2008 (125)
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在我還沒有來到美國的時候,就聽過 Lionel Richie 的歌, 很喜歡他的 Say you, Say me。
來到美國之後,租過 Lionel Richie 的 MTV 錄像帶,一曲 Hello,不知道聽過多少遍,連細節都背下來了,這麽多年了還沒有聽膩。
Lionel Richie 七十年代的發型,絕無僅有的聲線,唱起歌來聲情並茂手舞足蹈,作詞、作曲、演唱, Lionel 的音樂天賦,是每一個人欣賞愛慕的,每一個音樂人都羨慕、嫉妒、恨的!
Kenny Rogers, 美國樂壇的實力派代表,同 Lionel Richie 同台合作,令人開心,歡樂,感動。
Lionel 長胳膊長腿的,跳起舞來也很瀟灑。
維基一下我的偶像:Lionel Brockman Richie Jr. (born June 20, 1949) is an American singer, songwriter, actor and record producer. Beginning in 1968, he was a member of the funk and soul band the Commodores and then launched a solo career in 1982. He also co-wrote the 1985 charity single "We Are the World" with Michael Jackson, which sold over 20 million copies.[2] Richie has sold over 90 million records worldwide, making him one of the world's best-selling artists of all time. He is also a five-time Grammy Award winner.[3] In 2016, Richie received the Songwriters Hall of Fame's highest honor, the Johnny Mercer Award.
喜歡他的歌詞簡單 又非常能打動人心