weston (熱門博主)
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(2016-11-05 16:55:04) 下一個

1. 先清點一下誰在支持Hillary:

** 19位經濟諾獎獲者聯名寫信支持H "we have decided to sign this letter jointly to express our shared judgments that Hillary Clinton is eminently qualified to serve as President, ". 接著如此開刷川普:"and Donald Trump is unfit for this office. By contrast, Donald Trump has no record of public service and offers an incoherent economic agenda."--經濟政策居然被評為狗屁不通.

諾獎獲者Robert Shiller當年預測了00年的股市崩潰和07年的房市崩潰,經濟界裏地位尊高. 如此說川普: “I don’t normally engage in politics, but I decided to sign this one because I think that the destruction that Trump’s campaign tactics have done to the institutions of this nation is a great moral issue...It isn’t Republican versus Democrat. It isn’t a normal political statement. It is a feeling of outrage against a demagogue.”-川普被視為民粹煽動者.注:demagogue這詞這次競選裏用得很多.現代史上希特勒斯大林是最著名的demagogue.都極善於信口雌黃.

** 70位諾獎獲者包括非經濟學的, 聯名寫信支持H (其中12位和上述名單重複) "The coming Presidential election will have profound consequences for the future of our country and the world. To preserve our freedoms, protect our constitutional government, safeguard our national security, and ensure that all members of our nation will be able to work together for a better future, it is imperative that Hillary Clinton be elected as the next President of the United States. " " We need a President who will support and advance policies that will enable science and technology to flourish in our country and to provide the basis of important policy decisions. "

** 在世的兩黨總統經濟顧問,最早任職於尼克鬆政府, 一共尚有45位. 其中沒一個endorse 川普.

** 看到370名經濟學家聯名信,哈佛耶魯MIT等經濟係教授傾巢出動, 登報反對川普政策.“He misinforms the electorate, degrades trust in public institutions with conspiracy theories and promotes willful delusion over engagement with reality,”..for promoting “magical thinking and conspiracy theories over sober assessments of feasible economic policy options.”--原來名校經濟學家們視川普的經濟政策為陰謀論, 狂人亂想的合體.

2.回到主題, 繼續找啊找, 看到底有誰在為川普站隊. 功夫不負有心人, 查到一份由300名經濟學家聯名反對Hillary經濟政策的信, 這是至今最接近讚同川普的了. 打開一看, 名校裏尚有普林斯頓教授一名哥大一名.普大的倒是幾十年老熟人鄒至莊教授.鄒教授功力甚高,他導師是諾獎獲者大名鼎鼎的弗裏曼, 隻是他本人離最高獎尚有距離. 這是至今找到最優秀的了.


  Hillary Trump
諾獎獲獎者: 77 0
過去總統經濟顧問: 45 0


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