, was in the remotest sense democratic."

However, biblical prophecy shows that the European Union will be highly successful, rich and powerful enough to enforce their economic, political and religious views upon the rest of the world, insisting all receive their mark of approval or else (Revelation 13:16-18; 17; 18).

"Corporatism is of course the basic building brick of all fascist systems," Rodney Atkinson notes in CORPORATISM - THE EUROPEAN DISEASE IS CATCHING.

Apparently, Mr. Atkinson is right again as Jerome Corsi has been exposing how our Southern border blurs for global trade, in accordance to treacherous plans well underway to create the "North American Union" that merges Mexico, the United States and Canada, complete with the "Amero," all under "...the Strategic and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP. The SPP agreement was reached between President Bush, President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin during their March 2005 summit meeting in Waco, Texas. The Bush administration plan is to create a North American Union along the model of the European Union...." (emphasis mine).

Corresponding with Mr. Corsi about these developments by design at home and abroad, he responded:

"Common markets and free trade zones are forming across the globe. The North American Union is further along than we think. This is a fight we have to take on, otherwise the USA is gone."

That's the whole purpose of the globalists! No wonder President Bush doesn't give a hoot (remember the Bohemian grove?) about borders with Mexico. Many leaders have sold their souls, betrayed their people and backstabbed their countries.

Reuters Arthur Spiegelman, wrote on May 10, 1996: "Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret post-war international network to restore them to power, according to a newly declassified U.S. intelligence document. The document...says an SS general and a representative of the German armaments ministry told such companies as Krupp and Rohling that they must be prepared to finance the Nazi Party...when it went underground."

We are now witnessing the beast beginning to rear its ugly head again and come out from its exile, having taken firm root throughout the world. Germany's Fourth Reich is forming with partnerships around the globe, its Assyrian eagle looking both East and West as its talons are determined to clutch countries as prey and enslave all to their system.

The secret Nazis are getting more brazen and will soon shed their corporate, political, educational and religious cloaks to openly promote their new emperor to oversee this international enterprise of elitists called BABYLON.

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

Greetings to one and all, in the name and memory of Herbert W. Armstrong who visited and addressed many leaders of the nations you represent here today.

Mr. Armstrong, ambassador for world peace without political portfolio, was a man sent by the Great Creator God (who made all men and determined the boundaries and languages of each nation) to deliver a bittersweet message.

I shall also deliver that bittersweet message, standing before you, facing the nations, dressed in a black t shirt, jeans and sackcloth -- not your typical attire for such important affairs, but these are not normal times and business as usual will soon be history, as you all very much know and express your concern by gathering here in the United States of America to address these issues that threaten all mankind.

The world waits with bated breath to hear the recording of the former tyrant Saddam Hussein and questions whether they will confirm his weapons of mass destruction program and justify President George W. Bush's decision to launch his preemptive attack against belligerent Iraq.

Regardless, our American troops have already been dispatched, they have bravely fought and deposed the proud dictator who imagined himself a modern Nebuchadnezzar driven to destroy the Jews, and free elections have now been held in that liberated country - not that democracy alone is the message God has ordained our British-Israelite nations to spread. However I share with you a greater recording that will directly affect each and every one of you, and trouble your nations and bring mankind to the brink of extinction unless that “Strong Unseen Hand from Someplace” intervenes and saves us from ourselves.

From reading Ryan Mauro's book, Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq -- it was impressed upon my mind how mad some Muslims are driven by the jinns of jihad and insanely seek to wreak havoc and destruction upon all the world who rejects their false vision. I gladly testify that not all Muslims share their perverted passion, as is evident in noble men like Sheik Abdul Hadi Palazzi of Rome, Italy.

However, I do solemnly affirm that such spiritual sickness does not only afflict the Muslim world, but that such religious fanaticism is again to rear its ugly head in blood-soaked Europe. Europe's rapid response to jihad will be a new crusade that will slaughter both Arabs and Jews and every Christian who doesn't agree with the Roman Catholic Church!

The Prophet Daniel records some great provocation, an Islamic confederation or network of sorts that is soon to butt heads with Catholic Europe (Daniel 11:40-45), resulting in a blitzkrieg operation that will strike them dead in the Middle East, taking out countries like Egypt and subduing Libya and Ethiopia and undoubtedly overwhelming Iran.

That is good news. Europe -- not America -- will neutralize the Nazi-Muslim threat. However, the bad news is that it will bring out the beast in Europe and only whet their appetite for more blood. Europe will morph into the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, and demand Jerusalem become an “international city,” as called for by the accursed UN Resolution 181. The Germans and Jesuits have been the major influence behind this strategic move and have their evil eyes on the prize of Jerusalem, especially the coveted Temple Mount.

The whole world has been focusing on Islamic terrorism, as is understandable, but the greatest threat to world peace is the German-dominated European Union! The United States has foolishly been helping to create such a Frankenstein Monster that will brutally betray both the American, British and Jewish peoples. Herbert W. Armstrong warned of this clear and present danger -- as an early warning system -- for years. The weapons of mass destruction that the increasingly fascist EU possess will unleash nuclear terror upon our major cities and rain down death and destruction upon us and those who survive will suffer deportation due to our idolatry and immorality.

These biblical warnings, based upon reliable information obtained from Daniel and the Book of Revelation, are the greatest recording all mankind must hear and heed -- if we're to be spared from WWIII. I'm here to announce this plain truth as a witness and a warning and share it within Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. What you do with it is between you and your Maker, but I encourage you to take it seriously and choose life and help save your respective nations.

Germany Behind the Mask

For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.

Are We Wrong About Europe? by Ryan Malone of The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, reveals how they continue in Armstrong's tradition.

Konrad Adenauer said the West was "taking a calculated risk" when they started rebuilding Germany after the Holocaust. Before that President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill agreed: "It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism and to ensure Germany will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world."

Nevertheless, Helmut Schmidt reported Germany was again putting on "imperial airs," and author Bernard Conally wrote that France was struggling to "hold the old demons of Germany's character in check." Margaret Thatcher warned her deaf audience that "Germany is very powerful now - her national character is to dominate." Are they all just crying wolf? Or is the German beast about to devour again?

Robert Locke is opposed to the increasingly fascist Europe (but doesn't believe Germany dominates it) stated: "I can't agree with you about Germany. It is a castrated PC marshmallow of a country, not a lion preparing to rule the world."

Consider Luigi Barzini's reference to “The mutable Germans” in The Europeans where he questions: “Which is the shape of the German Proteus this morning? Which will be its shape tomorrow? Johannes Gross thinks his countrymen wear a mask. 'But the day may come when someone lifts the mask,” he wrote. “The face that appears may be less full-cheeked and rosy than today's... So long as we wear the mask, we remain hidden and continue to conceal the situation from ourselves.'”

Ron Fraser (Is a World Dictator About to Appear?) exposes: “Although Germany is the prime mover in all these [European unification] efforts, in order to dispel any idea that the country may have expansionist intentions, these initiatives have generally been made under the cloak of being for the common good of the European Union.”  

This sentiment concurs with Bismarck, who wrote in his diary (Nov. 1876): “I have always heard politicians use the word “Europe” when they were making requests to other powers which they did not dare formulate in the name of their own country.”

What is Germany hiding? Nuclear weapons? Who would be so foolish to imagine Germany without their own nuclear weapons when they were ahead of us in developing them? Certainly the grand design Franz Josef Strauss had in mind (with much at his disposal as Federal Minister of Nuclear Energy, and later Defense Minister) demanded independence from the United States. And Germany's Dolphin submarines delivered to Israel, equipped to handle nuclear weapons, underscore German military capabilities, yet the United States continues to blindly promote their control of the European continent, oblivious to The Dangers in US-German European Policy.

How many German plants in America are serving the interests of Germany's budding Fourth Reich? It's not only German factories and German businesses in America proving “that basic thoroughness of the orderly German” (Johannes Gross), since the secret Nazis had predetermined such a strategy, but bought and paid for American prostitutes in diverse and perverse positions of power aid and abet them! They expose our country to danger and will leave us infected as a nuclear wasteland!

What is Germany hiding behind the mask? Even if skeptics dismiss the mystic relationship between Germany and the Vatican (both forging Europe into their image believing “the German spirit will heal the world” -Emanuel Geibel), and doubt the Bavarian pope is soon going to promote a particular strong man and platform to save Europe and the world from the threat of Islam, shouldn't those responsible for our national security seriously consider the scenario of a United States of Europe betraying us? Shouldn't the intelligence experts consider that possibility and prepare for it? Why suffer the element of surprise that Germany is infamous for? “The German is acquainted with the hidden paths to chaos...” (Nietzche).

“...it is once again important to keep an eye on the German Proteus in an attempt to fathom the probable shape of things to come. What form will he assume next? After all, Germany is still "le coeur de l'Europe” (Barzini). Is the German marshmallow about to mutate into the German monster? Will the EU mask come off and expose the beast? Will the heart be healthy for Europe or dark and dangerous?

Is a World Dictator About to Appear?

The Plain Truth magazine announced in 1966, “Just as the Catholic Church once interposed her order on nations and peoples, she again is proposing to establish a ‘Christian order’ which alone is able to guarantee peace. To this goal the resources of the Church now are directed.’ So said the late Pope Pius in a Christmas broadcast on December 24, 1951” (Plain Truth, July 1966)....

The Plain Truth also encouraged its readers to “Look for the Vatican to exert more influence in European affairs. Yugoslavia and the Vatican have resumed full diplomatic relations—a move that could lead to further ties between the Vatican and Eastern Europe…. The pope, encouraging European political unity, stated, ‘We note with pleasure that the German government contributes actively to the achievement of this aim.’ Vatican influence over European affairs is destined to grow in the months ahead” (Plain Truth, Aug./Sept. 1970)...

Is a world dictator about to appear? Yes! Now, in our time, we'll see just how influential this German pope is in implementing Germany and the Jesuit's Grand Design. The German pope will promote a leader for the theo-cons and they'll fall for it.

Germany will win WWIII -- and their E.U. jackboot will be permitted to stomp on the American, British and Jewish peoples primarily. But their days are numbered as Providence has given them 3 1/2 years, and God will judge them if they engage in overkill and show us no mercy. God will let Europe conquer us, but that doesn't mean God approves of them turning into a bloodthirsty beast.

O Israelites! Who could beat Great Britain in battle, or whip the U.S. in war, when God shed His grace on thee? Europe could never knock us down and kick us around -- until now! Because God's refining our gold in the furnace of affliction, and purifying our silver through great tribulation (Isa. 48:10).

Europe is not without sin: God’s going to deal with them shortly (Deut. 32:27-43). Europe’s simply the last vestige of Babylon, the scarlet daughter of the pagan Gentile system, destined to crash at Christ’s coming (Dan. 2:34). They’re simply building up God’s case against them: European leaders will be brought to trial and found guilty! God’s going to close down their occult operations, and burn their whorehouse to the ground! Strangely, it’ll be the Europeans themselves who torch the place (Rev. 17:16), yet they don't return to God but continue to follow their Nimrod and actually fight against the real Jesus (when He returns from Heaven in full view of all mankind).

Europe’s going to be burning mad, and their citizens express fiery indignation, when they realize the full extent of Rome's manipulation! For awhile, it’ll seem that it served their selfish interests to support the Catholic Church. Both big business and the political community will endorse this new global enterprise (Rev. 18:9-11).

Europe’s Roman Catholic roots will have appeared to be a stabilizing force, giving different nations some common ground. But the "Catholic services" haven’t come cheap: they'll escort select politicians to power, delivering them the people’s vote, in exchange for strict enforcement of Church policy. Within the framework of the "Holy Roman Empire," they’ve laid the groundwork for Europe’s immediate future!

The Vatican is working out a deal with ten European kings, with seductive offers of restoring them to political life upon their now dormant thrones, in return for the favor of acknowledging the supremacy of the pope and his chosen political partner. The ratification of this imminent Church-State union will be swept through by the malignant miracles the pope will perform in the presence of Europe’s new emperor! The pope will bewitch and mislead the people to presume his miracles are proof that Providence has chosen such an individual to rule Europe and save the world (Rev. 13:14).

Europe’s body politic awaits this infusion of soul to truly come alive. What crisis will occur to coerce Europe to hastily accept the pope’s proposal to recreate the continent in his image? A hungry Russian bear? An interrupted oil supply or Iranian nuclear threat?

Nevertheless, Germany stands ready to defend the Catholic faith and Western "Christian" Civilization against destruction, but in doing so will actually ignite World War III!

The German-led European Union will bring mankind to the brink of utter destruction, demanding DIVINE INTERVENTION to save everybody on Earth from extinction (Matt. 24:22).

The good news is that the legitimate King of Kings and Lord of Lords from Heaven will return and do just that!

And the wannabe divine emperor will be history, so help us God.David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon

blog.http://yitzhakrabin.blogspot.com/2007/10/strategies-of-attrition-ii.htmlSource Link:http://www.davidbenariel.org/europe/germany-behind-mask.htm
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