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昨天,我在聖地亞哥的一位陌生朋友給我來了一個電話,嗬嗬,挺突兀的:“牛哥呀,我家娃馬上就要上高中了,但是這孩子不夠努力我心裏也很著急,您對培養孩子有心得,您能不能把你們家娃當年的 Turtle 介紹給我們呀?特別特別的感謝!”
“我們家的 Turtle ? 我們家沒有養過 Turtle 呀,再說了,Turtle 和你們家孩子學習有什麽關係呀?”我對人,對事兒,對這位大媽說的話是一頭霧水呀!
“嗨,也不用太麻煩,我們就需要一位數學 Turtle ,一位英文 Turtle, 不過,再有一位物理 Turtle 就更好了!”人家以為我不願意給介紹 Turtle 呢。
數學 Turtle ,英文 Turtle,物理 Turtle ?我怎麽好像突然就明白了一點兒:“您說的是 Tutor 吧?
“對,對,就是 Turtle,對孩子特別有幫助!”
”是有幫助,但是,我們家娃從來都沒有請過 Tutor。”
有一次,我和一位北京哥們去美國餐館裏吃飯,大家都看菜單,半懂不懂的。我那哥們就和人家服務員說: “I want a bowl of chicken noodle soap. ”
人家帥哥服務員用看外星人的眼光看著我那胡同串子哥們: “We do not offer chicken noodle soap, Sir.”
“See, see, you see, here, on the menu.”
服務員一看:Chicken Noodle Soup。“OK, I will get you chicken noodle soap!”
北京人,永遠都分不清楚 Road 和肉的。
你讓北京人說 Road,100個人裏有99個人是說肉的,改不過來,北京人從小就缺肉!
還有一次去一個 Party, Party 上有一位德高望重的老太太,還是北京第二外語學院的教授。我見了教授,那個尊敬呀,教授長教授短的,滿臉堆笑。老太太就心花怒放了也反過來誇獎我:“阿牛呀,我就喜歡你的 Smell 。”我一愣,我的 Smell? 今天沒有用香水呀?也沒有吃生蒜呀?哪兒來的什麽 Smell ? 轉過身去猛吸了幾下鼻子,把我周邊的味道都感知一遍,沒有什麽 Smell 呀?
老太太又說了,我的那個老公,整天板著個臉,從來也不 Smell。
OMG, 原來老教授說的是 Smile 呀。
東北人說英語,S 和 X 分不清楚。我的朋友東北老張,是個怕老婆。有的時候我和他出去吃飯,總要打包一些東西帶回去,還念念有詞:Xi likes it, Xi likes baozi.
我說,我知道 Xi 喜歡包子,這和你老婆有什麽關係?
老張也說了,我知道 Xi likes baozi, I don't care, but Xi likes baozi.
很多年之後,我才 Realize 東北老張說的那個 Xi 原來是 She !
我們第一代移民的老中說英語,有說的特別好的但是大部分是有各種口音:北京口音英語,上海口音英語,山東口音英語,四川口音英語,唐山口音英語,特別的好玩兒。真的喜歡聽他們說帶有濃重口音的英語,a lot of fun !
說,I do not like your crap.
老中一聽,以為說的是"crab", 不記得哪日讓他品嚐了自己的螃蟹美味,有那麽失望.於是乎對答.
"Do not worry, I will cook my crab with onion and jinger, you will love it!"
藍天白雲915LQB 發表評論於 2022-08-12 16:00:02
'DO YOU HAVE 垃圾?I want 垃圾‘
有了,肉得(副詞;作輕聲)是也!(如: 肉得瓷實;肉得玉環般富態,佳人樣銷魂)
I did pay attention to the preceding (fair) warning. I only meant the following to be a joke.
A: Remember Wen?
B: Who?
A: Wen.
B: When?
A: Yes, the dude overseeing Chinese state affairs when the Hu/Wen team was in charge.
B: The Who-When team? What a strange way to name a state core leadership team! Well, I am no expert with all things foreign.
A: I myself am not that much better when it comes to foreign customs. Among the things I likely will never figure out is why the Chinese keep referring to their current leader, who is clearly a male-looking guy, as she.
B: You meant Xi?
A: Yes, she! Just weird.
B: I think I do know that one: Xi is his family name.
A: You meant her family name?
B: No, his - if I am not mistaken.
A: Mistaken about what?
B: What else? His publicly acknowledged sexuality.
A: Wow! You are still talking about China? I did not know such things were openly talked about even in today's China.
B: Kinda shocking, indeed. After all, it was not that long ago when we practically knew nothing about that closed society with over one billion souls.
A: No kidding! Now, if I may, back to the Wen question: you remember him?
B: What? When is now a person, and a male?
A: Yes, Wen is a person, and a male. It was never in doubt that Wen was a man, as far as I know.
B: But Xi's sexuality is questionable, you are saying?
A: I did not say that, but when the whole country keeps refers to its leader as she, it is hard to guess otherwise, wouldn't you say?
B: I cannot argue with that, I suppose.
A: Forget about this she-thing. Can we get back to Wen?
B: When?
A: Now, this moment.
B: Whatever...
(Again, my apologies if I went overboard. Sometimes I misjudge myself with my ability to tell a bad joke.)
“很多年之後,我才 Realize 。。。那個 Xi 原來是 She !”
再說了,正如Seinfeld would have said: Not that there is anything wrong with it.
A: Xi is like baozi
B: No, she likes baozi
A: She is not Xi !
B: ???