weston (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2011-03-18 20:36:41) 下一個


“What struck me in this footage of Japanese in shelters, who lost their homes and relatives, is that no one was crying or showing any negativity,” Koo, a 26-year-old language teacher and native of South Korea, said by phone from her home in Tokyo. “There’s this deeply ingrained consideration for others, no matter the circumstances. In Korea, people would be bawling.”

“All my compatriots have left, but what they are missing is Japan at its best,” said Davy Bergier, a 38-year French musician living in Tokyo. “There is a look in the eyes of strangers on the street, more compassionate than before, like they are ready to help.”
Bergier was riding a train on the Yamanote line, a 21-mile above-ground railroad encircling central Tokyo, when the earthquake struck. Except for a few people who cried out in surprise, most remained calm and within minutes followed the conductor’s instructions to the street, he said.’Difficult to Panic’“It was difficult to panic when everyone around you is so composed and orderly,” Bergier, who has lived in Japan for three years and chose to stay in the country with his Japanese wife, said by telephone. “If this was France, there would be a moment of chaos.”

“Japanese line up for things, that’s nothing special.What’s amazing is that the lines got even straighter since the quake,” said Abasa Phillips, a 35-year-old U.S. citizen living in Tokyo.

The social habits on display seem more deep-seated than simple manners and etiquette, said Sangita Rajbongshi, who moved to Japan from India 11 years ago. The 34-year-old left her apartment building in the suburbs of Tokyo to witness nursery-school teachers taking children outside to safety.

“It looked like if the ceiling had fallen on their heads the teachers would protect the kids with their own bodies;that’s the kind of training they get,” said Rajbongshi, a mother of two and a part-time English teacher. “Maybe this is something beyond any training -- one has to learn it from the day one is born.”

2. 但是現在麵對的危機很多方麵是人為的.或者更正確地說, 按經典工程設計和crisis management程序,可以避免.
福島核電站的設計和運行顯然有嚴重的缺陷.備用設備的安全和廢棄的燃料處理沒有經過仔細考慮.下麵有詳細的介紹:  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-17/japan-s-nuclear-disaster-caps-decades-of-faked-safety-reports-accidents.html
a. 大企業為了成本對安全嚴重漏洞的忽視.裏麵有製造福島核電站4號反應堆總工程師的經曆.這是由GE和
Hitachi合作,由後者負責建造的. 不幸,在製造過程發生了嚴重故障.但是高層遮掩了.

3.很多問題過去有人指出過:The 1990 report by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an independent agency responsible for safety at the country’s power plants, identified earthquake-induced diesel generator failure and power outage leading to failure of cooling systems as one of the “most likely causes” of nuclear accidents from an external event.

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