2007 (228)
2008 (195)
2009 (139)
2010 (93)
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2012 (50)
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2015 (67)
2016 (62)
"Vulgar and audacious…buffoonish and reckless…he stripped political oratory of its decorum, setting the fashion of yelling when addressing the people, and imbuing politics with a triviality and contempt for propriety that soon after would ruin the entire state."--Plutarch
"the man who, with his attacks, corrupted the Athenians more than anyone else. Although other speakers behaved decently, Cleon was the first to shout during a speech in the Assembly, use abusive language while addressing the people, and hitch up his skirts [to move about]."--Aristotle
說的是當年民粹主義者 Cleon.