
瞎唱,瞎說,瞎鬧。 哈哈,我的博客我作主

EI Condor Pasa 2007新年快樂,萬事如意

(2007-01-01 11:26:59) 下一個


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最愛的英文歌兒! 偷工減料,把哼哼唧唧和啦啦啦啦的都省了,但是詞兒還是唱全了_(6)

If I could

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Yes i would, if i could, i surely would
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
Yes i would, if i only could, i surely would

Away, i'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound
Its saddest sound

I'd rather be a forest than a street
Yes i would, if i could, i surely would
I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet
Yes i would, if i only could, i surely would
Away, i'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound
Its saddest sound
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兩隻黃鸝 回複 悄悄話 我挺喜歡你唱這首歌,你唱得很好。

為人父 回複 悄悄話 聽你第一遍唱好象是中文啊,看我這耳朵。把你當男高音,說明文學城裏男高音沒人啊。可惜隻能聽見這一首啊。:)
醜女郎 回複 悄悄話 哇,原來是海明威大叔啊,報告大叔,我也以為我是女中音啊,可是上次一合唱,沒唱進女中音跑男高音去了,氣S我了,哈哈哈,這歌不就是英文的嗎,還有中文的嗎? 沒聽過呢。
為人父 回複 悄悄話 這次聽到了。原來醜丫是女中音啊,這在中國人中不多啊。喜歡聽你用英文唱這首歌。好聽。:))