weston (熱門博主)
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Obama夫人服裝的設計師 Jason Wu 吳季剛

(2009-01-20 22:36:59) 下一個
現才26歲,來自台灣,畢業於Parsons. 他是比較另類.不過在好萊塢和設計界裏紅得發紫.

芭比娃娃的服裝設計師吳季剛心靈手巧,已經成為著名的芭比娃娃設計師之一。很多人都知道芭比娃娃,但很少有人知道藝術芭比娃娃,而知道芭比娃娃的服裝都是由全球最著名的設計師設計的人更少。風靡全球的芭比娃娃是美國美泰玩具公司大量生產和銷售的玩具娃娃,而藝術芭比娃娃則是設計師一針一線親手縫製出來的藝術品,近年來吸引了不少服裝設計師投身其中,逐漸成為收藏家的最愛。每年在美國舉辦的BMAA芭比設計獎大賽以及巴黎的流行娃娃展覽(FDF)是藝術芭比正式亮相和相互競賽的機會。吳季剛於1998年舉辦的BMAA芭比設計獎上第一次在娃娃設計界嶄露頭角,擊敗了來自各國的設計高手,奪得晚禮服和新娘禮服項目的雙項冠軍。隨後在巴黎的FDF上獲得亞軍,他的英文名字JasonWu逐漸在娃娃設計界闖出了名聲,頓時成為芭比娃娃收藏家的新焦點。美國Integrity玩具公司以高薪請他利用課餘時間為該公司的新款娃娃設計造型、化妝和服飾配件。目前在法國巴黎就讀高中今年還不滿18歲的吳季剛,已經是美國Integrity 玩具公司著名的娃娃造型設計師。該玩具公司為了表示禮遇,還在產品包裝盒上印上他的名字Jason Wu。去年首批500隻限量發行的Jason wu娃娃上市不到半年即全部銷售一空,奠定了他在娃娃設計界的地位,也正式開展了他自創品牌Jason Wu的個人事業。吳季剛雖然年輕,但是他對服裝設計的概念、對美的敏感度啟蒙得非常早,從幼兒起就喜歡芭比娃娃、看漂亮衣服以及同家人逛商店,他總是靜靜地欣賞櫥窗或是模特兒的漂亮著裝。為了讓他接受完整的教育,母親把讀小學四年級的吳季剛從台灣帶到加拿大求學,重金聘請當地知名的服裝設計師教他畫設計圖、分辨布料和最新的縫紉技術,吳季剛很快就抓到了服裝設計的竅門,深受老師賞識。盡管已經在娃娃設計界內闖出一番事業,但吳季剛仍不滿足,他立誌將來要當一名服裝設計師,自創Jason Wu品牌,專門為名媛淑女設計晚宴服裝和新娘禮服,讓女人也能和芭比娃娃一樣穿上他親手縫製的美麗服裝。

Jason Wu目前以自己名字命名的成衣品牌已經被曼哈頓薩克斯第五大道高級百貨公司看中,簽約獨家專賣。
下麵這是Obama太太在First Dance舞會的dress,這是選自幾百個設計,事後要按慣例進入Smithsonian博物館保存.

From WSJ: Ikram Goldman, owner of the influential Ikram boutique in Chicago, wanted to buy look number 17 for a “special” customer, Mr. Wu said. Her measurements would be sent over promptly, the dress had to be done and delivered as soon as possible and the designer was instructed not to tell anyone about the order, he said. “I had an inkling who it was for, but I didn’t want to think about it,” said Mr. Wu, then a fairly unknown designer who launched his line in 2006.

Then on Wednesday, Mr. Wu was watching ABC’s “The Barbara Walters Special” when Michelle Obama appeared wearing the $3,510 raw silk dress he made with hand-embroidered rosettes. “It was a little surreal,” said Mr. Wu, whose line will be sold at influential retailers like Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus for the first time in spring. “Narciso Rodriguez, whom she’s also worn – I used to intern there! This is so exciting.” (He said his office has been getting calls from retailers and press about the dress since his team sent out a release on it this morning.)

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閱讀 ()評論 (24)
taozizi 回複 悄悄話 頂!
aol 回複 悄悄話 這隻台巴 子太恐怖了吧!

kallisummer 回複 悄悄話
人類拯救計劃 回複 悄悄話 回複happisony and philasian 的評論:
You ask me to respect gays who ARE people on the earth. Ok, good, that is what I seek to. Most gays have resulted from inappropriate environment of their families, society, and culture. If all human on the planet were gays or lesbians, the planet would be in big big trouble!!!

Human, earth and the universe must be connected at intrinsic order. People may be potential to behave like animals. Should humanity be given up?

No. People have to give up anti-natural behavior. They should learn to be self-control and teach their children to be so.

Only when all people learn to be natural and self-control and work honestly could the world be recovered from the doom-day financial crisis!
alley 回複 悄悄話 適衣服應給模特穿

britannica 回複 悄悄話 今天純音閣有不少不諧和音啊:)

philasian 回複 悄悄話 Normally homophobia are deeply closeted gays. They are so afraid of being found out, so they go to extreme to attach homosexuals to be self-righteous. This has been justified by most hate crimes based on sexual discrimination.

Except religion and guns, these poor people has nothing else to hang on to.
philasian 回複 悄悄話 人類拯救計劃, you'd better save yourself from your hypocritical psychopath. 你看著難受作嘔,活該,自己慢慢受著去吧。
happisony 回複 悄悄話 回複人類拯救計劃的評論:

What does sexuality have anything to do with the current financial crisis? Turning all the homosexuals in the world straight does not solve the financial crisis. How does each American owing China 3000 dollars have anything to do with homosexuality? There are gay people all over the world, it's part of the world culture and population. GROW UP AND GET OVER YOURSELF. Being a Chinese doesn't give you the right to be ignorant.
daoheng 回複 悄悄話 making more and more food and merchandise based on the current population of the world is a kind of digging hole too. See the material price and the gas price pushed high,The God doesn't approve this solution.
daoheng 回複 悄悄話 God is so merciful of making lesbian & gay to control population with love as opposed to the war. What a wisdom! Relax, under the world of God, there is no mistake!
醉太平 回複 悄悄話 奧巴馬夫人身上這條裙子款式還可以,但穿在她身上顯得有點臃腫,確實像個巴比娃娃。
hcw 回複 悄悄話 To bornin1968,illnois700 & happisony,
First of all, I apologize if you guys felt any offense personally. Again, I respect gay just like I respect other patients or any people! I do believe they have psychological illness, which they do not agree just like other psychos. "disgusting" is just my direct feeling to the pictures, I didn't say"trash", I don't think any gay as trash, they are just people with psycho illness.
As a member of the society, I am entitled to express my opinions to any public information. I think any normal human being could have potential to become gay, just like their susceptibility to any infectious diseases. If you carefully look at the negative social impact caused by gay people's public activities, you will understand why I want to fight with homosexuality. Look at how fast it's spreading around the world, it's anti-nature, anti-human being, I will fight with this illness forever, if gay can publicly advocate homosexuality by their public activities like those pictures, why can't I tell others my feeling towards it? Note, I want to fight with the illness, not the guy PEOPLE!
I do not want my children become gay!
上心 回複 悄悄話
上 帝 (天) 誅 罰 人 類 於 其 肮 髒 , 不 義 !


人類拯救計劃 回複 悄悄話 生來平等?平等自由?自由法律?哈哈!





驚醒吧:GAY 和LESBIAN 戰勝不了金融和經濟危機。

你肚子餓的時候你能GAY 和LESBIAN ?




happisony 回複 悄悄話 回複hcw的評論:
Just because someone posed a picture on the internet, it does not give you the right to insult the picture when you don't have any idea what contest the picture was taken under. People are indeed entitled to the freedom of speech, but it is also right to RESPECT each other. You can think whatever you what to think, but it's also wise to KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. You don't have to share it with the world and other people don't have to take insults from you. A little respect goes a long way in life, especially when you are working with patient as I also do.
illnois700 回複 悄悄話 回複hcw的評論:
This is very typical homophobia. Indeed, you are entitle to your opinions. But it's pathetic you thought its witty/funny to use your sarcasm to insult people. Have you ever learned all human are born equally? You don't have to agree with others life style, sexual orientation etc, but does that give you have right to insult others? If you truly feel that way, is it okay for some white people to treat you as a "patient" just cause you don't have the same skin color as them?
illnois700 回複 悄悄話 回複hcw的評論:
bornin1968 回複 悄悄話 agree with Weston.

Could 人類拯救計劃and hcw explain specifically that what make you feel so????

you have right to express your opinions directly. but some expression like you two made are not responsible, respectful and appropriate... what do you think?
asiasi 回複 悄悄話 why these ABCs are guy like
zhimakaimen 回複 悄悄話 此人設計的有些還不錯的, 不過米歇爾這身乍眼看著像繃帶.
hcw 回複 悄悄話 I agree, the final two images are disgusting, nothing wrong to express one's feeling directly. If anyone wants to show something, they have to respect other's comments, same thing to the opened blogs.

I respect gay, just like the way I respect all of my patients, although I'm not a psychiatrist.
weston 回複 悄悄話 回複人類拯救計劃的評論:
Learn to express idea and thoughts precisely, that'll be better. Trashing others doesn't help accomplishing that.
人類拯救計劃 回複 悄悄話 The final two images are disgusting trash.