
peterpan1668 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2024-11-09 14:58:26) 下一個
Feb 5, 2024

Attention: Ms. Yvette April, Chief Administration Officer  Village office of Standard         (Email sent: cao@villageofstandard.ca, admin@villageofstandard.ca)                                                                    

Dear madames/sirs (Municipality of Standard):

Please open the attachment and I responded to your office with two letters of "NOTICE OF TAX ARREARS". By the fact, your office never paid the bill that was addressed on 18 of April 2019, which your office ignored five years long up to today for the damages of illegally dumped street snow on my both properties since 2012. On one hand, your office used my property tax payments, created multiple legal harassment, pretended you were enforcing the law of Alberta Municipal ACT, which you never even care about, what law you should follow and how to respect. 

On the other hand, your office just continually ignored my bill, using my property tax payments again,  through your legal representative, ignored my refusal and counter claim registered with the same case, turned around through with the Alberta Law Society Association claiming your legal costs on me, then illegally sealed my hotel land. Please check that I paid my property taxes updated, which all deposited INTRUST account opened under your office named VILLAGE OF STANDARD. And you would find the reason why I didn't pay it to your office directly.

I am in my 70's and I am living alone, stuck with this hotel since I unable to sell because of your multiple harassment, and my whole family members all moved away from this village because it has no life to us. What are your those warning letters of "NOTICE OF TAX ARREARS" to do? Link my hotel and land for public auction again??? My health is dropping down so much, which the emergence brought me to the emergency multiple times and my blood pressure is extremely high, and I don't know what to do anymore since all the investors I brout in were scared away...

With your office creating multiple harassment, it caused my business to have almost no sales. Please do remember, I am the investor who brought more than half million invested in this village to start. so I must invest more money to keep it alive, you think is this fair? Yes, I learned that IN THIS VILLAGE HISTORY, there are no outsiders able to struggle for two years here once your guys don't like them, I am the only one who is struggling for my rights and standing up for 12 years. Is that my fault? This is no longer 18 centuries, and we are all living in modern civilization society, and could we turn over the page to let your village civilians all live under a healthy, peaceful environment? 

Thank you for your kindness

Peter 587 437-1668      (PS: Attached letter below)


Attention: Ms. Yvette April, Chief Administration Officer                          Jan. 28th, 2024

       Village office of Standard, Alberta    

Cc: Alberta Appeal Court       File number: 2301-0096AC

Cc: Alberta Human Rights Commission 

Re: Peter Zen Guo Pan & Standard Hotel (AHRC file: S2021-05-0056)

Dear mesdames/sirs (Municipality of Standard):

I received notice letters from your village office regarding the property tax issues. I did remind your office that I opened the INTRUST account at RBC Royal Bank since year 2022 under name for Village of Standard, (I resend the attachment. The reason I open this INTRUST account by the following:

1.      For the municipal law enforcer, your village office abused Alberta Municipal ACT 610, wrongly created the two-bedroom mobile house (I am not the legal owner) kept it in your storage place illegally charging space rental costs for over three years long, hidden it into my property tax, and claiming outstanding property tax to link my hotel for public auction, made it looks like legal matters.

2.      When I brought this matter to Alberta Ombudsman, Human Rights Commission, and King’s Bench Drumheller, your legal representative didn’t respect the fact for the damages your office caused to me, to my family and my business, behind me convinced the judge grant your legal costs on me.

3.      I filed the refusal of the pre-trial judgement and counter claim of my damages to the same injunction case at the King’s Bench Drumheller since this pre-trial judgement is invalid because the judgement granted without me, especially I never sign anything at the pre-trial hearing and afterwards (the copy I hand delivered to your legal representative’s office).

4.      Your representative didn’t respond my refusal of the judgement and counter claim of my damages to the same case at the King’s Bench Drumheller, he turned around used this invalid pre-trial judgement claim the legal cost through the Alberta Law Society Association to claim the costs, which I can’t attend to the hearing since I was infected by Covid-19 and I was isolated. By then your legal representative sealed my hotel land for your office legal costs.

5.      Followed the instruction, I filed my state of claim to the King’s Bench Drumheller, somehow your office changed your legal representative, she turned around convinced the judge kicked out my case and use the excuse that I didn’t respond her email letter. By the fact I was locked myself in my suite for months for major depression that your municipality office caused me (multiple times I had run to the emergency, which the ambulance also brought me to hospital emergency multiple times as well because my blood pressure was extremely high).

6.      Was my family doctor and counselor both keeps encouraging me to face it, deal with the Alberta Human Rights Commission and file the revision through the AHRC Tribunal system, and file to the Appeal court for these two wrong judgements, the copy of court appeal case sent to your legal representative, and your office as well.

7.      Last week, I received two letters named “NOTICE OF TAX ARREARS” from your office for my company both properties (hotel & residential). Again, it refers to the first paragraph of this letter and all my property taxes paid updated in your INTRUST account with RBC Bank (please check the copy of the attached below of this letter).

8.      The reason why I created the INTRUST account and deposited my properties tax payments into this account because the wrongdoing by your village office and took my property tax payments used it to create those legal harassments to my business, my personal, and my family, which it caused my family members no one want to stay in this village of Standard, I have no choice since I stuck with my hotel that I even can’t enjoy my retirement…

9.      By the fact, your village office is the municipal law enforcer, but your village office just wrongly overusing the power to abuse your own civilians, otherwise it should never happen in this way. Moreover, how could your office abuse the law to create those legal harassments, irresponsibly added your office legal expenses on me? Which totally forgotten how much damages caused to my business, my personal and my family!

10.   Once again, please view the bill I sent to your office (check it attached again below this letter) regarding your office illegally, none-stopping dumped street snow on my both properties for years since year 2012 when my family and business settled in this village. Your office was ignored my bill first, when I brought it with part of my counter claim and state of claim, your office gave the excuses and claimed that I was agreed to allow your office dump the street snow on my both properties, which this is totally lie, and your office no one cares since similar lies your office filed to the Alberta Ombudsman, AHRC, and to the court as well…

11.   This is the reason for me created this INTRUST account under your office (named village of Standard). Somehow, your village office is the municipal law enforcer, but your village office just wrongly overusing the power to abuse your own civilians, otherwise it should never happen in this way. Moreover, how could your office abuse the law to create those legal harassments, irresponsibly added your office legal expenses on me? Which totally forgotten how much damages caused to my business, my personal and my family!

12.   I afraid your office would use my property taxes payments again to pay your legal representative to create more legal harassment just as your office did in the past. Please take a note: I am just a little guy who owned yellow skin, spoken broken English, and powerless to struggle my rights since your office overpowered to abuse me, my family, and my business with your punch of lies, fake statements, and this is the only way could be done to struggling of my rights. 

13.   I don’t know what your municipality office will lead it again after those two letters of “NOTICE OF TAX ARREARS” I received? Will create action to link my hotel for public auction again? I am here state once more: the reason why my property taxes didn’t pay it to your office directly because multiple legal harassments your office created, and your municipality office never paid off the bill of illegally dumped the street snow on my both properties, and your legal costs wrongly collected on me, and etc..

14.   Please pay off your bill of “Invoice of Street Snow Storage In My Private Properties”. Check the Alberta Municipal ACT if there will be any law allowed your village office dumped street snow on your civilians’ private properties? 

Especially, there is AHRC TRIBUNAL processing that is not done yet, especially the case with the Alberta Appeal Court, it’s still waiting for the hearing date. I send this letter with attached the bill for ILLEGALY DUMPING STREET SNOW ON MY BOTH PROPERTIES, Here by I strongly suggest your village office be kindly review the law of Alberta Municipal ACT 610, and the whole issues that your office created damaged to me, my family, and my business before to create more legal harassment.

Giving yourself accordingly.

   Peter Zhen Guo Pan Per:

Standard Hotel / Sunny Investment Group Inc.

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