weston2011-02-21 19:31:00回複悄悄話
It's only loosely based on Don Juan's legend, in terms of womanizing. There are several elements he added are different Freudian stuff:
1) the opera was completed about 1/2 yr after his father's death.
2). at the beginning of the play, a father (Anna's) was killed by the protagonist
3). then the dead father came back as the Commendatore to carry Giovanni to hell
It's only loosely based on Don Juan's legend, in terms of womanizing. There are several elements he added are different Freudian stuff:
1) the opera was completed about 1/2 yr after his father's death.
2). at the beginning of the play, a father (Anna's) was killed by the protagonist
3). then the dead father came back as the Commendatore to carry Giovanni to hell
Pretty haunting stuff for an opera comedy.