境隨心轉 - 第二十六篇 '境隨心轉篇 '
有個善知識曾經教導我: "心的轉變也同樣改變著人所處的境".
11 月 2008,USATODAY.com 新聞報導: 全國的失業率升至 14 年來的新高 6.5 % , 10 月份 240,000 人失業.
10 月 2008 ,新聞報導, 傳聞 GM ( General Motor) and Chrysler 將合並為一家公司. 其中一項好處是兩家公司可以互用大家的員工, 可以確保工會成員的工作保障.
我對工會的印象是好壞參半的. 和我一起工作的同事有許多都是工會成員. 有一次, 同事的工作做完了, 整天坐在那裏沒事做. 我跟上司說 道: ' 我可以訓練這個人做這項工作,讓他學習新的東西. 對他的前途是會有幫助的'
上司回說道: '不可以,因為他是工會成員,你講的這個工作不在工會的合約內 . 如果讓他做這個工作. 工會將控告公司違反合同'.
2006 年 6 月, 公司的那次的裁員,我開始留意公司的行政策略. 今年 2008 年, 公司的第 3 季營業報告是賺錢的, 而且比預期的好. 但公司還是跟往年一樣, 裁員 20%. 也有一些分行, 18 個員工 , 隻留下一人.
我突然想到一個部門. 他們負責的產品,已經被一個新產品代替了. 那個舊的產品, 廣告和銷售部門都已經關閉,銷售人員一個人也沒有了.
因為公司 想要維持現有的客戶. 希望在合同到期時, 客戶會轉簽新產品的合同 因此公司仍然保持著幾個技術人員. 這些技術員也不能轉到新產品的部門. 因為他們沒有受過新產品的技術訓練. 但當有些技術人員辭職後,公司也不會填補空了的位置 .
已經過了兩年. 我發現, 那個部門仍然還在. 我查看它的銷售數量. 是有增加沒有減少. 我心中想著, 這是怎麽的回事.
我找那個部門的主管, 我問他,新客戶是從那裏找來的 ?.
他微笑著的回說道: '是安裝技術員人他們自己找的 '.
我很驚訝的問他道: ' 他們是有工會的. 不能做銷售的工作. 公司是會被控告違約的. '
當技術員知道, 他們將在一個 社區做維修工作. 他們會在前一天到附近的社區 派發廣告傳單. 然後,如果有客戶對產品有興趣, 技術員立即通知新帳戶部門, 如果沒有信用的問題, 那就立即做安裝. 比原來有營銷部門時的程序 還要快,服務還要好.
我問他,派發廣告傳單不是技術人員工作範圍內的事 . 他回說道: " 他們 是在他們自己的休閑時間內, 自願做的!". 我聽到之後,心內的愉快, 多到找不到地方可以放下. 現在想起了, 仍然還是為他們高興.
他們的努力,挽救了大約 300 人的工作. 正是如那個善知識所說的: "心的轉變也同樣改變著人所處的境". 工會的合約也管不了他們的心! 嗬嗬 。。。
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
來自一位網友的評論 ( 11/9/2008 )
正如一句老話說的: 助人自助,自助者天助.
1/11/7/2008: ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
The nation's unemployment rate jumped to a 14-year high 6.5% in October as business payrolls dropped 240,000 jobs.
11/13/2008: ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
WASHINGTON - The number of newly laid-off individuals seeking unemployment benefits unexpectedly jumped last week to its highest level since after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Analysts had foreseen just a slight increase .
11/17/2008: ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
NEW YORK - Citigroup said Monday it will cut about 50,000 jobs to bring expenses in line with a shrunken business .
12/1/2008: ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
WASHINGTON - The USA is officially in a recession that began a year ago, the committee of economists that dates business cycles said Monday. "The committee determined that a peak in economic activity occurred in the U.S. economy in December 2007," the National Bureau of Economic Research said in a statement. "The peak marks the end of the expansion that began in November 2001 and the beginning of a recession."
12/5/2008: ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
Employers cut 533,000 jobs in November, the most since 1974, as the unemployment rate rises to 6.7% from 6.5% in October.
1/8/2009 : : ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
Employers shed a seasonally adjusted 693,000 jobs in December, up from 476,000 in November, ADP and Macroeconomic Advisers said. It was the largest decline in the eight-year history of the report, which uses payroll data and statistical models to gauge the job market.
1/9/2009 : ***Yahoo News***
financial_meltdown The nation's unemployment rate bolted to 7.2 percent in December, the highest level in 16 years, as nervous employers slashed 524,000 jobs, capping one of the worst years in modern history for American workers.
1/9/2009 : ***USATODAY.com News***
PITTSBURGH — Alcoa (AA) , the world's third-largest aluminum maker, said Tuesday it will cut 13,500 jobs, or 13% of its work force. The Pittsburgh-based company also said 1,700 contractors will be cut as part of a broad-based plan to reduce costs.
2/6/2009 : ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
WASHINGTON (AP) - The government says employers slashed payrolls by 598,000 in January , the most since the end of 1974, catapulting the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent .
2/18/2009 Yahoo news :
GM alone said it would cut 47,000 jobs globally by the end of the year — 19 percent of its work force. It also said it would close five more U.S. factories, although it did not identify them.
Chrysler said it will cut 3,000 more jobs and stop producing three vehicle models.
2/19/2009 Yahoo news:
AP - The number of laid-off workers receiving unemployment benefits has jumped to an all-time high near 5 million while new jobless claims remain well above 600,000. Both figures were worse than expected and new projections from the Federal Reserve show unemployment rising for the rest of this year.
2/19/2009 Yahoo news
WASHINGTON – The Federal Reserve on Wednesday sharply downgraded its projections for the country's economic performance this year, predicting the economy will actually shrink and unemployment will rise higher.
Under the new projections, the unemployment rate will rise to between 8.5 and 8.8 percent this year. The old forecasts, issued in mid-November, predicted the jobless rate would rise to between 7.1 and 7.6 percent.
2/23/2009 Yahoo news:
the U.S. unemployment rate — now at 7.6 percent, the highest in more than 16 years — is expected hit a peak of 9 percent this year.
3/6/2009 Yahoo news:
If part-time, discouraged workers and others are factored in, the unemployment rate would have been 14.8 percent in February, the highest on records dating to 1994.
3/6/2009 ***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
The unemployment rate jumped 8.1% as 651,000 jobs were axed in Feb., pushing the figure to its highest since 1983.
Yahoo news
The number of people receiving benefits for more than a week increased by 193,000 to 5.3 million, the most on records dating back to 1967. That's the sixth time in the past seven weeks that the jobless claims rolls have set a record high.
4/27/2009 Yahoo news:
DETROIT – General Motors Corp. said it will cut 21,000 U.S. factory jobs by next year.
Yahoo news:
New applications for jobless benefits plunged to the lowest level in 14 weeks, a possible sign that the massive wave of layoffs has peaked. Still, the number of unemployed workers getting benefits climbed to a new record.
***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
WASHINGTON (AP) - The pace of layoffs slowed in April when employers cut 539,000 jobs, the fewest in six months. But the unemployment rate climbed to 8.9%, the highest since late 1983, as many businesses remained wary of hiring given all the economic uncertainties
Yahoo news:WASHINGTON – Fresh reminders that the recession likely has passed its peak, but hasn't ended, emerged Thursday in reports that first-time claims for jobless aid and wholesale prices rose more than expected.
... The Labor Department said the number of new jobless claims rose to a seasonally adjusted 637,000, from a revised 605,000 the previous week. That's above analysts' expectations of 610,000.
***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
Unemployment rate hits 9.8% in September, as employers cut 263,000 jobs.
***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
The unemployment rate has surpassed 10% for the first time since 1983 and is likely to go higher. Nearly 16 million people can't find jobs even though the worst recession since the Great Depression has apparently ended. The Labor Department says the economy shed a net total of 190,000 jobs in October, less than the downwardly revised 219,000 lost in September.
***USATODAY.com Breaking News***
The unemployment rate dropped unexpectedly in January to 9.7% from 10% while employers shed 20,000 jobs.
8/19/2010 Yahoo news:
Jobless claims rise to highest level in 9 months. Initial claims for jobless benefits rose by 12,000 last week to 500,000. The jobless rate has been stuck at 9.5 percent for two months.
< 要做到如是觀,先要心靜。>. 是的。謝謝