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The social habits on display seem more deep-seated than simple manners and etiquette, said Sangita Rajbongshi, who moved to Japan from India 11 years ago. The 34-year-old left her apartment building in the suburbs of Tokyo to witness nursery-school teachers taking children outside to safety.
“It looked like if the ceiling had fallen on their heads the teachers would protect the kids with their own bodies;that’s the kind of training they get,” said Rajbongshi, a mother of two and a part-time English teacher. “Maybe this is something beyond any training -- one has to learn it from the day one is born.”
2. 但是現在麵對的危機很多方麵是人為的.或者更正確地說, 按經典工程設計和crisis management程序,可以避免.
福島核電站的設計和運行顯然有嚴重的缺陷.備用設備的安全和廢棄的燃料處理沒有經過仔細考慮.下麵有詳細的介紹: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-17/japan-s-nuclear-disaster-caps-decades-of-faked-safety-reports-accidents.html
a. 大企業為了成本對安全嚴重漏洞的忽視.裏麵有製造福島核電站4號反應堆總工程師的經曆.這是由GE和
Hitachi合作,由後者負責建造的. 不幸,在製造過程發生了嚴重故障.但是高層遮掩了.
3.很多問題過去有人指出過:The 1990 report by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an independent agency responsible for safety at the country’s power plants, identified earthquake-induced diesel generator failure and power outage leading to failure of cooling systems as one of the “most likely causes” of nuclear accidents from an external event.