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是啊,去年的這個時候,她才上初三。 學生們吵著民.主啊,自.由啊,她們也似懂非懂。有一天,她說:“媽媽,我們同學都說你很民主,是個民主媽媽。”我就想你看,我天天很忙東跑西顛,家務事幹得少,所以不嘮叨。孩子的功課我也不管,都是先生管,他都是連吼帶叫的。孩子小的時候,說打就打,像個暴君,所以把我給襯托的形象好了。
來到美國以後,在肯塔基的時候,我們辦了個中文學校。我們還是中國人的習慣,家長總是給孩子做主。我們要去一個小學校宣傳中國文化, 汀汀會畫畫,通常我就叫她去幫忙,她那時才上小學,我就和他媽媽說了。到了去的那一天,她媽媽說:奶奶讓你去幫忙哪,她馬上說:“為什麽她不問我哪?”是啊,小家夥教我學民.主,人.權哪。她也是人啊。人家小狗小貓還有權呐,何況我們的孩子。以後我就注意培養自己尊敬每個人的意識了,包括小朋友。我發現,幾千年大人給孩子做主的習慣已經成形了,很難改啊。
在美國教會更是每個星期三都有會,提案拿出,同意的說I, 不同意地說什麽(我給忘了)。剛到美國,上主日學,老師說了個什麽事情,大家都說不該這樣,然後有位姊妹就說:也得讓人家說話啊,要不我們怎麽有權說話啊,又受了一次言論自由的教育。
There was the World Cup and I was crazy about Maradonna back then. Together with my cousin we watched every match on TV. There was not much going on in the summer of the prior year in our town. There were some protests, but they went down pretty fast. I was a middle school student so I didn't get to see anything on the street in May. When school was off, the protests were over too. My dad, by the way, also made a 180 degree turn from supporting the protests to support the crackdown when the wind turned. I loathed him even more since then. We've never been close and I thought he was an opportunist and my mother was a hero in 1989. I think she's brave and also clever, my dad was a treacherous coward. At 15 years old I already decided I must leave the country for its injustice. A 15 year old kid wasn't all blind and just wanted to have fun being a spectator. I didn't have any sympathy for the soldiers burnt or cut open, shown on TV. There was only profound fear and total disgust after viewing it: "Is this all for real? Or is it a show to try to intimidate people?" I buried that mistrust deep down in my heart towards the official rhetoric. Because all of a sudden I realized the Communist Party was a fraud and cowardice to its people. What kind of leaders are they that cheated on the young, college students? The sky fell down to me and all the reality revealed: it turned out almost everything I learned about Chinese history was revised, propaganda stuff. The famous four ancient inventions were made up. The heroes that were brandished in the textbooks were actually villains; the villains, on the other hand, were better people. Shoot, teens like me were not stupid. Summer 1989 was a good lesson for us youngsters to learn. And I took it to my heart.